High performing organisation - Quarter 3, 2021 / 2022

Project Target Status Commentary
HP7.1.1 - Property rating strategies and framework
Deliver a review of Council's rating strategies and framework.
Purpose: To ensure equity to our ratepayers.
To provide a foundation for long-term financial sustainability.
March 2022 Not Proceeding A decision was made by Council in the second quarter to remove this project from the Operational Plan (minute# 16/2022).
Due to the size and complexity of this initiative it was decided to extend the timeline for completion. As such it was decided to remove the project from this year's Operational Plan.
HP7.2.1 - 213 Queens Road redevelopment
Deliver the redevelopment project construction plan for the depot at 213 Queens Road.
Purpose: To provide a fit-for-purpose workplace environment for branch services.
To provide a better customer experience for the community.
June 2022 On Track During the third quarter construction of Stage 1 was impacted by significant weather events (rainfall and flooding). This impact of which has resulted in Stage 1 completion delays, as construction of infrastructure and earthwork preparations for Stage 2 are finalised. These delays are within the scope of the contract. No risks or issues specific to the project or development site were identified during quarter three.  Impact to depot operations has been negligible.
HP7.2.2 - Community Engagement Strategy Action Plan
Deliver a Strategy Implementation and Action Plan outlining practical actions.
Purpose: To guide how we deliver the Community Engagement Strategy 2020-2024.
To advance and enhance community engagement practices internally and externally.
December 2021 Completed The Community Engagement Strategy Implementation and Action Plan (document) is complete. (DM# 15250475)

The Plan will assist the Community Engagement Program to prioritise, monitor and adapt initiatives under the three priority areas of the Strategy.

The Community Engagement Strategy for the City of Logan must be implemented by the end of 2024. Timeframes for all initiatives included in the Community Engagement Strategy will be detailed in the Plan in order of priority. This will be done in collaboration with the Community Engagement Program. The final Plan will be version controlled and adapted where necessary to meet changing community needs.
The Community Engagement Strategy Implementation and Action Plan includes initiatives, priorities, timelines and responsibilities. The monitoring, reporting and evaluation processes will be determined on a project-by-project basis and approved by the Customer Experience and Community Engagement Manager.

Delivery of the Plan's actions will be ongoing until 2024.
HP7.2.3 - Community Engagement Framework
Deliver initiatives within Council’s Disaster Management’s Community Engagement Framework.
Purpose: To promote and enhance community education, resilience and recovery.
June 2022 On Track The 202120/22 Get Ready Queensland Plan of Activities has been developed in line with the Guidelines and submitted to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.

Activities that have been undertaken in March 2022 include:
  • Logan Early Warning campaign delivered through the following channels:
    • Google Display Prospecting
    • LCC Facebook and ads
    • LCC Website Super Banner
    • Customer Service and Libraries – TV slide
    • Shopping centres
    • CASSie Screens (Targeting Males)
    • Chalk Stencils
HP7.2.4 - Disaster Management Capability and Capacity Framework
Deliver activities that support the Disaster Management Capability and Capacity Framework.
Purpose: To ensure that we have an appropriately staffed, sustainable and trained workforce.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of last quarter, the following was achieved:
Local Disaster Management arrangements were activated during February and March of this quarter.

February – Severe Weather Events (2 x mini tornado)
LDMG Activation status remained at Stand Down, however numerous Council branches responded to a surge of customer requests for vegetation removal.  Energex outages were experienced for isolated areas within Logan.  Rapid damage assessment teams from Queensland Fire and Emergency Services were conducted:

February/March – SEQ Floods
  • LDMG Activation Status at STAND UP 26/02/22 – 08/03/22
  • LDCC Activation Status at STAND UP 25/02/22 – 04/03/22
  • Evacuation Centres Open - 1.  28/02/22 – 04/03/22
  • Places of Refuge Open – 5.  28/02/22 – 04/03/22
  • LRG Activation Status at STAND UP
  • LRCC Activation Status at STAND UP 07/03/22 – 01/04/22

The 2021/22 Get Ready Queensland Plan of Activities has been developed in line with the Guidelines and submitted to the Queensland Reconstruction Authority.

Activities that have been undertaken in the quarter include:
  • Readiness Presentation to the Disaster Preparedness Workshop for People with Disability
  • Storm preparedness campaign delivered through the following channels:
  • Customer Service and Libraries – TV slide
  • LCC Facebook and Super banner

Logan Early Warning campaign delivered through the following channels:
  • LCC Facebook and ads
  • Shopping centres

Rebel FM Radio ads

  • Translated ads on 4EB radio
  • CASSie Screens (Targeting Males)

Beat the Heat Campaign delivered through the following channels:
  • Our Logan Magazine
  • If It's Flooded Forget It:Campaign
  • LCC Facebook

SES Capability and Capacity Framework
Throughout the quarter the following training courses have been delivered to SES Members in preparedness for the season:
  • Flood Boat Operations
  • Chainsaw Operations
  • Working at Heights
  • Temporary Roof Repairs
  • General skills group training (knots, storm damage etc)
  • SES Recruit Induction
  • Land/Forensic Search

