Reducing illegal dumping
Each year we receive over 1,200 reports of illegal dumping.
Our Illegal Dumping Strategy and Litter Enforcement Strategy 2022 to 2025 (PDF 1.45 MB) outlines how we will address illegal dumping in our community.
The Illegal Dumping Taskforce
Our dedicated Illegal Dumping Taskforce patrol the city daily to enforce and deter against illegal dumping activity.
Offenders can be fined or prosecuted for illegal dumping, however catching them can often be difficult. If we cannot identify them, we must remove and dispose of dumped goods at a cost to the ratepayer.
Community help is essential to catching and deterring illegal dumping.
What is scavenging?
Scavenging is when people rummage through recycling bins, skips or kerbside waste.
To prevent scavengers from taking your recyclables:
- only place your recycling bin out the night before collection
- during kerbside collection, place unwanted household items out the day before your collection date.
Consider donating items in good repair to the Logan Recycling Market or your local charity. Some scrap metal recyclers even have their own collection services.
Report illegal dumping
We encourage residents to report illegal dumping activity.
If the person is in the act, please help us by taking down the following information (if possible):
- date, time and location of incident
- description of vehicle and licence plate number
- description of person(s) dumping
- what items / materials were being dumped and your name and phone number (optional).
You can report illegal dumping:
Report illegal dumping online
- by email at, or
- by phone on (07) 3412 3412. After hours calls are redirected to our emergency response team.
With enough information we can and will pursue prosecution.
Win a year’s supply of tip vouchers!
Give us a hand to report Illegal Dumping and enter the draw to win a year’s supply of tip vouchers. View the full Illegal Dumping Competition terms and conditions.