Proud City - Quarter 2, 2021 / 2022

Project name Target Status Commentary
PC2.1.1 - Deliver a rebrand project as per project plan.
Purpose: To bring a valued and unified visual identity to the Council and City of Logan.
June 2022 On Track The second quarter has seen a vast amount achieved in:
  • Delivery of phase 1 of the proud city campaign
  • Confirmation of new brand and logo framework for Logan Entertainment Centre, Art Gallery & Mayes Cottage
  • Continued roll out of new brand identity.
PC2.1.2 - Deliver a digital platform for Our Logan magazine.
Purpose: To provide an enhanced service to magazine readers and support future digital news delivery.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter:
  • Early November saw the launch of in line with the Proud City campaign.
  • Engagement rates are tracking well and community feedback has been positive.
PC2.1.3 - Deliver a City Positioning and Strategic Marketing Framework including:
1. City positioning campaign.
2. Aligning all Council services to strategic brand pillars.
Purpose: To provide strategic marketing direction and alignment for Council. To present a cohesive brand and communications that maximise value to Council and the community.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter:
  • Phase 1 complete with positive community sentiment received
  • Phase 2 due for release February 2022
  • No risks or issues identified during the quarter
PC2.2.1 - Deliver the City of Logan: Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025 through a broad range of crime prevention/community-based safety initiatives.
Purpose: To create a safer City of Logan.
June 2022 On Track During the second quarter, the Community Safety Program continued to deliver actions within the City of Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025. Highlights of works undertaken during this quarter include:
  • 5 Targeted Divisional Activities were completed
  • Continued coordination and delivery of the Hooning Action Plan.
  • 1 Services at the Square event was held.
  • Annual Safe City Awards Ceremony was held.
  • 2 reactive CPTED audits were undertaken.
  • Planning for 2022 community safety activities commenced.
PC2.2.2 - Provide funds to eligible organisations for initiatives that respond to local community priorities.
Purpose: To:
  • build an engaged and inclusive community
  • promote increased participation in community life
  • support the community to make positive changes in their local area
  • increase skills, knowledge and leadership capability within the community sector.
June 2022 On Track During the second quarter, a total of 17 community organisations were funded through Council's Community Development Funding to the value of $112,347. The total estimated reach of these projects is to support 91,763 residents, with a total value to the community for the duration of the projects of $418,347. 

6 community organisations were funded to the value of $68,212 through the Community Project Grants program to support long-term outcomes. The estimated total reach is to support 54,405 residents, with a total value to the community for the duration of the projects of $199,193. 

