Quality Lifestyles (QL) - Quarter 1 2020/2021

Project Target Status Commentary

QL1.1.1 - Develop the Community Infrastructure Strategy Annual Action Plan for 2021/2022. 

Purpose: Outline the priorities of community infrastructure for 2021/2022.

June 2021 On Track The project is not due to commence until early 2021.

QL1.1.2 - Deliver construction works of a new PCYC at Cronulla Park.

Purpose: Provide a new facility to encourage increased participation in physical activity.

June 2021 On Track Construction is progressing well with roof sheeting commencing shortly as the main steelwork has been completed.  Works on the new access commencing soon. As at the end of the first quarter, this project is running on time and on budget.

QL1.1.3 - Construct an outdoor events space and redevelop the Kingston Butter Factory. 

Purpose: Provide a performing arts space and social history museum. It will be a state-of-the-art cultural precinct for community celebration and entertainment.

March 2021 On Track

The contaminated material found outside has been removed. Some contaminated material has been discovered under internal slabs which is also being removed. Civil works are progressing and the slab for the heritage centre and amenities have been completed.

Framing for that building will commence mid-October 2020, and works on the new bridge and access road will commence in late October 2020.

QL1.1.4 - Complete construction of the Underwood Park Multi Sport Development. 

Purpose: To increase participation in physical activity.

September 2020 Completed

The Underwood Park Multi Sport Development achieved Practical Completion on the 25th of September 2020. Stage 2 of the development included new Football Clubhouse and Change rooms, Meals on Wheels Facility, Cycling Storage Facility and Community Hall.

Combined with Stage 1, the Development represents a $12.2 million dollar investment in new sport, recreation and community infrastructure.

QL1.3.1 - Deliver the outcomes of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy 2019-2023. 

Purpose: Provide meaningful library programming to the community. This will be achieved through the six strategic priorities of:

  • access and inclusion
  • economic opportunity
  • nurturing learning and well-being
  • sustainability
  • connected community
  • embracing life-long curiosity and discovery.
June 2021 On Track

Over the first quarter Libraries have completed the following actions in support of the objectives of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy:

  • Commencement of the Libraries and Creative Industries branch community programming 2020 and beyond project.
  • Ongoing delivery of online programming including live streaming and on-demand events.
  • Delivery of take-home resources to support young people in their development of STEAM skills. Resources included take-home robot and science experiment kits.
  • Bulk deliveries of library items to 460 home library service customers.
  • Support of the City's COVID-recovery initiatives through business programming and continued delivery of adult literacy tuition and English conversation groups.


The Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy informs the programming deliverables of the Libraries and Creative Industries' Business Plan. This strategy provides the framework to allow library staff to be guided in the development, implementation and evaluation of purposeful and engaging library programming and community engagement.

QL1.3.2 - Deliver the libraries early years services and 'First Five Forever' initiative. 

Purpose: Support early years and literacy-based development for Logan families with children under five.

June 2021 On Track

Over the first quarter First Five Forever has completed the following actions in support of the Libraries and Creative Industries 2020/21 Business Plan:

  • Development and delivery of virtual story times for children under five years old.
  • Collaboration with the Logan Together Backbone team to deliver content on the Logan Together online platform.
  • Distribution of early literacy packs to residents.
  • Ongoing work with community partners to deliver the First Five Forever key concepts of talk, sing, read, dance and move through the Logan community.


First Five Forever aims to support the learning outcomes for all Logan children aged 0-5 years old by providing programs that offer talking, reading, singing, playing, dancing, and moving.
First Five Forever also support parents and carers to be confident as their child's first and most important educator. This program provides parents with access to resources they need through public libraries and the First Five Forever website.

QL1.4.1 - Deliver a health and wellbeing program for all ages and abilities.

Purpose: Provide opportunities for residents to take part in physical activities and health and wellbeing programs that are affordable and accessible.

June 2021 On Track

The new program for Live Well Logan commenced on 1 August 2020 with 44 providers that will deliver 123 activities.  

From 24 March to 30 June 2020 activities were cancelled due to COVID-19.