Throughout the quarter the following operational activities occurred:
  • Flood Boat Resupply
  • Flood Boat Evacuation
  • Working at Heights
  • Chainsaw Operations
  • Sandbagging
  • Land Search

There has been a total of 4943 operational hours during the quarter
HP7.2.5 - Recruitment
Increase the Talent Acquisition Team's capacity to meet Council's increased workforce planning requirements.
Purpose: To enable effective change management and leadership practices.
June 2022 On Track Recruited final Talent Partner position and they are commencing next week.  Unfortunately our Talent Partner Lead has resigned & we will be recruiting this position shortly.
Process improvements are continuing.  We are receiving regular positive feedback around the improvements and the customer services provided by the Talent Acquisition Team.
HP7.2.6 - Procurement Model Review Stage 3
Deliver updates to Council's procurement framework, delivery models and services.
Purpose: To increase efficiencies in Council's procurement processes and procedures.
June 2022 Completed As at the end of the third quarter: 
l  In preparation for the transition to a strategic procurement framework, a key action was to develop a new Contracting Manual. The purpose of the manual is to document the new procedures and financial thresholds that facilitate a strategic approach to procurement and contracting activities. The Contracting Manual was endorsed by Council's Executive Leadership Team at its meeting held 6 December 2021 with the endorsing the recommendation “that the Administration Manager progress the necessary actions for Council to apply the SCP to its contracting as per Chapter 6 – Contracting, Part 2 Strategic Contracting Procedures of the Local Government Regulation 2012, including seeking Council adoption of the Contract Manual'.
  • Council adopted the Contract Manual and Contracting Plan at its meeting held 28 January 2022. 
  • Corporate Procurement engaged with Branch Management Teams across Council to bring awareness to the key changes.
  • Council applied the Strategic Contracting Procedures to its contracts from 1 March 2022.
  • Council hosted a Supplier Engagement and Networking event, targeted at local businesses to understand the opportunities to supply to Council. This particular event focussed on the new strategic procurement framework.
What was achieved? 
  • Milestone: ELT endorsed new Procurement thresholds prior at its meeting held 6 December 2021.
  • Milestone: Council adopted a new Contracting Manual and Contracting Plan at its meeting held 28 January 2022.
  • Milestone: Council applied the strategic contracting procedures to its contracts from 1 March 2022.
  • Project 'HP7.2.6 - Procurement Model Review Stage 3' completed within target date of June 2022.