11 community organisations were funded to the value of $44,135 through the Community Response Grants program to provide immediate support to community priorities. The estimated total reach is to support 37,358 residents, with a total value to the community for the duration of the projects of $219,154.
PC2.2.3 - Deliver systems and procedures for the management and operation of the Kingston Butter Factory Cultural precinct. This includes the outdoor events space, performing arts facility and living museum of Logan.
Purpose: To provide the community with access to a state of the art cultural precinct for celebration and engagement with arts, culture and heritage.
February 2022 Monitor As at the end of the second quarter:
  • 3 Full time employees (FTEs) working from site office in outdoor stage dressing rooms.
  • Storm damage to the Heritage Centre building was rectified.
  • Ongoing construction delays occurred due to covid and shipping issues.
  • First season program was printed and released
  • All tickets are on sale via
  • Unable to complete operational procedures until construction is completed and handed over.
Recovery actions:
Project timelines will be reviewed for implementing operational procedures once construction is complete and handed over.
PC2.2.4 - Monitor and report on the network of CCTV cameras across the city.
Purpose: To:
  • increase community safety throughout the City of Logan
  • detect and reduce anti-social and unlawful behaviour
  • support the Queensland Police Service to identify and effectively prosecute offenders.
June 2022 On Track During the second quarter, Council's camera network:
  • captured 1092 incidents
  • received a total of 93 footage requests.
PC2.2.5 - Deliver the libraries' early years services and First 5 Forever initiative.
Purpose: To support early years learning and reading for Logan families with children aged under 5 years.
June 2022 On Track Quarter 2 Update
Over the second quarter, First 5 Forever has completed the following actions in support of the Libraries and Creative Industries 2021/22 Business Plan:
  • Delivery of COVID-safe, face-to-face children's literacy sessions at libraries. 184 sessions with a total of 2,124 participants for the second quarter. 
  • Delivering COVID-safe community outreach through their network partnerships across the City of Logan. 73 sessions with a total of 4,021 participants for the second quarter.
  • Participation at key stakeholder meetings across the City of Logan.
  • Sponsorship of Elijah Lonsdale as one of the child keynote speakers at the Logan Childhood Summit.
First Five Forever aims to support the learning outcomes for all Logan children aged 0-5 years old by providing programs that offer talking, reading, singing, playing, dancing and moving.
PC2.2.6 - Deliver the outcomes of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy 2019-2023.
This is delivered through the six priorities of:
  • access and inclusion
  • economic opportunity
  • nurturing learning and well-being
  • sustainability
  • connected community
  • embracing life-long curiosity and discovery.
Purpose: To support Logan's community through purposeful library programming.
June 2022 On Track Quarter 2 Update
Over the second quarter, Libraries have completed the following actions in support of the objectives of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy:
  • Delivery of activities in Libraries including the return of Page Turners, Baby Time, Wriggle and Rhyme and the recommencement of the Be Connected service.
  • Delivery of take home packs to families.
  • Delivery of live-streamed library programming for adults and children during school holidays.
  • Delivery of hybrid events (live-streamed events and with an in-library audience)
The Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy informs the programming deliverables of the Libraries and Creative Industries' Business Plan. This strategy provides the framework to allow library staff to be guided in the development, implementation and evaluation of purposeful and engaging library programming and community engagement.
PC2.2.7 - Construct an outdoor events space and redevelop the Kingston Butter Factory.
Purpose: To provide a performing arts space and social history museum. It will be a state-of-the-art cultural precinct for community celebration and entertainment.
February 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter:
  • The outdoor precinct has been completed and handed over to Council. 
  • The KBF building is 95% complete with minor works remaining in January and February before being completed.
PC2.3.1 - Develop Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan.
Purpose: To deliver a new Reconciliation Action Plan that strengthens relationships, respect and opportunities that support Logan's Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
June 2022 Monitor There has been a significant amount of engagement which has been undertaken with internal and external stakeholders to discuss the development of Council's third Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).  With the recent commencement of our First Nations Community Development Officer strong relationships have been built to understand the community needs, internal capacities and communication gaps to help inform the future RAP.

The Internal RAP Working Group have concluded that Council's 3rd RAP will likely take longer than June 2022 as there are a number of requirements to prepare us as an organisation.

The work delivered during this quarter to build capacity and work towards our next RAP are as follows:
  • Engagement with Council's Native Title and Cultural Heritage Officer and Community Engagement Team to discuss the strategy to refresh Council's Reference Manual and Cultural Awareness Guide.
  • Provided briefings to the Director and Manager in October about a possible roadmap for the development of a new RAP.
  • Council's internal RAP Working Group members and ambassadors attended 3 RAP roadmap presentations in October/November.  With actions delivered, First Nations updates on Council's internal Buzz page with two officers now undertaking this work and the development of Council's first t-shirt, collaborating with internal stakeholders and the Artist Jessica Skeen-McKinnon (Muralappi).
  • Collaborated with Education Queensland, DSDSATSIP through the First Nations Logan Central Schools Cluster to design and deliver the inaugural Deadly Mobs Awards.
Recovery actions
The project's timeline and scope are currently being reviewed to determine expected outcomes by the end of the fourth quarter, factoring in both work that has been completed and what is currently progressing.
PC2.3.2 - Coordinate and support implementation of the Access and Inclusion Plan 2019-2022.
Purpose: To create a more accessible and inclusive city for everyone.
June 2022 On Track During the second quarter, the Second Annual Progress Report was developed in October 2021 that provides information on actions delivered between April 2020 to December 2021.  The report will be presented to ELT and the City Lifestyle Committee in February and March 2022.

