IN6.1.1 - SafeRoads4Logan Road Safety Strategy Action Plan 2022-2026 implementation
Implement current year actions for of the SafeRoads4Logan Road Safety Strategy Action Plan 2022-2026.
Purpose: To reduce incidents and improve safety on roads in the City of Logan and promote road safety.
June 2023 |
On Track |
During the third quarter, a number of items from the Road Safety Strategy for Logan 2022-2026 Action Plan (A1 to A31) were progressed including:
- Continuing partnership with Little Blue Dinosaur Foundation (LBDF) to undertake research-based pilot study targeting child care centres for prevention of child road trauma (Action A5a).
- Weekly meetings between Council, Police and Department of Transport and Main Roads (TMR) road safety officers (Action A5b).
- Coordinating third meeting of Road Safety and Active Transport (RSAT) Advisory Group on 9 March 2023 (Action A6).
- Preparing final reports for investigations and installation of high activity zones in Logan Central precincts either side of rail line as part of TMR sponsored Vulnerable Road User Project (Action A24).
- Final scoping of potential trial of Smart Safety Platform, a real-time analytical tool attached to monitoring cameras and sponsored by Motor Accident Insurance Commission (Action A29).
- Comence preparation of the annual report (Action A31), partially reported as update to March RSAT Advisory Group, with final report proposed to be presented to next RSAT Advisory Group (now scheduled in July rather than in the fourth quarter). This will have an impact the project's delivery date (from June to July 2023).
The road safety officer role continues to be temporarily being filled through a 6 month internal secondment, focusing on maintaining road safety coordination and liaison tasks (rather than any new engineering activities). A new permanent staff member for lead road safety officer will be sought during the fourth quarter.
Branch: Road Infrastructure Planning |
IN6.2.1 - Chambers Flat Wastewater Treatment Plant site master plan
Develop the draft and final site master plan for the Chambers Flat Wastewater Treatment Plan.
Purpose: To support the delivery of reliable and sustainable water services. |
June 2023 |
On Track |
Master Plan awaits Kenny Road Presentation to Committee prior to finalisation.
Branch: Logan Water |
IN6.2.2 - Loganholme Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP) Stage 8. Beenleigh WWTP close
Deliver critical upgrades to the Loganholme WWTP.
Decommission the Beenleigh WWTP.
Purpose: To respond to anticipated increases in growth and demand in water services |
June 2023 |
On Track |
In the month of March 2023, the following activities were completed:
- l Bioreactor retaining wall
- l Scum tank concreting works
- l Benching in membrane tank
- l Bioreactor 1 diffuser disk installation.
The following works have commenced and will continue into April 2023:
- l Blower room/switch room precast walls
- l Chemical dosing slab
- l Outfall pipeline.
Overall the project is on track for completion and commissioning as scheduled.
Branch: Logan Water |
IN6.2.3 - Water and wastewater capital works program
Deliver water and wastewater infrastructure through the Water and Wastewater Capital Works Program.
Purpose: To deliver safe and efficient water and wastewater infrastructure to support the community and city growth.
June 2023 |
Monitor |
As at the end of March 2023, the expenditure on the Water and Wastewater Capital Works Program was $72.69 million against a phased budget of $88.77 million (82%).
Many projects were in the design and development phase in the first half of the year and are now entering the construction phase where the bulk of the expenditure on projects is incurred.
Expenditure will continue to ramp up in the remaining months of the financial year and it is expected that Capital Delivery targets will be met.
Branch: Logan Water |
IN6.2.4 - Water for SEQ Plan
Contribute towards the development of the Water for SEQ Plan.
Purpose: To:
- ensure the best possible outcomes for City of Logan communities
- effectively inform the region’s future through input in the SEQ Regional Plan.
June 2023 |
On Track |
As at the end of March 2023:
- Quarter three (March) Project Milestone achieved: The Draft Position Statement was received by the South East Queensland (SEQ) Water Service Providers (WSP) for review and comment.
- The SEQ WSP Partnership has engaged consultants to facilitate the development and preparation of the regional planning high-level strategic Position Statement, and development and implementation of the related Communication and Stakeholder Plan. Logan Water participated in stakeholder workshops in January, February and March.
