City of Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021 to 2025
June 2024 |
On Track |
Interpretation and Response:
During December select actions from the Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021 to 2025 were delivered, specifically:
- 3 Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) audits were completed and recommendations actioned
- 2 community safety related requests from residents were actioned
- 2 community safety assessments for leased sporting facilities were completed
- 1 community safety assessment for a proposed community garden was completed
- 1 community safety assessment for a community centre was completed
- 2 community safety assessments for liquor licence applications were completed
- 1 community engagement event was attended by Community Safety Officers with Springwood Police Beat.
Disability Action Plan
June 2024 |
On Track |
During the second quarter of 2023/2024, the following key highlights were achieved:
- 20 actions have now been completed
- 31 actions are in progress
- 3 additional actions have taken place across the organisation including a proposal to conduct an accessibility audit across all Council facilities, incorporating braille and Auslan sign language into signage at Alexander Clark Park and an update of the digital accessibility guidelines
- Queensland Disability Action Week took place from 25 November to 2 December, which celebrated Queenslanders with disability and the contributions they make to our families, communities, workplaces and economy. We updated our website promoting Council's accessible programs and resources as well as highlighting some of the completed actions from the Disability Action Plan
- Our People and Culture branch partnered with JobAccess to identify opportunities to support and employ more people with disability, and to ensure our workplace is accessible and inclusive. Through this partnership, Council will be well placed to benefit from the wide range of skills, abilities and qualifications people with disability have to offer
- Kingston Butter Factory (KBF) Cultural Precinct was named Queensland's inaugural 'Accessible Venue of the Year' at the Queensland Music Awards
- Our Waste and Recycling Program now provide braille bin lid stickers free of charge to assist residents who are blind or with low vision to identify the different bin types. The stickers will complement Council's existing medical assistance bin and supported bin collection services
- Our Community Development and Economic Development teams are working together to leverage the Year of Accessible Tourism, and supported Bayside Wake Park and KBF to participate in the Access Accelerator Program, an 8-week structured mentoring and guided activity delivered by Spinal Life and Cerge
- Logan Libraries continue to update their collection and now have 92 dyslexia-friendly titles, 18 dyslexia readers titles and 7 braille books available
- 5 stories across 11 communications channels were shared including sensory sessions at Marsden Library, the Jigsaw employment program and an accessible tourism training program that KBF and Bayside Wake Park have recently been on
- 18 Active & Healthy and KRANK providers attended disability awareness training
- Our Parks team is currently working on the master plan concept for Alexander Clark Park which includes braille for visually impaired visitors, and Auslan sign language illustrations for the hearing impaired.
Reconciliation Action Plan
June 2024 |
Not Complete |
During the second quarter of 2023/2024, it was determined that completion of Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) will take longer than the June 2024 timeframe outlined in Council's 2023/2024 Operational Plan.
The following activities have been conducted in the financial year to date:
- Meetings were held with Council's Executive Leadership Team (ELT) to discuss priorities, resourcing and recruitment
- 60 new Council staff members were inducted to Council's Reconciliation Ambassadors program
- The Reconciliation Ambassador intranet page was updated to include new ambassadors and has become the main platform for sharing updates and information between Ambassadors
- A sharing circle was held at Berrinba Wetlands with 31 Ambassadors in attendance
- Engagement with internal and external stakeholders to discuss the development of Council's RAP.
The issues impacting the ability to prepare Council's third RAP in the 2023/2024 financial year include:
- The need to refine, and seek agreement upon, the scope of responsibilities of Council's vacant First Nations Community Development Officer role before recruiting to the position. This includes establishing clarity regarding roles and responsibilities of related functions, services and activities across relevant teams in Council.
- Timing for developing Council's third RAP is dependent on being able to recruit to the First Nations Community Development Officer and progressing appropriate engagement with Logan's Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community representatives.
The Community Development Program has worked in collaboration with ELT and relevant teams in Council to clarify roles and responsibilities and prepare a project plan for developing Council's third RAP.
The following activities are proposed to ensure that Council's third RAP will be developed by 2026, as per the commitment in Council's Corporate Plan 2021-2026:
- Finalise and present to ELT a project plan, including roles, responsibilities and resourcing, to deliver Council's third RAP
- Establish appropriate mechanisms for engaging with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander community elders and representatives in the development of Council's third RAP
- Finalise the position description and undertake recruitment to the First Nations Community Development Officer position, whose input will be integral to the development of a meaningful RAP for Council.
It is recommended that the project description outlined in the Operational Plan 2023/2024 be amended to reflect the revised timeframes.
- Purpose: Strengthen relationships, respect and opportunities that support outcomes for First Nations communities in the City of Logan.
- Progress the development of Council's next Reconciliation Action Plan to support reconciliation in a coordinated approach across Council.
- Outcome: Roles, responsibilities and resourcing are confirmed for the development of Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan. First Nations are informed on the progress of the Reconciliation Action Plan.