
A vine plant has a long stem that grows along the ground or climbs up supporting structure. 

Please use the tiles below to find out more about vines in Logan.

Asparagus fern with small green spikey leaves and red berries

Asparagus Fern

Asparagus species

H2: Asparagus Fern
Balloon vine with yellow fruits

Balloon Vine

Cardiospermum grandiflorum

H2: Balloon Vine
Yellow black-eyed susan flower up close

Black-Eyed Susan

Thunbergia alata

H2: Black-Eyed Susan
cluster of three blue thunbergia flowers surrounded by green foliage

Blue Thunbergia

Thunbergia grandiflora

H2: Blue Thunbergia
purple and yellow brazillian nightshade flowers

Brazilian Nightshade

Solanum seaforthianum

H2: Brazilian Nightshade
Bunch of yellow cats claw creeper flowers

Cat’s Claw Creeper

Dolichandra unguis-cati

H2: Cat’s Claw Creeper
Corky passion leaf vine with small dark berries

Corky Passionflower

Passiflora suberosa

H2: Corky Passionflower
Dutchmans pipe seed

Dutchman’s Pipe

Aristolochia elegans

H2: Dutchman’s Pipe
close up of three glycine leaves


Neonotonia wightii

H2: Glycine
Pink and purple kudzu flower


Pueraria montana var. lobata

H2: Kudzu
Madeira vine up close

Madeira Vine

Anredera cordifolia

H2: Madeira Vine
Mile a Minute lavender flower


Ipomoea cairica

H2: Mile-a-Minute
three pink / purple morning glory flowers and some green foliage

Morning Glory

Ipomoea indica, I. purpurea

H2: Morning Glory
silver leaf infestation. Green leaves which are lighter in the middle

Silverleaf Desmodium

Desmodium uncinatum

H2: Silverleaf Desmodium
dark purple siratro flower.


Macroptilium atropurpureum

H2: Siratro
one white moth vine flower

White Moth Vine

Araujia sericifera

H2: White Moth Vine
one white passion flower with white petals, yellow in the middle.

White Passion Flower

Passiflora subpeltata

H2: White Passion Flower