The Annual Progress report for the 2019/2020 financial year will be presented to the City Lifestyle Committee on 30 September 2020.

QL1.5.1 - Deliver an Illegal Dumping Team project, funded by the State Government.

Purpose: Undertake key education and enforcement initiatives to reduce waste dumping issues in the city.

June 2021 On Track As at the end of the first quarter, the Waste Dumping Taskforce is on track. A breakdown of activities include:
  • Total incidents reported: 276 cases
  • Cases closed: 172 cases
  • Successful investigations: 22 cases
  • Penalty infringements notices (PINs) issued: 19 PINs
  • Waste removed: 1,587,169 litres

QL1.5.2 - Deliver actions from the City of Logan Animal Care Strategy 2018-2022.

Purpose: Maintain healthy and safe places and spaces for residents, businesses and visitors.

June 2021 On Track

As at the end of the first quarter, the delivery of the City of Logan Animal Care Strategy 2018-2022 is running on track.
Summary of activities and their status include:

Cat Management Plan

  • Internal draft for consultation 10% complete (Scheduled for Quarter 1 and 2)
  • Key stakeholder engagement: 0% complete (Scheduled Quarter 3 and 4)

Barking Dog Management Plan

  • Internal compliance suite: 100% complete (Scheduled for Quarter 1)
  • Community education suite: 75% complete (Scheduled for Quarter 3 and 4)

QL2.1.1 - Deliver the Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022 action plan.

Purpose: Improve community capacity and the image of the city. This will be achieved across the City of Logan through the five strategic outcomes of:

  • development
  • engagement
  • places and spaces
  • partnerships
  • communication.
June 2021 On Track

Quarter 1 update
The five key actions of Creative City: Logan City Council's Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022 are development, engagement, places and spaces, partnerships and communication. These were delivered through exhibitions, activities, programs, events and activations during the first quarter of the financial year 2020/2021. 

The strategy is a whole of council document that states Council's commitment to arts, culture and heritage. It defines the key areas, strategies and actions to guide the management, sites and provision, and plan for its future growth and development. The strategy outlines areas where Council will work to develop more opportunities for the community and its arts, culture and heritage professionals to watch, enjoy and participate in creative activities, with the aim of enhancing quality lifestyle, creative industries and business across the region. It is an integral part of developing the city as an emerging tourist destination.

Development: Logan Live Boost professional development sessions were held at Logan Entertainment Centre under their COVID safe plan. This was supported by JMC Academy and Regional Arts Services Network through Bemac. Logan City Council's Regional Arts Development Fund bid to Arts Queensland was successful, and will support Random Acts of Art as a strategic initiative along with direct grants to artists and cultural workers.

Engagement: Libraries and Creative Industries have pivoted from predominantly face-to-face interaction to developing a number of online programs to assist people learning at home, for example Home learning hub and Virtual book club. A series of videos were uploaded to Council's social media to assist people at home and provide a level of engagement with Logan Art Gallery exhibitions and activities. First 5 Forever developed a series of online storytime videos to engage young audiences. A new activity booklet was produced for the September school holidays for Mayes Cottage House Museum. 

Places and spaces: COVID-19 safe requirements are being undertaken to ensure visitor safety at all Council venues. The mural design Cycles of change by Aunty Peggy Tidyman was painted on Logan Art Gallery. 6,049 people visited Logan Art Gallery or participated in related outreach activities, this includes 2,744 people visiting or participating in related outreach activities during September. 146 people visited Mayes Cottage in the first quarter of the financial year 2020/2021. 

Partnerships: Creative Industries staff partnered with Economic Development and Strategy and Parks Branches to integrate artworks into the Springwood shared pathway and Beenleigh Town Square shade structure. Shibukawa and Logan Sister Cities art exhibition was held, and a video created to increase access, including to Shibukawa. Logan Art Gallery hosted Australian Museums and Galleries Association of Queensland Annual General Meeting with an online presence. Staff contributed to the South East Queensland Cultural Workers Network data asset management meeting, and Arts, Culture and Environment group for Logan Hospital expansion.  

