This class is for those who are having cancer treatment or for cancer survivors.
Gentle exercise
This light group training class includes resistance, stretching and cardiovascular exercise.
Move More
This gentle workout is suitable for falls prevention.
Qi Gong (Chinese Yoga)
Qigong practice involves moving meditation, coordinating slow-flowing movement, deep rhythmic breathing, and a calm meditative state of mind.
Card making
Come along to learn how to make a personalised card to gift to a friend or loved one.
Computer club (Adults and seniors)
This adults and seniors computer class will help to develop your technology skills.
Family History
Have you ever wanted to research your family history and haven't known where to start?
Golden Years
Keep active and connected by joining other local seniors for weekly games of indoor bowls, friendship and fun!
Pilates (Mat)
A floor-based activity that integrates muscle control, breathing, flexibility, strength training and body awareness, in a series of movements that engage the body and mind.
Run Group
Are you looking to improve your jogging or running or want to start for the first time? Berrinba Runners offer regular coaching, mobility and social running sessions weekly.