High performing organisation - Quarter 1, 2024 / 2025

Project name Target Status Commentary
HP7.1.1 - Rates Reform April 2025 On Track In the first quarter of 2024/25, the structural reform of the rating system progressed in line with the project management plan.

A high-level report, detailing rates reform for the 2025/26 budget, is scheduled for presentation to Council's Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in October 2024.

Following presentation to ELT, the report will be presented to Council's 'Setting the Scene' meeting later that month. Feedback received will inform additional aspects for investigation.
HP7.1.2 - Payment Channels June 2025 On Track In the first quarter of 2024/25, the following actions were completed towards delivery of the review of current payment channels:
  • report drafted ready for review
  • consultation undertaken with Council's Rates Department (Rates) to provide input
  • initial assessment of data completed
  • continuation of review of report with Rates.
HP7.2.1 - Disaster Management Capability and Capacity June 2025 On Track

In the first quarter of 2024/25, the following initiatives were undertaken towards strengthening the safety and wellbeing of the Logan community:
Voluntary Home Buy Back Scheme

Activities conducted:

  • demolition / removal of properties in Packages 3 – 6 progressed
  • liaison with various stakeholders – Logan City Council Properties, Abyss Demolitions, Buildable Approvals
  • property inspections
  • reporting to key stakeholders.

Challenges encountered:

  • lack of internal notifications of completion of internal works (removal of water meter and/or sewer capping) – this was addressed by constant follow up.

Guardian Incident Management System

Activities conducted:

  • Guardian Incidence Management System enhancements: Meetings with Vendor, conducted testing
  • support tickets – communication with vendor re: new tickets, follow up, testing and closeout
  • maintenance and updates – Users, Configurations, creation of templates
  • Flood Intel System – meeting with River and Catchment Engineering re Flood Intel System project status and training requirement

Challenges encountered:

  • development cycle – Development & Quality Assurance to deployment to Training environments.

Lessons Management

Activities conducted:

  • Community and Corporate Resilience Standard Operating Procedure - finalised
  • followed up existing Lessons Management actions / tasks outstanding.


Activities conducted:

  • LDCC Refresher training
  • 2024 Guardian Incident Management System training
  • DLC training
  • Internal Cyber Security Training.
HP7.2.2 - Disaster Management Recovery and Resilience June 2025 On Track In the first quarter of 2024/25, the following initiatives were undertaken towards supporting enhanced resilience and recovery to disaster events for the Logan community.

Community Engagement:
  • Elders, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander organisations and Queensland Police Service representatives' engagement was held 9 September at Logan Central, to discuss the development of a 'First Nations disaster resilience strategy'.
  • An Elders co-design meeting with Jinndi Mibunn (an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander not-for-profit organisation) was held at Eagleby on 10 September. The meeting provided an opportunity for co-design of the upcoming Jinndi Jarjums Emergency Service Event. 
  • An Emergency Services logistics meeting for Jinndi Jarjums emergency services event was held online on the 11-9-24.
  • A Jinndi Jarjums Emergency event, an Identified event for young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders from the Jinndi Milbunn school holiday program and Foster Care program, was held on 18 September. Project partners included Jinndi Milbunn, Rural Fire Services, State Emergency Service, Queensland Fire Department and Queensland Police. The event provided an opportunity for young Jarjums to learn about emergency services, vehicles and equipment, and the people behind the uniform.
  • A meeting was held with Public Safety Training & Response Group Pty Ltd on the 13 September, to discuss the services they provide.
  • A presentation was provided on 17 September to all Councils, about the City of Logan - Voice of Students in Disaster Resilience' project, at the Get Ready Queensland, all Councils online meeting.
  • A meeting was held with Bunnings Underwood team on the 17 September, at their request, to develop an event in October for 'Get Ready Week'. We will partner with Bunnings to deliver a children's get ready activity on 5 October, and handout emergency plan booklets to families.
  • The Resilience and Recovery Officer attended the National Gathering First Nations Disaster conference, held 24 to 26 September.
  • A 'Whose Responsibility Is It' workshop was delivered at Yarrabilba on the 27 September.
During the month of September, logistics work has been substantial in the leadup to a large number of engagements scheduled for the October to December period.  During this time 'Whose Responsibility Is It', Creative Recovery and Psychological First Aid workshops are planned to be held.
HP7.2.3 - Value for Money (VfM) Program June 2025 On Track The Value for Money (VfM) Program was introduced to Council in March 2022 and continues to deliver value to the organisation.

In the first quarter of 2024/25, the following was achieved:
A review was completed of all VfM initiatives implemented throughout financial year 2023/2024 and those completed were finalised. This information was included in the report delivered to Council in September.

A number of identified initiatives, led by various branches within Council,  were closed as they achieved or overachieved the target set at the outset. The outcomes of those initiatives were hard savings, cost avoidance and reduction in organisational risk.

Two new potential VfM projects were identified and progressed, as detailed below:
  • Additional in-depth analysis of performance data for removal of litter and illegally dumped items to identify the benefits of consolidating those services into one service owner.
  • Development of a discovery action plan for the interbranch service level agreement initiative prior to taking it to the Gate 1 Gateway Moderation Team (GMT) meeting. The GMT determines how complex an initiative is, i.e., the initiative tier. This in turn drives the supporting documentation of an initiative.
HP7.2.4 - School Immunisation Program Review - Round 2 June 2025 On Track In September 2024, Round 2 of the School Immunisation Program is nearing completion. 