Communication: Our Logan magazine regularly features arts, culture and heritage events. Electronic direct mail invitations and e-bulletins were distributed to databases promoting exhibitions, resources, activities, events and funding. Logan Art Gallery Instagram has developed a new audience.  

Logan Live Boost helped build the capacity of live music in Logan by supporting 34 musicians develop their careers. 
$32,500 was received from the Queensland Government to support RADF in the 2020/2021 financial year which will support the development of arts and culture in Logan. 
Public art projects continue to increase amenity of Logan, engage residents and visitors to the city and help tell the stories of Logan. 
Local Heritage Specialist received a Queensland Day Award.

QL2.1.2 - Develop and curate content for the Living Museum of Logan at the Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct.

Purpose: Share the stories of:

  • our culturally diverse communities
  • Logan's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • themes of importance to Logan's people.
June 2021 On Track

Quarter 1 update
The Living Museum of Logan will tell the stories of the people of Logan. It will be a non-collecting, family-friendly space where residents and visitors to Logan can be inspired and learn about Logan City. 

The Museum Curator position was developed and advertised, with the closing date 30 September 2020. 
Research and development continues to be undertaken for the annual program. 
A community engagement plan has been developed to assist with engaging with the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community which will be critical to both the museum and performing arts venues' success. Initial discussions have taken place with community members. 
Consultation is being undertaken with Sport and Leisure Facilities staff to develop the museum furniture and fittings. 

Development of the Living Museum of Logan spaces, displays and programs continues.
Two proposed curatorial themes have been developed for the initial annual program: food and fashion.

QL2.2.1 - Deliver community services grants that fund community organisations.

Purpose: Support projects that respond to community priorities.

June 2021 On Track

Four community organisations were awarded funding to the value of $20,299 through Councils Community Project Grants program. The estimated additional value of these projects to the community is $48,268.

In August 2020 the Community Development program launched a COVID-19 Community Response Grant program, which has so far provided funding support to four community organisations to the value of $17,970.

QL2.2.2 - Deliver a school holiday program for five to 17-year-olds.

Purpose: Encourage young people to take part in active and healthy programs during school holidays.

June 2021 On Track

The June/July KRANK School Holiday program was brought online due to COVID-19 offering 19 online activities.  The program ran from 27 June to 12 July 2020 with a total of 800 activity kits distributed to young people across the city.  

The September/October KRANK School Holiday program runs from 19 September to 4 October 2020 delivering 103 activities to young people. 

The Annual Progress report for the 2019/2020 financial year will be presented to the City Lifestyle Committee on 30 September 2020.

QL2.2.3 - Coordinate the implementation of the Access and Inclusion Plan 2019 - 2022. 

Purpose: To create a more accessible and inclusive city for everyone.

June 2021 On Track

The first annual progress report for the period from April 2019 to March 2020 was presented to the Executive Leadership Team on the 3 September 2020. The report outlines the achievements of the plan where a total of 60.7% or 51 out of 84 deliverables have been completed or are in progress. 
The progress report will proceed to the City Lifestyle Committee on 30 September seeking endorsement to be publically released.  

Council's Access and Inclusion Internal Working Group met twice over this reporting period to finalise the first annual progress report of Council's Access and Inclusion Plan.

QL2.2.4 - Coordinate the implementation of the Reconciliation Action Plan. 

Purpose: To achieve Council's vision for reconciliation. To increase respect and understanding.

June 2021 On Track

In August 2020 Council participated for the first time in the biannual Reconciliation Australia Workplace RAP Barometer. It is a survey to monitor attitudes towards reconciliation at the workplace level. 295 Council employees completed the survey.

Council's RAP Working Group have met three times over this reporting period to undertake progress reporting and plan for the development of Council's third RAP. As of 4 September, 48 of the 55 deliverables set out in Council's current RAP are either completed, ongoing or being progressed. 

The annual Impact Measurement Questionnaire is being prepared for submission to Reconciliation Australia in late September. It is an annual reporting requirement and helps monitor the collective impact of the RAP program.

QL2.2.5 - Deliver the Community Development Action Plan. 

Purpose: To work with the community to build a more cohesive and connected City of Logan.

