Corporate plan
The Corporate Plan 2021 to 2026 (PDF 6 MB) outlines our vision for the city, our strategic direction for Council and our priorities.
Our city vision: City of Logan, a green city full of pride, opportunity and culture
We have adopted a bold, new vision for the City of Logan. Our city vision has been informed by a community vision that was developed through months of important and intensive conversations with the community. It embodies the expectations and hopes for the future of our city.
Our priorities
We have seven focus areas for the term of the Corporate Plan that will help us deliver our vision for the City of Logan.
The focus areas are:
- maintaining current levels of service
- proud city
- environment
- healthy connected community
- economy and growth
- infrastructure
- high performing organisation.
Delivering the Corporate Plan 2021 to 2026: The annual operational plan
Each year, we develop an operational plan. Our operational plan describes the actions and projects we will deliver over the next 12 months. It delivers the commitments outlined in the Corporate Plan 2021 to 2026.
To find more information about our Operational Plan, please see Operational plan.