Proud City - Quarter 3, 2021 / 2022
Project | Target | Status | Commentary |
PC2.1.1 - Deliver a rebrand project as per project plan. Purpose: To bring a valued and unified visual identity to the Council and City of Logan. |
June 2022 | On Track | The third quarter has seen a significant amount achieved including:
PC2.1.2 - Deliver a digital platform for Our Logan magazine. Purpose: To provide an enhanced service to magazine readers and support future digital news delivery. |
June 2022 | Completed | As at the end of the third quarter:
PC2.1.3 - Deliver a City Positioning and Strategic Marketing Framework including: 1. City positioning campaign. 2. Aligning all Council services to strategic brand pillars. Purpose: To provide strategic marketing direction and alignment for Council. To present a cohesive brand and communications that maximise value to Council and the community. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the third quarter:
PC2.2.1 - Deliver the City of Logan: Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025 through a broad range of crime prevention/community-based safety initiatives. Purpose: To create a safer City of Logan. |
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter, 6 community safety and crime prevention activities were undertaken. These included 3 Safe Plate events in partnership with the Logan District Crime Prevention Unit (DCPU) of the Queensland Police Service (QPS). The events were held at Logan Central, Browns Plains and Loganholme. The Safe Plate initiative involves the fitting of anti-theft screws to registration plates making them more difficult to steal. In excess of 550 one way screws were either fitted, distributed in packs or ordered online as a direct result of these events. The Community Safety Program also attended 2 community events in collaboration with the DCPU to promote:
A 'Services at the Square' event was held in collaboration with Queensland Corrective Services in Beenleigh Town Square. This event saw clients of Corrective Services as well as general community members engage with essential support services such as employment agencies, disability services and addiction support. 57 people attended this event. |
PC2.2.2 - Provide funds to eligible organisations for initiatives that respond to local community priorities. Purpose: To:
June 2022 | On Track | In the third quarter, in response to the recent floods, the Community Development, Community Services Administration and Accounts Payable teams worked closely to provide fast-tracked Community Response Grant assessment, funding and payments to provide funds quickly to community in need. A total of 8 community organisations were funded through Council's Community Development Funding to the value of $53,404.54. The total estimated reach of these projects is to support 12,542 residents, with a total value to the community for the duration of the projects of $187,875.54. 4 community organisations were funded to the value of $51,554.54 through the Community Project Grants program to support inclusive and long-term outcomes to the City of Logan. The estimated total reach is to support 11,582 residents, with a total value to the community for the duration of the projects of $130,655.54. 4 community organisations were funded to the value of $18,500 through the Community Response Grants program to provide immediate support to community priorities. The estimated total reach is to support 960 residents, with a total value to the community for the duration of the projects of $57,220. These 4 projects directly responded to local flood events. |
PC2.2.3 - Deliver systems and procedures for the management and operation of the Kingston Butter Factory Cultural precinct. This includes the outdoor events space, performing arts facility and living museum of Logan. Purpose: To provide the community with access to a state of the art cultural precinct for celebration and engagement with arts, culture and heritage. |
February 2022 | Completed | As at the end of the third quarter:
PC2.2.4 - Monitor and report on the network of CCTV cameras across the city. Purpose: To:
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter:
PC2.2.5 - Deliver the libraries' early years services and First 5 Forever initiative. Purpose: To support early years learning and reading for Logan families with children aged under 5 years. |
June 2022 | On Track | About First Five Forever aims to support the learning outcomes for all Logan children aged 0-5 years old by providing programs that offer talking, reading, singing, playing, dancing, and moving. Quarter 3 update Over the third quarter First Five Forever completed the following actions in support of the Libraries and Creative Industries 2021/22 Business Plan:
The learning outcomes of Logan children aged 0-5 years old were supported. |
PC2.2.6 - Deliver the outcomes of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy 2019-2023. This is delivered through the six priorities of:
June 2022 | On Track | About The Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy informs the programming deliverables of the Libraries and Creative Industries Business Plan. This strategy provides the framework to allow library staff to be guided in the development, implementation and evaluation of purposeful and engaging library programming and community engagement. Quarter 3 update In the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, Libraries have taken the following actions in support of the objectives of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy.
