Black-Eyed Susan

Black eyed susan flower with yellow-orange flowers and a black centre

Scientific name: Thunbergia alata


  • Vigorous perennial twining vine that grows up to about 4 metres long, with roots forming at nodes of the stem when in contact with soil
  • Triangular to heart-shaped leaves up to 7 centimetres long, with soft fine hairs and broadly toothed margins
  • Bright yellow-orange five petalled flowers, with a black centre
  • Hairy capsule fruit with a few small seeds.

Weed status - environmental weed

Environmental weeds are not listed under the Act and there is no regulation for their control.

Although, not declared, these weeds do cause serious environmental harm and where practical, should be managed.

Control method

Foliar Spray

Herbicide is diluted with water at a specific rate, and sprayed over the foliage to point of runoff.

Most suited to shrubs, grasses and dense vines less than six metres tall.

Herbicide warning

Before using any herbicide always read the label carefully and ensure that the chemical is registered for use on the target weed. All herbicides must be applied strictly in accordance with the directions on the label.