Next Generation Governance (NG) - Quarter 2 2020/2021

Project Target Status Commentary

NG1.1.1 - Deliver enhancements and new features to the corporate website.

Purpose: Provide enhanced digital customer experiences.

June 2021 On Track

The Digital Customer Experience Team have completed a full accessibility audit and received accreditation against the WCAG2.1 Standard at the AA level. The 'My Property' feature via the corporate website and City of Logan app had some upgrades and enhancements applied.

There is still some ongoing work on this product to deliver some further enhancements. A COVID-19 tile via the corporate website continues to be updated with dynamic data. Several new online forms have been created and multiple PDFs have been converted to web pages. 

The focus for the coming quarter is applying Council's rebranding to our websites and City of Logan app, adding an enhanced Careers section to the corporate website applying online form upgrades which introduce location services and form logic.

NG1.2.1 - Develop a proposal for proactive and targeted educational or compliance programs. These will link to systemic risks or priority city-wide issues of public importance.

Purpose: Increase compliance.

 December 2020 Monitor    

During the second quarter of 2020/2021, the Development Assessment Branch had to place an increased focus on achieving key prosecution outcomes in the Magistrates Court during this period due to unforeseeable delays in the court system arising from COVID-19.

This created an upswing in legal/investigation work required to support this volume of outcomes. In any event, the successful outcomes achieved from these prosecutions during quarter 2 will inform the proactive educational proposals, particularly around the public interest considerations. Accordingly, the report is still under preparation and it is anticipated that it will be delivered to Council in quarter 3. 

It is recommended that the target date for this project be moved to April 2021, to allow for Councillor consultation to take place and a report to be completed.

NG2.1.1 - Deliver a news and community website.

Purpose: Provide stronger communication channels to the community.

June 2021   On Track Media Branch has prepared a report that will go to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in early 2021. The exact date to be confirmed. The report will seek endorsement for the project to present at a future committee meeting.

NG2.1.2 - Develop a revised community engagement strategy, with input from the community.

Purpose: Further enhance Council's commitment to broader engagement practices and processes.

June 2021  Completed    

Community consultation occurred and the feedback provided was reviewed. The draft strategy was updated to reflect feedback from the community and the final strategy has been endorsed by Council. 

The Community Engagement Program is currently developing an action plan to support the strategy.

NG3.1.1 - Develop and implement a compliance management system.

Purpose: Ensure effective and accountable governance.

June 2021 On Track

The Compliance and Risk Management Framework was approved by the Ordinary Council at its meeting on 28 October 2021 (Minute No. 136/2020).

The next stage of the project involves engaging with stakeholders to develop a compliance policy and procedure and reporting requirements.

NG3.1.2 - Develop and implement a governance framework.

Purpose: Promote best practices for corporate governance.

June 2021 Completed The Governance Framework was approved by Ordinary Council at its meeting held on 28 October 2020 (Minute No. 136/2020). This project is now complete.

NG3.1.3 - Deliver actions to secure Quality Management System ISO9001:2015 certification.

Purpose: Ensure a consistently high quality of service is delivered to customers and stakeholders.

June 2021 On Track

As a result of the gap audit undertaken 17 November 2020, Queensland Business Documents conducted a risk management workshop on 10 December 2020 with Plant Fleet Services and key stakeholders, the Health and Safety program and Risk and Insurance program, to identify and document the main risks to PFS business. An additional risk workshop is booked for 14 January to document additional risks identified.

One internal audit was undertaken during December with no non-conformances. A Management Review meeting was held 18 December. The internal review of processes and documentation remains at 70% progressed and awaits Queensland Business Document's guidance and input. Queensland Business Documents is in the process of reviewing the QMS documentation.

NG3.1.4 - Engage all stakeholder groups across the city to develop a long-term plan and city vision.

Purpose: Inform the strategic direction for the City of Logan.

June 2021 On Track

External consultants Articulous have been successful in the tender process for the provision of managing stages 2 and 3 of the community engagement process.

An initial workshop has been held to map out the process, timeframes, and stakeholder groups for stages 2 and 3. Social media releases have already commenced bringing awareness to the next stages, with formal community engagement scheduled to commence in February 2021.

NG3.1.5 - Deliver the Asset Management Strategy.

Purpose: Build organisational capability in sustainable asset management practices. Enable cost optimisation to meet the current and future needs of the city.

June 2021 On Track As at the end of the second quarter, the progress of key deliverables as per the Asset Management Strategy improvement plan continue and are currently being delivered per schedule.
These Include:
  • Asset Condition Assessment guidelines and plan which have been completed and were distributed to stakeholders via the AM TRG for review and feedback.
  • Development of the new TASMP using a new template.
  • Development of dashboard reporting capability.
  • Creating a new template for AMP.
  • Progressing Asset Data Standard and submission handbook is occurring in collaboration with RIP.
  • The development of a business case for an Asset Work Order and Maintenance Module has commenced.

NG3.1.6 - Deliver the Corporate Innovation Strategy.

Purpose: Build organisational capability in using innovation models. Enable services to be delivered in new and better ways.

June 2021 On Track

The program continues to roll out and support a number of initiatives for the month of December.  Key highlights for the second quarter include:

1. Innovation Culture & Capability Uplift

In December, the Corporate Innovation (CI) Program delivered the second online Lunch N Learn session for council staff with 55 staff logging in to the session.  The focus of this training session was to equip participants with the skills and knowledge to understand the importance of unpacking a problem from a range of perspectives and learnt how to complete a problem statement. In session and post session feedback rated positive in line with the previous month's results.

