Quality Lifestyles (QL) - Quarter 3 2020/2021
Project | Target | Status | Commentary |
QL1.1.1 - Develop the Community Infrastructure Strategy Annual Action Plan for 2021/2022. Purpose: Outline the priorities of community infrastructure for 2021/2022. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
Work has commenced on the development of the 2021/2022 Annual Action Plan |
QL1.1.2 - Deliver construction works of a new PCYC at Cronulla Park. Purpose: Provide a new facility to encourage increased participation in physical activity. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
The project is progressing well with the Building nearly complete. External works are nearing completion. There have been significant delays due to rain this year which has put the project back on its original time frame. |
QL1.1.3 - Construct an outdoor events space and redevelop the Kingston Butter Factory. Purpose: Provide a performing arts space and social history museum. It will be a state-of-the-art cultural precinct for community celebration and entertainment. |
June 2021 |
Monitor |
The rain and lockdowns have had a major impact on this project delaying works by multiple weeks. Due to its staging there are elements of the project that are nearly complete. The KBF building has progressed quite slowly as it was without a roof during the recent periods of sustained rain. We are yet to finalise the rain delays however the completion date for the entire project will be beyond June. Overall this project is proceeding well not withstanding the rain delays. |
QL1.1.4 - Complete construction of the Underwood Park Multi Sport Development. Purpose: To increase participation in physical activity. |
September 2020 |
The Underwood Park Multi Sport Development achieved Practical Completion on 24 of September 2020. The facility is being well activated by the lessees with the Meals on Wheels organisation to move in to their new facility in the coming weeks. Council are currently addressing some issues with drainage of the two storey building and the netball courts with Qbuild and the Principal Contractor through the defects process. Council is also completing designs to stabilise the banks on either side of the two storey building. Completion of the netball storage shed has been delayed and works will not commence until possibly late December. |
QL1.3.1 - Deliver the outcomes of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy 2019-2023. Purpose: Provide meaningful library programming to the community. This will be achieved through the six strategic priorities of:
June 2021
On Track
Over the third quarter, Libraries have completed the following actions in support of the objectives of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy:
About: The Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy informs the programming deliverables of the Libraries and Creative Industries' Business Plan. This strategy provides the framework to allow library staff to be guided in the development, implementation and evaluation of purposeful and engaging library programming and community engagement. |
QL1.3.2 - Deliver the libraries early years services and 'First Five Forever' initiative. Purpose: Support early years and literacy-based development for Logan families with children under five. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
Over the third quarter First Five Forever has completed the following actions in support of the Libraries and Creative Industries 2020/21 Business Plan:
About: First Five Forever aims to support the learning outcomes for all Logan children aged 0-5 years old by providing programs that offer talking, reading, singing, playing, dancing, and moving. |
QL1.4.1 - Deliver a health and wellbeing program for all ages and abilities. Purpose: Provide opportunities for residents to take part in physical activities and health and wellbeing programs that are affordable and accessible. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
Live Well Logan delivered over 130 active and healthy well-being activities between 11 January to 31 March 2021. During this time three days of activities were cancelled due to COVID lockdowns. |
QL1.5.1 - Deliver an Illegal Dumping Team project, funded by the State Government. Purpose: Undertake key education and enforcement initiatives to reduce waste dumping issues in the city. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
The Task Force continues to deliver value, including having to date:
With the remaining grant funds, the team will shortly move to establish hotspot signage across the city. Due to the effectiveness of a proactive waste taskforce model, a service enhancement seeking an additional 12 month's funding has been prepared. |
QL1.5.2 - Deliver actions from the City of Logan Animal Care Strategy 2018-2022. Purpose: Maintain healthy and safe places and spaces for residents, businesses and visitors. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
As at the end of the third quarter, actions from the Animal Management Strategy continue to be delivered. These include:
QL2.1.1 - Deliver the Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022 action plan. Purpose: Improve community capacity and the image of the city. This will be achieved across the City of Logan through the five strategic outcomes of:
June 2021 | On Track |
The five key actions of Creative City: Logan City Council's Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022 are development, engagement, places and spaces, partnerships and communication. These were delivered through exhibitions, activities, programs, events and activations during the third quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year The strategy is a whole of council document that states Council's commitment to arts, culture and heritage. It defines the key areas, strategies and actions to guide the management, sites and provision, and plan for its future growth and development. The strategy outlines areas where Council will work to develop more opportunities for the community and its arts, culture and heritage professionals to watch, enjoy and participate in creative activities, with the aim of enhancing quality lifestyle, creative industries and business across the region. It is an integral part of developing the city as an emerging tourist destination. Development: Artist-led face-to-face public programs recommenced at Logan Art Gallery with COVID-19 safe plans for each event. 