Library staff developed, implemented and evaluated purposeful and engaging library programming and community engagement in support of the Libraries and Creative Industries Business Plan. |
PC2.2.7 - Construct an outdoor events space and redevelop the Kingston Butter Factory. Purpose: To provide a performing arts space and social history museum. It will be a state-of-the-art cultural precinct for community celebration and entertainment. |
February 2022 | Monitor | At the end of the third quarter:
Recovery actions
PC2.3.1 - Develop Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan. Purpose: To deliver a new Reconciliation Action Plan that strengthens relationships, respect and opportunities that support Logan's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. |
June 2022 | Monitor | As at the end of the third quarter: There has been a significant amount of engagement that has been undertaken with internal and external stakeholders to discuss the development of Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). With the recent commencement of our First Nations Community Development Officer strong relationships have been built to understand the community needs, internal capacities and communication gaps to help inform the future RAP. The Internal RAP Working Group have concluded that Council's 3rd RAP will likely take longer than June 2022 as there are a number of requirements to prepare us as an organisation. The work delivered during this quarter to build capacity and work towards our next RAP are as follows:
l The project's timeline and scope are currently being reviewed to determine expected outcomes by the end of the fourth quarter, factoring in both work that has been completed and what is currently progressing. Specific actions include:
PC2.3.2 - Coordinate and support implementation of the Access and Inclusion Plan 2019-2022. Purpose: To create a more accessible and inclusive city for everyone. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the third quarter:
PC2.3.3 - Deliver the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary Program, and provide opportunities for students within the City of Logan. Purpose: To increase employment opportunities within Council for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community. |
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter, a successful candidate for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary Program was appointed and commenced at Council. It is proposed to appoint a second candidate in 2023 through a modified marketing strategy that is adapted from the learnings from the previous year's Program. Council will then use the information from the Program to review the opportunity to have a dedicated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander education bursary as committed to in Council's Reconciliation Action Plan. |
PC2.3.4 - Deliver the Living Museum of Logan, working with the community to develop content for exhibition. Purpose: To:
June 2022 | On Track | About The Living Museum of Logan will tell the stories of the people of Logan. It will be a non-collecting, family-friendly space where residents and visitors to Logan can be inspired and learn about the City of Logan. Quarter 3 update In the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year the following actions were undertaken:
Development of the Living Museum of Logan spaces, displays and programs continues. |
PC2.3.5 - Deliver a school holiday program for 5 to 17 year olds. Purpose: To encourage young people' involvement in active and healthy programs and increase community participation during school holidays. |
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter:
PC2.3.6 - Deliver water safety awareness education sessions. Provide culturally appropriate learn-to-swim activities for:
June 2022 | On Track | Between January to March 2022, 11 water safety awareness education sessions were delivered to community at various locations across the City of Logan. Two 8-hour swim programs were delivered to newly arrived migrants and refugees at Logan North, Beenleigh and Gould Adams Aquatic Centres. One 8-hour First Nations swim program for community Elders was delivered at Beenleigh Aquatic Centre. |
PC2.3.7 - Deliver a health and wellbeing program for all Logan residents. Purpose: To provide opportunities for residents to participate in affordable and accessible physical activities and health and wellbeing programs. |
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter the Active and Healthy program delivered over 117 different health and wellbeing activities between 10 January to 31 March 2022. During this time 3 days of activities were cancelled due to the South-East Queensland rainfall and flooding event in February and March 2022. Council engaged with the community to gain feedback on activities being delivered and asked for information on what could be delivered in the future. This online feedback survey opened on 5 November 2021 and closed on 13 February 2022. 120 responses were received. Request for proposals for service providers for the Active and Healthy program opened on 4 January and closed on 14 February 2022. Community members, organisations and businesses were invited to apply to deliver activities from July 2022 to June 2023. 117 applications were received |
PC2.4.1 - Waste Dumping Taskforce 2021/2022 Investigate the illegal dumping of waste, proactively and in response to customer reports. Purpose: To improve the city’s reputation, amenity and residents' safety. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the third quarter: