Regional Arts Development Fund guidelines

Eligibility criteria

Applicants must be based in the Logan local government area (LGA) or demonstrate how the project will directly benefit arts, culture and heritage in the Logan LGA. For a map of Logan LGA visit:

Who can apply?

  • Individual professional artists, artsworkers, cultural workers or project coordinators who:
    • are permanent residents or Australian citizens
    • have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Partnerships, collectives, or artist run initiatives
  • Not-for-profit organisations that are legally registered in Australia. This can include incorporated organisations, companies limited by guarantee, non-trading co-operatives, Indigenous corporations, etc.

What we can fund

Initiatives that:

  • Meet the purpose of these grants and address the assessment criteria specific to the program and/or category benefit the Logan community and are delivered within the Logan local government area. For a map of Logan see:

Costs associated with:

  • Assistance for up to 60 per cent of the total costs.
  • Intrastate and interstate activities only (international travel cannot be supported)
  • Travel, accommodation, and fees associated with employing professional artists or artsworkers to work on community projects or workshops in the local community
  • Materials and equipment up to $1,000 (Quick response not applicable)
  • Venue hire (Quick response not applicable)
  • Marketing and promotion up to $500 (Quick response not applicable)
  • Research and documentation (Quick response not applicable)

What we can’t fund

  • Amateur arts activities except for professional services to amateur arts activity. (One of the main RADF aims is to develop professional artists in the regions. Note: Emerging professional artists are eligible for funding).
  • Applicants who do not have an Australian Business Number (ABN).
  • Applicants who have outstanding debts with Council or overdue acquittals for any Council grants program.
  • Projects for which artsworkers are paid less than the recommended rates
  • Activities that commence before Council approval is given. RADF should not be used as a ‘top-up’ fund.
  • Craft workshops – unless a professional artist or artsworker is employed to work with a craft group to apply their skills in an innovative way to an arts development outcome.
  • School arts activities except where those activities form part of broader community cultural development processes or are part of professional arts development.
  • More than 20 per cent of costs associated with framing or freight, which will only be considered for significant exhibitions.
  • Arts competitions or eisteddfods, which are prolific and could monopolise funds.
  • Cost associated with publishing and printing costs. Up to 20 per cent of the total publishing cost may be considered for significant projects.
  • Purchase of capital items, such as equipment, buildings or vehicles. The only exception is for items that are included as part of a significant project that the RADF Committee considers integral to that project; and where the item will remain available for community use.
  • Recurrent funding for arts organisations (operational expenses are ineligible under RADF including wages for permanent staff and office expenses).
  • Accredited study, training or university courses (RADF does not fund the primary training of artists only their professional development once they are practicing).
  • RADF does not support 100 per cent of any project. Applicants are required to make a significant contribution to the project, of at least 35 per cent, which may be in-kind.
  • Applicants will only be eligible for 1 successful application and can reapply 12 months after successfully acquitting pervious RADF grant.