- The Water for SEQ Plan is an initiative of the SEQ WSP Partnership with a vision for integrated and collaborative water cycle management across SEQ ensuring water and sewerage services are reliable, affordable, and sustainable both now and in the future. The benefits and costs of an integrated and regional approach to water management are realised, pursued, and shared equitably between stakeholders.
- The SEQ WSPs are Seqwater, Gold Coast, Logan, Redland, UnityWater and Urban Utilities. Each of the agencies had a plan for their component of the region but there was no holistic plan or framework for bringing them together or for guiding and supporting other levels of government when putting together the SEQ Regional Plan.
Branch: Logan Water |
IN6.3.1 - Parks Asset Renewal Program
Deliver the Parks Asset Renewal Program.
Purpose: Provide and maintain healthy and active recreation opportunities for families
June 2023 |
On Track |
As at the end of the third quarter the following was achieved:
l The program is on schedule with 82% of the program delivered so far and is running ahead of quarterly budget splits.
This is within acceptable parameters. Highlights include:
- Springwood Park toilet
- Parks Depot carpark
- Shannon Ramsey Water Bubbler
- Barber Court playground
- Lavelle Park playground
- Bayes Park shelter
- Tansey Park carpark
- Gould Adams carpark
- Hugh Muntz carpark
Other highlights include:
- Work has commenced on designs for 2023/24 Asset Renewal projects
- Progressing Wearing Park – Feedback received and actioned and documentation is underway
- Progressing Lincoln Green Park– Feedback received and actioned and documentation is underway
Branch: Parks |
IN6.3.2 - Waterford West Park
Deliver the detailed design for the Waterford West Park.
Purpose: To enhance Council’s recreational infrastructure across the city’s green spaces.
June 2023 |
On Track |
In this quarter, flood modelling for the site has been completed. Updates including minor adjustments required to the documentation are currently underway.
100% of external works documentation is currently out to internal review. All documentation is expected to be completed by June 2023.
Branch: Parks
IN6.4.1 - Asset Management deep dive
Deliver an enhanced level of maturity of strategic and operational asset management for Council facilities and properties.
Purpose: To support delivery of the related project: Enterprise Asset Management Systems and long-term sustainability of Council’s infrastructure.
March 2023 |
Completed |
As at the end of the first quarter, this project has been completed.
The scope of the project was to do a review of the Corporate Facilities Program asset maturity. This included recommendations on actions to be taken to bring the Program up to an improved standard of asset management. Once the recommendations and actions have been implemented, the Corporate Facilities Program will be well positioned from a project readiness perspective to engage in a meaningful way with the EAMS Project.
This project is now closed.
Branch: Corporate Property
IN6.4.2 - Asset Management Improvement Plan
Implement the Asset Management Strategy 2020-2023. This will be achieved by delivering identified actions from the associated Asset Management Improvement Plan (AMIP). This includes reviewing:
- condition assessment and defect identification regime for each asset class
- risk analysis and monitoring regime for infrastructure assets
- operations, maintenance, and renewal plans
- asset management resources across the organisation
- implementing AMIP Key Performance Indicators.
Purpose: To improve organisational financial reporting and analytics capabilities. |
June 2023 |
On Track |
Asset Management has continued providing assistance to Branches with the preparation their asset lifecycle asset models. The timeframe for this is now expected to be delivered by April 2023 for all branch preparations to be completed, with a review of the models to be undertaken in May.
This is to feed into the related project – IN6.4.3: Organisational asset renewals modelling.
Updating and reviewing the Asset Roles & Responsibilities has been highlighted by the Asset Management Service Delivery Coordination Team as a key focus area of the coming months as this will impact the Enterprise Asset Management Solution (EAMS) project.
Branch: Enterprise Portfolio Management Office |
IN6.4.3 - Organisational asset renewals modelling
Update the organisation's asset renewal governance and practices.
Purpose: To provide improved information for future decisions around new and existing service levels.
June 2023 |
On Track |
Development of the renewal models is ongoing with Asset Management providing general assistance and creating models where branches have resourcing issues. The timeframe for this is now expected to be delivered by end of April 2023, with a review of models and development of a consolidated asset renewals model for all of Council to be undertaken in May.