  • A Change Management Plan was developed for this project. All issues and risks, or potential issues, are reported to the Procurement Transformation Change Manager or the Project Manager who would then work with the appropriate people to assess the issue, determine the potential impact and assign appropriate mitigation measures. All issues that constitute a risk to the project will be documented and managed in the Procurement Transformation Project Risk Register. This risk register is updated weekly at Project Team meetings to ensure risks and issues are captured, addressed, and managed.
HP7.3.1 - Corporate Innovation Strategy
Deliver Year 2 of the Corporate Innovation Strategy.
Purpose: To build organisational capability in using innovation models.
To enable services to be delivered in new and better ways.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter the following initiatives were delivered across the Corporate Innovation Program's 3 core service areas:
  • Corporate Innovation Service: Across Quarter 3, the Corporate Innovation Program supported 10 diverse organisational projects and initiatives. Services included workshop facilitation and coaching and supporting teams to facilitate customer interviews and engagement.
  • Innovation Culture and Capability.  In Quarter 3, two Lunch and Learns were delivered. February's Lunch and Learn was a panel discussion to showcase achievements and lessons learnt on Council's Smart Lighting project.  March's Lunch and Learn was focused on capability uplift and the session was designed around how to collaborate with teams in a digitally remote workplace.  A total of 83 staff attended Lunch and Learns in Quarter 3 and staff satisfaction is tracking at 92% favourability.  The online Introduction to Problem Solving self-paced training program was launched in November 2021 (Quarter 2) and at the end of Quarter 3, we now have 70 staff who have enrolled in the program.
  • Innovation Communication and Engagement: Two editions of Innovation Unearthed were distributed across the organisation. Current subscriptions are tracking at 317 staff subscribers which has grown from 295 in Quarter 1. Open rate at the end of Quarter 3 is tracking at 65.38% (industry benchmark 28.77%) and the click rate for the quarter is tracking at 11.54% (benchmark 3.3%). 
HP7.3.2 - TechOne to the Cloud
Upgrade the TechOne solution to be cloud-based.
Purpose: To replace current solutions which have reached end-of-life.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of quarter 3:
  • the project has successfully achieved a Technical GO LIVE of the CIA Payroll module, improving the performance, security and stability the Council's payroll system. 
  • Due to Easter, annual leave and other commitments, a business decision has been agreed to target early May for the first actual pay-run in CIA.
  • Quarter 3 activities focused on solution design and analysis of the remaining modules transitioning to CIA, whilst accommodating business resource demands. 
  • As agreed at the January and February Steering Committee, the resulting timeline change of the project saw a quarter 3 milestone alteration, with a target to focus on finalising required module solution design and analysis. 
  • Completion of this milestone allows the project to move to the Build (configuration) Phase in quarter 4. Quarter 4 will focus on ensuring the vendor delivers appropriate configuration for modules. 
HP7.3.3 - Enterprise Asset Management System
Complete Stage 1 of the work order and maintenance solution.
Scope phase 2 strategic asset management options.
Purpose: To ensure the right business system and solutions are selected that:
  • are in line with today's technologies and best practice
  • enable efficient and effective management of assets and quality asset information
  • support operational and strategic infrastructure decision making.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • The Implementation Planning Stage (IPS) is ongoing with a plan to complete by end June 2022 to feed Business Case design.
  • The business case is being drafted ta
  • Benefits workshops with targeted groups across the organisation has been conducted. These will continue into the fourth quarter.
HP7.3.4 - Corporate project management practices
Review Council's current corporate project management guidelines.
Purpose: To establish a well-structured:
  • project prioritisation model
  • project management delivery model.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • Workshops held with all branches in the organisation who indicated Change Impact outside of their branch as a result of their nominated Branch Business Plan projects.  This data is now presented through the Branch Business Planning Heat Maps.
  • Presentation of Branch Business Planning Heat Maps to Branch Management Teams across the organisation who accepted the invite from their BT representative.
  • Progress on the Corporate Project Management Guidelines review was impacted due to new project change request regarding developing a project prioritisation model.  As this is a single resource project the resource was diverted to development of feasibility and options for project prioritisation.
  • Ongoing work with the ICT Transformation Management Office (TMO) to identify and plan for cross dependencies between this project and the TMO.
HP7.4.1 - Change Framework
Develop and implement an enterprise-wide change framework and supporting tools.
Purpose: To support effective change management and leadership practices.
June 2022 On Track This quarter has seen the continued uplift of change capability across Council via a range of development programs now firmly embedded within our learning and development offerings. As a result, our change framework and its supporting tools are being applied to an increasing number of projects at both branch and enterprise level, delivering improved project outcomes and enhanced sustainability.
HP7.5.1 - Corporate performance reporting
Commence a review of corporate reporting practices.
Purpose: To improve data collection and reporting capabilities.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter, a draft of a corporate performance reporting framework (CPRF) was completed. The objective of the CPRF is to provide comprehensive performance information that meets the needs of Management and Executives to support good decision-making in the areas of planning and operational management. In meeting this objective, the CPRF will:
  • encourage accountability and transparency
  • maintain stakeholder confidence in performance (internal and external)
  • encourage a continuous improvement environment.

The draft is being circulated internally for review and feedback.
HP7.5.2 - Certified Agreement negotiations
Develop and embed the next Certified Agreement.
Purpose: To provide a framework to ensure a healthy and safe workforce.
June 2022 On Track

As at the end of the third quarter:

  • The proposed agreement voted on and endorsed on the 8 March 2022.
  • The Certified Agreement (CA) has been lodged in the Commission with a hearing date of 21 April 2022.
  • CA summary sessions have been offered to people leaders.
HP7.5.3 - Delegations review
Deliver a review of Council’s delegations framework.
Purpose: To ensure Council’s delegations framework complies with legislation. To meet Council’s legislative requirement to conduct an annual review of delegations.
April 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • ELT has endorsed the transition to go live plan
  • Work continues to prepare the technical solution for use
  • Work has commenced on the required Council reporting to be delivered by June 2022
HP7.6.1 - Strategic Accommodation Plan
Deliver a strategic and operational accommodation plan. Deliver the plan based on a short, medium and long-term forecast horizon.
Purpose: To support forward planning of accommodation needs over the next 15 years.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • The project is currently running on track
  • Stage 1 will be complete by the end of the financial year (end June 2022).
HP7.6.2 - Strategy addressing greywater services causing amenity issues
Replace problematic grey water systems with a suitable solution.
Purpose: To:
  • improve the liveability of the city
  • improve public health and safety
  • action complaints received about grey water systems and increase customer satisfaction.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter, the following was conducted:
  • Due to material and installation costs significantly increasing, this has resulted in costs to convert existing properties more than doubling. Therefore, this has resulted in the program seeking to convert three properties within the 2021/2022 financial year.
  • The program has successfully converted one property, and an additional two properties are currently in the quotation stage It is estimated conversion works will be completed by end of May 2022.
HP7.7.1 - Advocacy Action Plan
Develop and execute advocacy strategies.
Purpose: To influence federal and state government decisions that support Logan's identified advocacy priorities.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • The Advocacy Program completed preparation of the Advocacy Action Plan for the 2022 Federal Election.
  • This was presented to a Councillor briefing on 17 March 2022.
  • Communication material is being prepared for the election that will be held no later than 22 May 2022.