Two super school clinics were planned for delivery in October to provide catch up opportunities for Year 7 and 10 students.

2025 planning is well underway with improvements being made to the schedule to improve uptake and vaccination rates.
HP7.2.5 - South-West Depot June 2025 On Track The live connection of the water main was completed in late September, with Certificate of Occupancy (COC) and final handover to Council occurring in early October.
HP7.2.6 - 2022-2026 People Plan June 2025 On Track Organisational people development for 2024/25 is focussing on the delivery of identified projects. In the first quarter of 204/25 the following was delivered:
Culture and engagement
  • Leaders are undertaking sessions with their teams to understand specifics and put meaningful actions in place.
  • Workforce planning
  • Organisational workforce plan data collection is underway. Operational workforce plan support is being provided upon request. Next steps include progressing the Policy through the correct processes.
  • Excellence in performance
  • Training is well underway, with 520 leaders and employees trained in the new way of working.
  • Succession management
  • Business critical roles have been identified through business continuity plans. A business engagement schedule has been planned.
Leadership development
  • Commenced analysis of the capabilities in the leadership levels against existing leadership programs. The Program Leader Academy is running as intended, and remaining Organisational Proficiency modules have been completed and launched.
HP7.3.1 - Digital Transformation Program delivery June 2025 On Track The Digital Transformation Program is working towards provision of a future, seamless, digital experience for Council staff and the community.

During the first quarter of 2024/25, the following progress was made towards delivery of projects under the Digital Transformation Program:

Financial Supply Chain and Enterprise Content Management
  • workshop conducted, positive feedback received
  • TechOne on track.
Human Resource and Payroll
  • TechOne progressing
  • Humanforce progressing.
Enterprise Asset Management Solution (EAMS) and Project Lifecycle Management
  • EAMS team coordinating, validation ongoing
  • Roads and Water configurations reviewed.
Geographical Information System (GIS)
  • business engagement established
  • Enterprise 10.9.1 in testing.
  • integration stream and Boomi platform ready.
  • data stream established
  • migration analysis started.
Business Readiness
  • control packs under development
  • SharePoint content and training workshops progressing.
Tranche 1 and 2
  • onboarding, testing, and upgrades progressing.

Program Management

  • health check, budget, and schedule on track
  • governance ongoing.
HP7.3.2 - Cemetery study June 2025 On Track In the first quarter of 2024/25, work progressed on the Cemetery Study to determine the current capacity and inform future planning.

Subject matter experts were engaged early to help inform the project.

A key achievement was the survey of the Beenleigh Cemetery.

Works for the Cemetery Study remain on track with site visits and interrogation of data planned for October.
HP7.3.3 - Review and update Council’s Water Netserv Plan June 2025 On Track Logan Water submitted the Water Netserv Plan (Part A) and Connections Policy on 5 August 2024 to the Department of Housing, Local Government, Planning and Public Works requesting endorsement of the plan by the Planning Minister.

On 17 September 2024, in accordance with section 99BR(5) of the Act, the proposed part A was taken to be endorsed as the Planning Minister had not refused or asked the SEQ service provider to make changes to the proposed part A within 30 business days of receipt.

Next steps include submission of a report to Council meeting (29 October) requesting adoption of the Water Netserv Plan Part A and its Connection Policy, and subsequent notice of adoption via letter to be given to the Planning Minister.
HP7.5.1 - Financial Policy Review April 2025 On Track In the first quarter of 2024/25, Initial discussions were held to inform the new process to amend the policy.

Work will commence shortly to draft amended wording to the relevant policies in preparation for the hold on policy reviews to be lifted.
HP7.5.2 - Safety in Design Processes June 2025 On Track
In the first quarter of 2024/25, improvements to Council's Parks Branch Safety in Design (SiD) progressed.

Enhancements have been made to more effectively integrate risk assessments into the design process for park projects.

Formal and informal staff training opportunities have been identified.

The review of Parks Branch SiD processes is on track, with further progress being made in updating internal SiD documentation as well as preliminary internal training.
HP7.6.1 - Delivery of new Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) Suppression Taskforce Dec 2024 On Track During the first quarter of 2024/25, the Red Imported Fire Ant (RIFA) Taskforce worked alongside the National Fire Ant Suppression Team undertaking responsiveness and broadscale suppression throughout the City of Logan.
HP7.6.2 - Direct Hire Model - Process Creation and Implementation June 2025 On Track In the first quarter of 2024/25, the following has been achieved:
  • The annual traineeship and apprenticeship process kicked off in July and is on track for the quarter.
  • Bidding outcomes for 2025 positions have been shared with the business. Background work to set up positions to match the Award conditions completed with HR teams.
  • Preparation for the current year 2024 Traineeship and Apprenticeship Awards night is continuing. A coordinator position is temporarily vacant due to medical leave. This is expected to be resolved by mid-October. Some general business activities for the management of the 2024 cohort have fallen behind as a result of the resource constraint, however all critical items are on track.
HP7.6.3 - Talent Pathways June 2025 On Track During the first quarter 2024/25, the following activities were delivered:
  • The employment pathways project plans were drafted and put in motion in July.
  • At the end of the quarter, the research phase was completed on all initiatives.
  • Market and industry analysis, as well as a review of internal Council operations relating to these initiatives, has been conducted.
  • Findings have been drafted into Discovery reports and are scheduled for review with People and Culture Leaders in October.
  • Next steps will include Council's internal gateway approval and planning of the project schedule.