On Friday 3 December 2021 Council celebrated International Day of People with Disability. This included an online awareness campaign using social media, the development of an online survey, hosting 3 pop up displays that aimed to find out what inclusion means to our community. A total of 60 responses were collated from the poster and online survey.
PC2.3.3 - Deliver the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary Program, and provide opportunities for students within the City of Logan.
Purpose: To increase employment opportunities within Council for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter, successful candidates for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary Program are due to be appointed before the end of January 2022.
PC2.3.4 - Deliver the Living Museum of Logan, working with the community to develop content for exhibition.
Purpose: To:
  • share the stories of our culturally diverse communities and of Logan’s Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities
  • share themes of importance to Logan's people
  • enhance visitor experience to the City of Logan.
June 2022 On Track Quarter 2 update
In the second quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year the following actions were undertaken:
  • Museum Curator consulted with First Nations and culturally diverse communities to develop content for three display spaces. Discussions with State Library of Queensland were undertaken for a potential exhibition in 2022.
  • Filming and editing of stories are nearing completion for the 'Nourish' display focussing on the connection between food, people, communities, and culture. Brochures were developed for 'Nourish' and First Nations spaces.
  • Pages for Living Museum of Logan were included in the Kingston Butter Factory season guide. Staff are working on developing short videos to include in the launch party.
  • Creative Industries staff undertook training for their 'White cards' (working on a construction site) to enable work to take place on site. Site visits and inductions were undertaken with staff, artists and designers on site.
  • Mural by Sam Tupou for 'Nourish' main wall completed.
Development of the Living Museum of Logan spaces, displays and programs continues.

The Living Museum of Logan will tell the stories of the people of Logan. It will be a non-collecting, family-friendly space where residents and visitors to Logan can be inspired and learn about the City of Logan.
PC2.3.5 - Deliver a school holiday program for 5 to 17 year olds.
Purpose: To encourage young people' involvement in active and healthy programs and increase community participation during school holidays.
June 2022 On Track During the second quarter, the Annual Progress report for the 2020/2021 financial year was presented and endorsed at the City Lifestyle Committee on the 6 October 2021.

Council engaged with young people across the City to identify what they would like to see delivered during future school holiday periods.  The online feedback survey opened on 18 June and closed on 13 December 2021. 104 responses were received, with over 250 desired activities suggested.

Request for proposals for KRANK opened on 1 November 2021 with community members, organisations and businesses invited to apply to deliver activities from July 2022 to June 2023.  Applications closed 6 December 2021. 107 applications were received.

Bookings for the January 2022 program opened on 13 December 2021.
PC2.3.6 - Deliver water safety awareness education sessions. Provide culturally appropriate learn-to-swim activities for:
  • First Nations people
  • newly arrived migrants and refugees.
Purpose: To increase participant swimming skills.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter, Nine (9) water safety awareness education sessions were delivered to community between October and December 2021 at various locations across the City of Logan.

Nine 8-hour swim programs were delivered to newly arrived migrants and refugees at Logan North, Beenleigh and Gould Adams Aquatic Centre.

Two 8-hour First Nations swim programs for parents and babies were delivered at Beenleigh Aquatic Centre.
PC2.3.7 - Deliver a health and wellbeing program for all Logan residents.
Purpose: To provide opportunities for residents to participate in affordable and accessible physical activities and health and wellbeing programs.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter, the Annual Progress Report for the 2020/2021 financial year was presented and endorsed at the City Lifestyle Committee on the 6 October 2021.

The Active and Healthy program delivered 118 weekly health and well-being activities in Logan between 1 October and 12 December 2021. 

On 5 November 2021, the annual Active and Healthy Program survey was published for community to provide their input and feedback on what they would like to see in future programs.
PC2.4.1 - Waste Dumping Taskforce 2021/2022
Investigate the illegal dumping of waste, proactively and in response to customer reports.
Purpose: To improve the city’s reputation, amenity and residents' safety.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the second quarter:
  • Consultation was initiated with Councillors and the community around the problem of illegal dumping in Logan city, to inform an Illegal Dumping and Litter Enforcement Strategy (2022-2025). This draft strategy has been prepared, is now undergoing internal consultation, and is due to be presented to the City Lifestyles Committee in early 2022.
  • Grant funding (Illegal Dumping Hotspots Grant) was acquitted with the Department of Environment and Science. For the duration of the Hotspots Program (08/06/21 - 31 /10 21) Council received 91 reports of illegal dumping which amassed 397,280 litres of waste.
  • Permanent and temporary relocatable prevention signage was designed, purchased and installed at key locations to reinforce consistent messaging that illegal dumping will not be tolerated in the City of Logan.
  • The Illegal Dumping Team continued to deliver operational enforcement services and identify increasing volumes and incidences of illegal dumping, including a targeted enforcement program in hotspot locations across Division 2 (including Logan Central, Woodridge and Kingston). This targeted activity has resulted in a significant decrease (30%) in the number of reported illegal dumping offices in the same area.