8 applications were received from artists for the Regional Arts Development Fund. Engagement: Two COVID-safe 'staggered' exhibition openings were held at Logan Art Gallery during this quarter to launch nine exhibitions. Online gallery presentations continue on social media platforms and interactive online practical workshops were developed and delivered. 'Do@home' take home art packs have been developed, promoted and proven very popular with families especially over the school holiday period. Places and spaces: COVID-19 safe requirements are being undertaken to ensure visitor safety at all Council venues. The 'Check in QLD' app has been introduced at venues and take up has been positive. 6,564 people attended Logan Art Gallery or participated in outreach activities. Artists were consulted with about their designs for Beenleigh Town Square shade structure. Communication: Electronic direct mail invitations and e-bulletins were distributed to residents promoting exhibitions, resources, activities, events and funding. Logan Art Gallery Instagram account now has 1,118 followers. Social media remains the key platform for promoting Creative Industries' exhibitions, events and activities. |
QL2.1.2 - Develop and curate content for the Living Museum of Logan at the Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct. Purpose: Share the stories of:
June 2021 |
On Track |
About: The Living Museum of Logan will tell the stories of the people of Logan. It will be a non-collecting, family-friendly space where residents and visitors to Logan can be inspired and learn about Logan City. Museum Curator Ms Sana Balai commenced in February, undertook induction, and met with internal and external stakeholder groups, particularly First Nations community. Community members and artists are being selected to contribute to the first displays. Research and development continues to be undertaken for the annual program. Development of the Living Museum of Logan spaces, displays and programs continues. |
QL2.2.1 - Deliver community services grants that fund community organisations. Purpose: Support projects that respond to community priorities. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
The following Community Development Funding grants were awarded between January and March 2021:
Council's COVID-19 Community Response Grants ceased on 30 December 2020 with the final seven community organisations being awarded funding to the value of $34,098 in January 2021.
QL2.2.2 - Deliver a school holiday program for five to 17-year-olds. Purpose: Encourage young people to take part in active and healthy programs during school holidays. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
The January KRANK school holiday program ran from 9 to 25 January 2021 and delivered 98 in person activities and 14 at home activities with a total of 1,734 young people attending. 50 additional activities were programmed for this school holiday period to assist with demand |
QL2.2.3 - Coordinate the implementation of the Access and Inclusion Plan 2019 - 2022. Purpose: To create a more accessible and inclusive city for everyone. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
Council's Access and Inclusion Internal Working Group met in February where actions of the Access and Inclusion Plan continue to be progressed. The following are highlights of achievements from this reporting period: |
QL2.2.4 - Coordinate the implementation of the Reconciliation Action Plan. Purpose: To achieve Council's vision for reconciliation. To increase respect and understanding. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
An outcome report for Council's Reconciliation Action Plan 2019-2020 was presented to the City Lifestyles Committee in January 2021. The report outlined that of the 55 deliverables committed to in our second RAP, 42 (76.4%) were achieved, eight (14.5%) are in progress and five have not commenced. A plan is in place to commence the remaining actions. |
QL2.2.5 - Deliver the Community Development Action Plan. Purpose: To work with the community to build a more cohesive and connected City of Logan. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
The two year Community Development Action Plan reached its completion date in December 2020. An outcome report is being finalised, detailing the outcomes against the actions within the ten priority areas between 2019-2020. |
QL2.3.1 - Implement and evaluate the SafeRoads4Logan, Road Safety Strategy 2017-2021. Purpose: Encourage safer travel for residents, businesses and visitors. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
During the third quarter, Traffic Services Coordinator continued to meet every one (1) to two (2) weeks with Queensland Police Service traffic representatives and Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) road safety representatives to discuss and develop strategies in response to current crash trends and planned Police traffic operations. Commenced a number of speed limit reviews and awaiting outcome of nominations TMR Vulnerable Road User Program funding for 40 km/h speed zones in pedestrianised road corridors. Speed management advisory committee and road safety startegy working group postponed to May due to flooding and COVID events. |
QL2.4.1 - Deliver a crime profile that provides a detailed analysis of key crimes in the City of Logan. Purpose: Help plan community safety and crime prevention activities for the next year. |
June 2021 |
Completed |
Throughout this quarter, crime statistics for the Logan Local Government Area have been collected and analysed to identify priority issues, locations and emerging trends through the development of an annual Crime Profile for the City of Logan. Crime statistics for 2019/2020 have also been utilised to develop Divisional Crime and Safety Profiles to help inform planning for targeted crime prevention initiatives for the year ahead. These documents have also been distributed to the Mayor and relevant Councillors. |
QL2.4.2 - Deliver an awards event. Purpose: Acknowledge those who work to create a safer City of Logan:
June 2021 |
Completed |
The 2020 City of Logan Safe City Awards were held in November 2020. These awards acknowledge the work of volunteers, not-for-profit groups and government/businesses that have contributed to making Logan more welcoming, inclusive and safe through initiatives, activities or events over the past 12 months. A total of 12 nominations were received and a total of 7 awards were presented to the community.
