Operational plan

The operational plan helps us deliver our Corporate plan by prioritising our activities.

Each year, we undertake business planning to fine-tune our annual work commitments. We make sure there is the right mix of city-wide enhancements and ongoing city-wide maintenance.

We need to make sure that our planned activities are balanced with our ability to fund the cost of services and infrastructure.

For more information download our Operational plan 2024 / 2025 (PDF 1.07 MB).

Quarterly performance reports

Our annual operational plan is assessed regularly to make sure our services are being delivered efficiently, effectively, on time and within resource allocations. For more information, please download the quarterly reports below.

2024-2025 financial year

2023-2024 financial year

2022-2023 financial year

2021-2022 financial year

2020-2021 financial year

2019-2020 financial year

2018–2019 financial year

2017/2018 financial year