New city vision

A new long-term vision for Logan 

We want to transform the City of Logan over the next 50 years. Our aim is to genuinely improve the quality of life for the current and future generations who call Logan home. To do this, we are creating a transformational program of work. 

We will work with the community to create a set of city-wide goals to help us become the city we want to be by 2075. These goals will be across 5 themes. They will be achievable and aspirational. They will also balance Council and community needs.  

Importantly, these goals will be supported by projects able to be delivered over the short, medium and long term. 

Building on the Logan Community Vision

This long-term strategic planning will build on the Logan Community Vision developed in 2020:  Logan Community Vision Report (PDF 1.77 MB).

This vision was created and owned by the community. It was developed through broad and targeted community engagement, which included a ‘mini public’ deliberative panel. Full details about this process can be found on Have Your Say Logan: Logan Community Vision.

For the past 4 years, the Logan Community Vision has helped guide Council decisions and with many of the actions now delivered, it is now time to review and refresh this vision. 

What projects will be included?

We already have projects being investigated or are in development that have the potential to transform our city.  

We want to build on these and have a more wholistic approach to major projects. We also want a long-term pipeline of projects that will help deliver city-wide goals set by the community.   

How will the community be engaged?  

The Logan community will help shape the new vision and city-wide goals. We will engage with: 

  • the broader community 
  • local stakeholders 
  • industry experts. 

This may include surveys and other invitations to comment on specific ideas. Subscribe to Have Your Say Logan to stay up to date on these opportunities. 

The Logan Community Reference Panel   

We will again convene a ‘mini-public’ panel. This group will be the Logan Community Reference Panel. Its members will provide valuable insights and feedback to Council about strategic matters that impact the long-term future direction of the city.  

The panel will comprise 50 members. They will be independently recruited and selected at random. They will broadly represent the Logan community in: 

  • age 
  • gender 
  • ability 
  • culture and ethnicity (including culturally and linguistically diverse and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people) 
  • educational attainment/profession 
  • household income 
  • home ownership (owners and renters). 

The panel will also include members from every Council division of Logan and people living in rural and urban areas in the city. 

Subscribe to Have Your Say Logan to stay up to date on this exciting new project.