Proud City - Quarter 1, 2020 / 2021
Project name | Target | Status | Commentary |
PC2.1.1 - City of Logan/corporate rebrand | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: As at the end of the first quarter:
PC2.1.2 - Our Logan digital offering | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: As at the end of the first quarter:
PC2.1.3 - City Positioning and Strategic Marketing Framework | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: As at the end of the first quarter:
PC2.2.1 - City of Logan: Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025 | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: The Community Safety Program continue to deliver actions within the City of Logan Safe City Strategy and Action Plan 2021-2025. Highlights of works undertaken during this quarter include:
PC2.2.2 - Community development funding | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: A total of 14 community organisations were funded through Council's Community Development Funding to the value of $79,247.95. The total estimated reach of these projects is to support 3,578 residents, with an additional value to the community for the duration of the projects of $119,187. Four community organisations were funded to the value of $36,751 through the Community Project Grants program to support inclusive and long-term outcomes to the City of Logan. The estimated total reach is to support 593 residents, with an additional value to the community for the duration of the projects of $69,557. 10 community organisations were funded to the value of $42,496.95 through the Community Response Grants program to provide immediate support to community priorities. The estimated total reach is to support 2,985 residents, with an additional value to the community for the duration of the projects of $49,640. |
PC2.2.3 - Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct Management and Operations | September 2021 | Monitor | Interpretation and Response: As at the end of the first quarter:
It is recommended that the target date for this project be moved to February 2022. |
PC2.2.4 - Logan Safety Camera Program operational works | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: During this quarter Council's camera network captured 1156 incidents and received 166 footage requests. |
PC2.2.5 - Libraries Early Years and First 5 Forever initiatives | June 2022 | On Track |
Interpretation and Response:
First Five Forever aims to support the learning outcomes for all Logan children aged 0-5 years old by providing programs that offer talking, reading, singing, playing, dancing, and moving. |
PC2.2.6 - Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy 2019-2023 | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: Quarter 1 update: Over the first quarter, Libraries have completed the following actions in support of the objectives of the Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy:
The Libraries Learning and Discovery Strategy informs the programming deliverables of the Libraries and Creative Industries' Business Plan. This strategy provides the framework to allow library staff to be guided in the development, implementation and evaluation of purposeful and engaging library programming and community engagement. |
PC2.2.7 - Construct an outdoor events space and redevelop the Kingston Butter Factory. | September 2021 | Monitor | Interpretation and Response: As at the end of the first quarter:
It is recommended that the target date for this project be moved to February 2022. |
PC2.3.1 - Reconciliation Action Plan | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: Council's first identified First Nations Community Development Officer (FN CDO) commenced in July. Council's RAP Ambassadors met in September and discussed their purpose, roles and responsibilities, to progress next steps in championing reconciliation throughout Council. The Logan NAIDOC Committee met weekly throughout 2021 to prepare for the NAIDOC Day Event. A successful event was held on the 21st September 2021 at Logan Gardens led by the Logan District Elders and supported by Council through volunteers including the FN CDO, the Corporate Services Business Trainee, members of the RAP Working Group and RAP Ambassadors. There were approximately 90 Logan Elders and 46 stallholders in attendance on the day. |
PC2.3.2 - Access and Inclusion Plan | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: Council's Access and Inclusion Internal Working Group met in August where actions of the Access and Inclusion Plan continue to be progressed. The second annual progress report is currently being compiled which is due for completion in December 2022. The internal working group will present highlights over the 20 months to the community on the 3 December 2021 for International Day for People with Disability. In partnership with Carers Queensland, a workshop was held in July to support people with disability on how to start a small business using NDIS funding and supports available. This workshop delivers on action 8.2 if the plan. |
PC2.3.3 - Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Bursary Program | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: As at the end of the first quarter, a report was submitted to Committee. 5 October 2021 Committee endorsed the expansion of the program to include Information Technology and Business Students in response to nominations from these professions. |
PC2.3.4 - Living Museum of Logan | June 2022 | On Track |
Interpretation and Response: About: |
PC2.3.5 - KRANK School Holiday Program | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: The June/July KRANK school holiday program ran from 26 June to 11 July 2021, with a total of 71 different activities resulting in 228 sessions being delivered to young people across the city. This includes an additional 12 activity sessions added to the program due to community demand. A total of 1,744 young people attended the June/July KRANK school holiday program. The September/October KRANK school holiday program runs from 18 September to 3 October 2021, with a total of 61 different activities resulting in 150 sessions being delivered to young people cross the city. This includes an additional 9 activity sessions added to the program due to community demand. |
PC2.3.6 - Swim Logan | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: Between July to September 2021, eleven water safety awareness education sessions were delivered to community at various locations across the City of Logan. Three 8-hour swim programs were delivered to newly arrived migrants and refugees at the Gould Adams Aquatic Centre. Due to COVID-19 hesitations, the First Nations swim program that was scheduled to be delivered was postponed until further notice, as the target cohort for this period was community Elders. |
PC2.3.7 - Live Well Logan Program | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: The 2021/2022 Live Well Logan program commenced on 1 July 2021 with 47 providers that will deliver 140 activities. From 31 July to 8 August 2021 activities were cancelled due to COVID-19. During this time providers that could do so, switched to online delivery. Five activities continued via online mediums. |
PC2.4.1 - Waste Dumping Taskforce 2021/2022 | June 2022 | On Track | Interpretation and Response: As at the end of the first quarter: