PC2.2.1 - Community Development Action Plan |
June 2025 |
On Track |
During the first quarter of 2024/25, no activities were conducted for this project, however the project is on track to be delivered within the target timeframe. |
PC2.2.2 - Disability Action Plan |
June 2025 |
On Track |
During the first quarter of 2024/25, the following was delivered:
- In partnership with Jigsaw, the Records Management Program employed 2 part time employees with disabilities earlier this year, with one being extended to continue until 31 December 2024. The staff member is gaining skills and experience in records operational tasks and print room product finishing.
- People with disabilities participated in work experience at 3 libraries.
- New braille and large print magnets were developed for Home Library Clients and made available at all libraries.
- Finalised the social sensory story for Logan North Library which is available online or in hard copy at each library.
- The Accessibility Centre at Logan North Library had 1,128 visitors, and a there was a soft launch of the updated Sensory Room at Marsden Library which now includes a fibre optic fountain and STEM board.
- A bus shelter upgrade, including installation of approximately 40 new shelters, is underway in partnership between Council and TransLink.
- A new footpath data acquisition survey commenced in 2024.
- The Community Safety Program supported Uniting Care and family and disability support services to deliver a Family Fun Day as part of Child Protection Week.
- The Economic Development Program engaged with 15 local tourism and hospitality businesses and internal teams to develop content for the Accessible Tourism page on the Explore Logan website. A range of businesses and experiences were audited by Spinal Life and will be included in a Brisbane Region Destination Accessibility Guide later this year.
- The Kingston Butter Factory ans Cultural Precinct was awarded 'Accessible Venue of the Year' at the 2024 Queensland Music Awards.
- The Beenleigh Aquatic Centre employed a person in a wheelchair, as supported by the Mayor's Employment Taskforce.
- Council's Community Development and Economic Development Programs partnered to support the Fresh Futures 2024 Expo to link young people in Logan living with a disability to employment and community participation opportunities.
- The Community Development Program are working with BEST Weekly News team, young adult residents living with a disability, to create a video series on the role of Council in community. Four interview/ filming sessions have been scheduled, covering City Safety and Liveability, Parks, Libraries, Venues and Events
- Council signed up to become a member of the Sunflower Initiative, a global initiative promoting inclusivity for people with hidden disabilities.
- The Community Planning Program has commenced planning to conduct accessibility audits on all community and sporting facilities that are part of the Sports and Community Infrastructure branch asset list.
- The new Logan Indoor Sports Centre (announced recently) will be universally accessible and will be able to accommodate a range of sports including wheelchair rugby, sitting volleyball and wheelchair basketball.
PC2.2.3 - Grants to Community |
June 2025 |
On Track |
During the first quarter of 2024/25, the following was delivered:
Community Benefit Fund (CBF):
CBF re-opened to the community for applications on 19 July:
- 28 successful applications
- $35,590.68 in funding allocated.
Community Event Funding (CEF):
- 13 successful applications
- $86,816.80 in funding allocated
- A list of grant recipients is available on our webpage.
Community Development Funding (CDF):
- 4 successful applications
- $25,634.00 in funding allocated
- A list of grant recipients is available on our webpage.
PC2.2.4 - Community Infrastructure accessibility audit - Stage 1 |
June 2025 |
On Track |
In the first quarter 2024/25, the request for quote for the Community Infrastructure accessibility audit was finalised to include key stakeholder feedback to ensure alignment with other projects in Council.
At the end of the first quarter, identification of all facilities to be part of the audit were completed, the project plan was developed and the request for quote was finalised.
Next steps include the Request for Quote to be uploaded via VendorPanel to secure a supplier and to commence the project in October 2024. |
PC2.3.1 - Logan Youth Action Group (LYAG) |
June 2025 |
On Track |
During the first quarter of 2024 / 25, the following was delivered:
- The Logan Youth Action Group (LYAG) hosted their inaugural networking breakfast with the Mayor, Councillors, and senior staff to learn about leadership and decision-making at Council. 15 young people, 5 Councillors and 6 staff attended.
- Community Development supported LYAG members to partner with the Logan Seniors Network to develop a first draft of their Logan Seniors Digital Guide.
- 3 working bees took place at Jimboomba Community Garden with 8 LYAG members volunteering.
- 10 Logan Youth Action Group (LYAG) members attended a workshop about how to engage older people in using technology. The workshop was delivered by a local volunteer.
- 8 LYAG members volunteered at the Uniting Care Family Fun Day for Child Protection Week.
PC2.3.2 - Reconciliation Action Plan |
June 2025 |
Monitor |
During the first quarter of 2024/25 no activities were conducted for this project.
Council is reviewing its broader position on opportunities to support and engage with Logan's First Nation's community. |
PC2.4.1 - Abandoned and derelict houses project |
June 2025 |
On Track |
During the first quarter of 2024/25, the research and engagement phase of the Abandoned and Derelict House Project progressed.
Proposed recommendations addressing the problems of abandoned and derelict houses across the City of Logan will be discussed in future Councillor meetings. Content was provided for the July Councillor newsletter and website content has been developed for sharing, post completion of the engagement phase. |
PC2.4.2 - Targeted local law reform to improve city amenity and public health and safety. |
June 2025 |
Monitor |
Council has a legislative obligation under the Local Government Act 2009 (Division 2 – Making, recording and reviewing local laws) to review its Local Laws.
Local Law No. 10 (Public Health) 1999 and Subordinate Local Law No. 10.1 (Public Health) are diverse pieces of legislation that were last amended in 2015. Some elements of these local laws work well and will not need to be changed. The primary focus of this local law review will be to develop rigour for existing identified nuisances and develop frameworks for emerging nuisances to meet the future needs and demands of the greater community. The intent of Local Law No. 10 (Public Health) 1999 is a to:
- Protect public health and safety
- Uphold the amenity of neighbourhoods and mitigate property damage
- Prevent unnecessary environmental harm or nuisance
- Provide good governance, accountability, community education and enforcement for any confirmed breaches of the Local Law.
A report will be tabled at the City Lifestyle Committee in early 2025 to seek Council support to undertake a detailed review of Local Law No. 10 (Public Health) 1999. This local law provides Council the ability to administer compliance and enforcement outcomes for breaches of public health, city amenity and public safety.
It is envisaged that the review and subsequent proposed local law will provide greater enforcement outcomes and better manage community expectations.
In line with the developed project schedule, it is proposed to request an amendment to the project description and an extension of the target date to June 2025. This is to accommodate the legislative processes required to deliver a review of the identified Local Law, and the tasks for completion within the 2024/25 financial year.
The proposed amendments to the project description are:
- Project Name: PC2.4.2 - Targeted local law reform to improve city amenity and public health and safety
- Purpose: To ensure that local laws relating to public health, city amenity and public safety adequately respond to evolving community need.
- Action: Prepare a report to Council to propose to make a Local Law and develop a Local Law Reform policy direction and community engagement plan.
- Outcome: Increased city liveability resulting from greater definition of regulatory compliance and enforcement actions and incorporation of emerging nuisances to respond to future need.
- Target date: June 2025