June 2021 On Track

From July to September 2020, deliverables continued to be progressed and actioned against all priority areas in the Community Development Action Plan (CDAP).   

Highlights from this reporting period include establishing the COVID specific grants, delivering collaborative activities during Seniors Week, launching the Logan Youth Action Group and establishing an Emergency Relief network.   

In June 2020, Council was successful in securing $644,080 from the Federal Government's Driving Social Inclusion through Sport and Physical Activity grant program to deliver The Swim Logan project. The Swim Logan project will educate participants on water safety and provide culturally-appropriate lessons at four Logan pools.  

In collaboration with Griffith University, a new mental health initiative called the Walk and Talk for Wellness project has been launched in Logan to respond and support mental wellbeing in the community. The program provides a low cost walking counselling service for local residents.

QL2.3.1 - Implement and evaluate the SafeRoads4Logan, Road Safety Strategy 2017-2021.

Purpose: Encourage safer travel for residents, businesses and visitors.

June 2021 On Track During the first quarter, Road Safety Working Group met on 17 September 2020 to discuss matters concerning current Road Safety Strategy focus, including statistics, COVID-19 impacts and commencement for strategy review leading to development of next strategy. Speed Management Advisory Committee (SMAC) met prior to the working group and agreed to new speed limits on five (5) Council controlled roads. Traffic Services Coordinator continues to meet every one (1) to two (2) weeks with Queensland Police Service traffic representatives and Department of Transport and Main Roads road safety representatives to discuss and develop strategies in response to current crash trends and planned Police traffic operations.

QL2.4.1 - Deliver a crime profile that provides a detailed analysis of key crimes in the City of Logan.

Purpose: Help plan community safety and crime prevention activities for the next year.

June 2021 On Track Analysis of 2019/2020 Queensland Police crime statistics and development of a crime profiles for the city and Council's 12 divisions has commenced and are on track for completion by December 2020.

QL2.4.2 - Deliver an awards event.

Purpose:  Acknowledge those who work to create a safer City of Logan:

  • individuals
  • community groups
  • not-for-profit organisations
  • businesses
  • government agencies
June 2021 On Track

Nominations for the 2020 City of Logan Safe City Awards opened in August 2020. A total of 20 nominations were received and 7 award winners have been chosen.

Planning has now commenced for the formal awards ceremony, which will be held in November 2020.

QL2.2.5 - Deliver the Community Development Action Plan. 

Purpose: To work with the community to build a more cohesive and connected City of Logan.

June 2021 On Track

From July to September 2020, deliverables continued to be progressed and actioned against all priority areas in the Community Development Action Plan (CDAP).   

Highlights from this reporting period include establishing the COVID specific grants, delivering collaborative activities during Seniors Week, launching the Logan Youth Action Group and establishing an Emergency Relief network.   

In June 2020, Council was successful in securing $644,080 from the Federal Government's Driving Social Inclusion through Sport and Physical Activity grant program to deliver The Swim Logan project. The Swim Logan project will educate participants on water safety and provide culturally-appropriate lessons at four Logan pools.  

In collaboration with Griffith University, a new mental health initiative called the Walk and Talk for Wellness project has been launched in Logan to respond and support mental wellbeing in the community. The program provides a low cost walking counselling service for local residents.

QL2.3.1 - Implement and evaluate the SafeRoads4Logan, Road Safety Strategy 2017-2021.

Purpose: Encourage safer travel for residents, businesses and visitors.

June 2021 On Track

During the first quarter, Road Safety Working Group met on 17 September 2020 to discuss matters concerning current Road Safety Strategy focus, including statistics, COVID-19 impacts and commencement for strategy review leading to development of next strategy. Speed Management Advisory Committee (SMAC) met prior to the working group and agreed to new speed limits on five (5) Council controlled roads.

Traffic Services Coordinator continues to meet every one (1) to two (2) weeks with Queensland Police Service traffic representatives and Department of Transport and Main Roads road safety representatives to discuss and develop strategies in response to current crash trends and planned Police traffic operations.

QL2.4.1 - Deliver a crime profile that provides a detailed analysis of key crimes in the City of Logan.

Purpose: Help plan community safety and crime prevention activities for the next year.