A meeting with representative from the Institute of Public Works Australasia (IPWEA) was held in March to discuss Council's Asset Management Lifecycle Model development by asset class and their availability to provide an external review function.
Branch: Enterprise Portfolio Management Office
IN6.5.1 - Parks Capital Works Program
Deliver park infrastructure through the Parks Capital Works Program.
Purpose: To Increase tourism in the city. To create healthy and active recreation opportunities for families.
June 2023 |
Monitor |
At the end of quarter three, the program has expended $10.4 million with the forecast expenditure at the end of the financial year expected to be $18.3 million.
Branch: Parks |
IN6.5.2 - Flagstone Community Hub
Deliver detailed design work for the Flagstone Community Hub.
Purpose: To support development of the new Greater Flagstone community centre.
June 2023 |
On Track |
As at the end of the third quarter:
- Request for quote being assessed ready for appointment.
- Youth engagement workshop being developed to inform concept design phase
MILESTONES: Issue, assess and finalise tender for design consultants.
PROPOSED ACTIONS: Appoint consultant for design to commence quarter 4 and during 23/24 (subject to road access and services being finalised by developer).
Branch: Sports and Community Infrastructure |
IN6.5.3 - Yarrabilba Community Hub
Deliver the Yarrabilba Community Hub.
Purpose: To provide a new integrated community facility that delivers critical social services for the community.
November 2022 |
Completed |
As at the end of November 2022:
- Works have been completed for the Yarrabilba Community Hub.
- Practical completion has been issued and handover completed in early November 2022.
- Project complete.
This project is now closed.
Branch: Sports and Community Infrastructure |
IN6.6.1 - Road and Drainage Capital Works Program
Deliver the road and drainage infrastructure 2022/2023 projects through the Road and Drainage Capital Works Program.
Purpose: To deliver sustainable transport infrastructure that provides city and regional connection.
To deliver drainage infrastructure that collects and discharges stormwater safely and effectively
June 2023 |
On Track |
At the end of the third quarter, delivery of the Capital Roadworks and Drainage Program has achieved $93.9 million in overall expenditure. This was slightly ahead of planned expenditure targets by 19%.
Notable projects under construction throughout the third quarter include:
- Early works for Loganlea Road Upgrade, Loganlea ($73.6 million)
- Chambers Flat Road Upgrade, Chambers Flat ($38 million)
- Gunungai Drive Cycleway, Slacks Creek ($4.1 million)
- Stage 1 and 2 of the Cowper Avenue Catchment Master Drainage Project, Eagleby ($15.4 million)
- Stages 1 to 5 of the Kelly Street Catchment Master Drainage Project, Eagleby ($17.2 million)
- Mundoolun Road Rehabilitation and Road Upgrade, Mundoolun ($17.4 million)
- Asphalt resurfacing, spray sealing works and pavement rehabilitation at numerous locations across the city (totalling $12.2 million)
The Capital Roadworks and Drainage Program delivers enhanced transport and drainage infrastructure across the City of Logan. The Program delivers infrastructure upgrades to cater for improvements and growth across the city as well as renewal of the existing infrastructure network.
Branch: Road Infrastructure Delivery |
IN6.7.1 - Monitoring room expansion investigation
Deliver an investigation into the expansion of the Logan Safety Camera Program Monitoring Room.
Purpose: To support the expansion of the Logan Safety Camera Program network.
June 2023 |
Monitor |
This project is on hold due to network upgrades. The investigation will continue following the completion of network upgrades.
Branch: City Safety and Liveability |
IN6.7.2 - Strategic Land Acquisition Program
Establish a 3-year Strategic Land Acquisition Program to coordinate the acquisition of commercial land and sale of surplus land.
Purpose: To support the efficient delivery of trunk infrastructure and generate investment and employment opportunities in our city.
June 2023 |
On Track |
At the end of the third quarter:
- Work is ongoing in relation to a citywide assessment of economic activity precincts.
- Preliminary investigations in relation to housing needs across the city are underway.
- Further design work has continued for the Innovation Precinct.
Branch: Economic Development and City Planning |