City of Logan Customer Charter
Delivering the best experience to you
We are committed to making sure our employees take a ‘community first’ approach in our dealings, so that:
- our customers have the best experience
- our performance meets our customer’s expectations
- our services meet the needs of our customers now, and into the future
- we provide value for money services to our community.
We will achieve this by:
- understanding our customer needs
- engaging with customers in a meaningful way to help identify and prioritise services now and into the future
- embedding a customer-centric culture by ensuring we have the right people, internal processes, systems, and tools to enable our employees to deliver great customer experiences
- being transparent in our service delivery.
When dealing with you, our employees will:
- act in a professional, friendly, and helpful manner
- treat you with respect, listen to your concerns, and communicate with you in plain and simple language
- provide consistent, accurate and easy-to-understand information
- take ownership if we make a mistake and work with you to find the right resolution
- take ownership of your enquiry or request and ensure our response is relevant, genuine and timely
- stay connected with you so that you are informed of the progress of your enquiry or request.