2. Corporate Innovation Services
In December, the CI Program supported the following programs by facilitating workshops and applying corporate innovation tools and techniques:

  • Worm Farm Business Case: Facilitating internal and external stakeholders to inform a draft business case for Council's Basement Canteen to explore the option of establishing a worm farm pilot as a potential solution to repurpose organic waste as an alternative to re-divert the canteens organic waste to landfill.
  • Business Process Mapping: Working with Governance to map out existing business processes to identify waste and improve business efficiencies.
  • Active Logan Workshops - facilitating workshops with internal stakeholders to identify opportunities to improve organisation collaboration and coordination of active lifestyle programs and marketing.

3. Innovation Communication & Engagement
The monthly Podcast was distributed across Council in December with a range of podcasts focused on innovation best practice. There are currently 148 council staff subscribed to the electronic podcast. Electronic communications were also distributed internally as part of project progress updates to internal stakeholders across a range of initiatives.

Two infomercial videos were finalised by the program in partnership with a local video production company.  These two artefacts are an internal communication tool to the business that helps explain the role of the Corporate Innovation Program and the tools and techniques that can be facilitated to support the organisation to explore and address business challenges.

NG3.2.1 - Deliver an advocacy campaign leading into the State Government election in October 2020.

Purpose: Secure infrastructure investment for the City of Logan from the State Government

October 2020 Not Proceeding

Council made a decision to remove this project from the Operational Plan at its meeting 18 November 2020 (Minute number 153/2020).

A decision was made to pause Council's FairShare4Logan platforms in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. No budget was allocated towards a state election campaign in 2020/2021.

Assistance was offered and provided to Councillors who wished to advocate for divisional priorities with State Candidates, as per the program's usual scope of business.

NG3.2.2 - Deliver the Advocacy Strategy 2020-2024 and implement a program of priorities.

Purpose: Build strategic relationships to influence policy and investment in the best interests of the city.

June 2021 On Track   The Advocacy Program received in principle support on the criteria and advocacy priorities from Committee, in order to commence drafting the new Advocacy Strategy in full.

NG3.3.1 - Deliver actions from the City of Logan Biosecurity Plan 2017-2022.

Purpose: Manage invasive pests, plants and animals across the city.

June 2021 On Track

As at the end of the second quarter, the Biosecurity Surveillance Program and invasive biosecurity matter control are on target:

  • 132 Monthly Water Body inspections, which led to 34 weed treatments
  • 1327 weed treatments on parks, public land and roadsides
  • 205 weed treatments provided by Council on private property (as a cost recovery exercise)
  • 1605 weed inspections

NG4.1.1 - Deliver a Safety Culture Action Plan and an organisational wellness strategy.

Purpose: Ensure the safety of our people, contractors, and community. Build resilience and maximise the physical and mental health and well-being of our people.

June 2021 On Track

Council's new Health and Safety Strategy was endorsed at the end of July 2020. This strategy serves to strengthen and deepen our existing positive safety culture.  

The formal health and safety strategy launch is currently being entered into each BMT meeting for delivery through February 2021.

NG4.1.2 - Deliver 14 strategic people projects.

Purpose: Enable and support our people to deliver on the Corporate Plan 2017-2022.

June 2021 Monitor    

Project deliverables within the People Plan have been resumed post a significant COVID-19 pause during 2020.

An amended focus, prioritisation and timing of projects is being finalised to ensure initiatives support Council's current and changing business needs within our new operating environment.

NG5.1.1 - Deliver an updated hazard and risk profile for the city.

Purpose: Improve disaster management capabilities.

June 2021  On Track

A number of community engagement initiatives were delivered during quarter 2, focusing on the following topics:

  • Disaster preparedness for businesses
  • Get Ready QLD week in October 2020
  • Response to Hail Storm Event (31 October 2020)
  • Storm preparedness 
  • Disaster Dashboard
  • Logan Early Warning
  • Beat the Heat – staying healthy in hot weather

Methods of engagement included:

  • Facebook posts, polls and advertisements
  • Articles in the Our Logan magazine
  • Attendance at the virtual English Conversation Group at Logan Central Library
  • Distribution of resources to libraries and community centres
  • Disaster preparedness displays at all 9 Logan Libraries
  • Media opportunity for Mayor Power with the SES following the Hail Storm Event on 31 October 2020
  • Information shared to businesses via a flyer in the Our Logan magazine
  • Google Display Prospecting
  • Shopping Centre Advertising
  • Petrol Station Reach Screens
  • Mobile Truck Billboard
  • Advertisements in the Jimboomba Times newspaper
  • Translated information on 4EB radio
  • Chalk stencils 
  • Promotion of key messages via super banners on the Logan City Council website and via the Customer Service Centre and Library TV screens

NG5.1.2 - Deliver the annual review of the Local Disaster Management Plan, sub-plans and Standard Operating Procedures.

Purpose: Ensure policies, practices and operational procedures align with agencies. Identify opportunities for continuous improvement

June 2021 Completed     The following plans were re-endorsed at the LDMG Meeting held 27 August 2020
  • Local Disaster Management Plan
  • Recovery Sub-Plan
  • Spontaneous Volunteers Sub-Plan
  • Community Information and Warnings Sub-Plan
  • Evacuation Sub-Plan
  • Hazard Specific Sub-Plan
  • Rapid Response Sub-Plan

NG5.2.1 - Finalise the Logan and Albert River floodplain study and plan.

Purpose: Improve flood management strategies in the event of a flood disaster

June 2021 On Track  As at the end of the second quarter. Additional sensitivity analysis nearing its completion. This will determine the actions required to complete the study.