City of Logan Customer Charter

Providing feedback on our services

Your feedback on our service, employees and processes is very important.

We are committed to dealing with all feedback fairly, confidentially, promptly and in a respectful manner.

We monitor and review customer satisfaction surveys, feedback forms, complaints, and social media to help assess our performance and find out areas for improvement based on customer’s wants and needs.

We rely on our customers to provide us with honest and fair feedback about our operations and services. This is so we can understand areas of our business that need improving. 

You can submit feedback using one of the following methods:

  • complete an Online Enquiries and Feedback form
  • complete a customer feedback form
  • complete a customer satisfaction survey, these are sent out to customers every month (randomly selected) by mail, email, and SMS
  • send us an email at
  • post us a letter to PO Box 3226, Logan City DC QLD 4114
  • call us on 07 3412 3412.