QL2.4.3 - Deliver a community survey. Purpose: Gain an understanding of community perceptions on safety and crime in the City of Logan. This will support planning for community safety and crime prevention activities. It will also determine if the Community Safety Program is meeting the goals identified in the City of Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan. |
June 2021 |
Completed |
Analysis of the 2020 survey results and development of a key findings report for the city and divisional key findings reports for Council's 12 divisions have been completed and distributed to the Mayor and relevant Councillors. The city-wide key findings report has been made publicly available to the community on Council's website. |
QL2.4.4 - Deliver expo-style 'building social capital' community hubs that bring together social support networks. Purpose: Create opportunities for referral pathways for Community Corrections clients and other community members. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
The first Services on Station (formerly Building Social Capital) hub was held on 18 March at Logan Central. Over 40 clients of Probation and Parole and 10 general community members attended. 8 service providers engaged with attendees with 54 direct links made via these interactions. Knitted donations of blankets, jumpers and toys were distributed to those in need in preparation for winter. The next event is scheduled in the April – June quarter at the same location in Logan Central. |
QL2.4.5 - Install and replace CCTV safety cameras as scheduled. Purpose: Ensure continued successful operation and expansion of the Logan Safety Camera Program network. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
The Logan Safety Camera Program capital works and replacement schedule for 2020/2021 remains on track. Highlights of the work undertaken during the last quarter includes the installation of CCTV cameras at the following locations:
QL2.4.6 - Deliver a new Safe City Strategy and Action Plan. It will replace the current 2016-2020 Strategy and Action Plan. Purpose: Provide tangible actions for the Community Safety Program that will help create a safer City of Logan. |
December 2020 |
Completed |
The draft City of Logan: Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025 was available for community consultation for a period of three weeks, from 17 September 2020 to 11 October 2020. Once the community consultation period had closed, community feedback was analysed and appropriately incorporated into the draft Strategy and Action Plan. The final version of this document was adopted by the City Lifestyle Committee on 10 November 2020. |
QL2.4.7 - Deliver at least 48 targeted crime prevention and community safety activities. Four will be delivered per division each year. These will respond to crime and safety concerns of each local community. Purpose: Increase community safety and positive community perceptions about crime and safety. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
During the January to March quarter, there were 2 divisional activities undertaken within the City. These initiatives were undertaken within Divisions 1 and 10. Planning for crime prevention and community safety initiatives in other divisions is now underway. Division 1: A Drink Rite Event was held in collaboration with Springwood Lions, Logan City Council, Queensland Police Service and Queensland Health. At this event, 6 participants consumed various alcoholic beverages and were breathalysed at 20 min intervals in order to demonstrate the difference in intoxication levels between different people. Planning is currently underway to hold a Crime Time (Seniors) Trivia event at one of the retirement/aged care facilities in Division 1 within the next quarter. The aim of this event is to engage with residents and to provide personal safety information in a fun and relaxed atmosphere. |
QL2.4.8 - Deliver expo-style 'Youth Street Hubz' focused on young people. These will bring together social support networks for young people across the Logan community. Purpose: Create opportunities for referral pathways for Youth Justice clients and other local young people. |
June 2021 |
On Track |
The first Youth Street Hubz for 2021 were held at Crestmead Park on Thursday, 28 February. Approximately 50 young people and their parents attended the event at which they engaged with service providers in activities such as stress ball and badge making, ball games, arts and crafts, music and dance. Although attendance rates were lower than expected, rain was forecast and the original date was changed (due to inclement weather) which impacted on numbers. 70% of young people and 28% of adults who attended were referred to local services, with both results exceeding targets. The next event is scheduled to occur for Queensland Youth Week in the April – June quarter. |