June 2021 On Track Analysis of 2019/2020 Queensland Police crime statistics and development of a crime profiles for the city and Council's 12 divisions has commenced and are on track for completion by December 2020.

QL2.4.2 - Deliver an awards event.

Purpose:  Acknowledge those who work to create a safer City of Logan:

  • individuals
  • community groups
  • not-for-profit organisations
  • businesses
  • government agencies
June 2021 On Track Nominations for the 2020 City of Logan Safe City Awards opened in August 2020. A total of 20 nominations were received and 7 award winners have been chosen. Planning has now commenced for the formal awards ceremony, which will be held in November 2020.

QL2.4.3 - Deliver a community survey.

Purpose: Gain an understanding of community perceptions on safety and crime in the City of Logan. This will support planning for community safety and crime prevention activities. It will also determine if the Community Safety Program is meeting the goals identified in the City of Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan.

June 2021 On Track

The 2020 Safe City Logan community survey successfully launched and subsequently closed during the past quarter. A total of 529 community members participating in this year's survey.

Analysis of the 2020 survey results and development of a key findings report for the city and divisional key findings reports for Council's 12 divisions will commence in October 2020.

QL2.4.4 - Deliver expo-style 'building social capital' community hubs that bring together social support networks.

Purpose: Create opportunities for referral pathways for Community Corrections clients and other community members.

June 2021 On Track

This quarter the Community Safety Program have been working in partnership with Community Corrections to put together a COVID safe plan for future Services at the Square events.

The first COVID safe Services at the Square Hub is scheduled to be held on 22 October 2020 at the Beenleigh Town Square.

QL2.4.5 - Install and replace CCTV safety cameras as scheduled.

Purpose: Ensure continued successful operation and expansion of the Logan Safety Camera Program network.

June 2021 On Track The Logan Safety Camera Program capital works and replacement schedule for 2020/2021 remains on track. Highlights of the work undertaken during the last quarter includes:
  • Integration of CCTV cameras from the Animal Management Centre and the Beenleigh Customer Service Centre into the Logan Safety Camera Program Monitoring Room.
  • Partnership works with the Economic Development and Strategy Branch, including installation of cameras at a number of their project sites.
  • Backhaul network works at Wineglass Water Tower and the City Administration Centre Tower.

QL2.4.6 - Deliver a new Safe City Strategy and Action Plan. It will replace the current 2016-2020 Strategy and Action Plan.

Purpose: Provide tangible actions for the Community Safety Program that will help create a safer City of Logan.

December 2020 On Track

The draft City of the Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025 was presented and supported by Council's Executive Leadership Team at their meeting of 20 August 2020 to proceed to Council for endorsement for community consultation to occur.  

At the City Lifestyle Committee on 9 September 2020, endorsement was received to proceed to community consultation, prior to final Council endorsement (expected by December 2020).

Community consultation is expected to be completed mid-October 2020.

QL2.4.7 - Deliver at least 48 targeted crime prevention and community safety activities. Four will be delivered per division each year. These will respond to crime and safety concerns of each local community.

Purpose: Increase community safety and positive community perceptions about crime and safety.

June 2021 On Track

As the majority of the targeted divisional activities are delivered in a face-to-face format, the COVID-19 pandemic and the restrictions imposed by the Federal and State Governments regarding community events and activities have had a significant impact on the activities that the Community Safety Program had planned to deliver throughout 2020.

Despite this, throughout the July – September 2020 quarter, the Community Safety Program delivered 14 COVID safe targeted community safety and crime prevention activities.  

With COVID-19 restrictions continuing to ease, The Community Safety Program are looking to re-introduce face-to-face targeted divisional activities where possible, starting in the October – December 2020 quarter.

QL2.4.8 - Deliver expo-style 'Youth Street Hubz' focused on young people. These will bring together social support networks for young people across the Logan community.

Purpose: Create opportunities for referral pathways for Youth Justice clients and other local young people.

June 2021 On Track

Due to COVID-19 social distancing restrictions and in consultation with our project partners, the Youth Street Hubz initiative has been put on hold until 2021.

Planning for 2021 will commence in December 2020.