HP7.2.1 - City Parking Enforcement Strategy 2023 - 2026 |
June 2024 |
On Track |
At the end of the first quarter:
- Extensive community engagement activities to best understand the expectation of the community in managing city-wide parking was completed.
- The draft of the City-wide Parking Enforcement Plan (2023-2026) (Plan) was finalised and presented to council's Executive Leadership Team (ELT) on 7 September 2023.
- The Plan was supported for progression to a future Councillor Briefing Session to be held on 12 October 2023.
- Dedicated resources continued to patrol parking behaviour in and around schools.
- Development of specialised school parking maps continued.
HP7.2.2 - Community champions project |
June 2024 |
Monitor |
At the end of the first quarter of 2023/24, the following was achieved:
- Community Champions EOI received: 2
- Community Champion Interviews conducted: 2
- Number of applications at pre- acceptance stage: (Blue card, Police check) : 25 – 11 x have received a police check link and have not yet accessed it, 2 x have processed their police checks and are waiting on results, 12 x requests to send a link issued but not yet received an update from P&C
- Active Community Champions: 10
- Applicants not progressing after interview: There is potential for some community champions to be removed from the program due to not following process and self-activating in the recent Flagstone Fires. Membership to the program is under review.
No further applications will be accepted until we have successfully implemented this program and onboarded the initial group of volunteers. Further recruitments are on hold until further notice (no earlier than Q2 2024).
7 Training sessions for the current applicants were originally organised, however, due to a date clash with the referendum and other events, Evacuation Centre Training has been postponed and will be rescheduled in 2024.
Overview of training:
- QDMA (Pre-req), QFES, 05/08/2023
- QDMA (Pre-req), QFES, 08/08/2023
- Disaster Recovery Expert Workshop, Red Cross, 17/08/2023
- Psychological First Aid, Red Cross, 30/09/2023
- QDMA (Pre-req), QFES, 19/10/2023
- Volunteer Management, Volunteering Queensland, 25/11/2023.
HP7.2.3 - Disaster Management Community engagement framework |
June 2024 |
On Track |
At the end of the first quarter 2023/24, the following was achieved:
Community Presentations:
- Disaster Preparedness Presentation 2/9/23 Islamic Women's Association of Australia.
Community Events:
- Attendance at the Disaster Day hosted by local Politicians (J Chambers MP, C. Dick MP) @ Gould Adams Park, Kingston. Approximately 400 people attended this event.
Aged Care and Seniors Presentations and Workshops:
- Disaster Preparedness Presentation 7/9/23 Ruby by Living Gems
- Disaster Preparedness Presentation 13/9/23 Palm Lake Resort Waterford
- Disaster Preparedness Presentation 13/9/23 River Glen Lifestyle Village
- Disaster Preparedness Presentation 27/9/23 Seasons for Living.
Planning Activities:
- planning activities for Big Safe Day Outs (x2)
- ongoingFlagstone site visit revealed a new risk (being managed)
- Hyperdome administration have withdrawn approval to use their site. Underwood Park has been flagged as the new location
- flood marker project is ongoing with conceptual designs being drawn up
- review of Evacuation centres & places of refuse has commenced with dates for site visits being locked in
- meeting of LCC staff to address the homelessness strategy moving forward
- Person Centred Emergency Preparedness Workshops (x6) ongoing
- dates and venues secured
- marketing and communication plan nearly completion
- Business Continuity Planning Workshops for Disability Sector ongoing
- Engaging with stakeholders
- Dates and venues secured Marketing Material being developed.
Networking Activities:
- Men Shed engagement to make Disaster Preparedness theme game – ongoing
- meeting with 'Brookhaven Developers' to discuss possibility of delivering a presentation to newly settled homeowners in the Bahrs Scrub area
- Community Recovery and Resilience Officer network meeting
- attended the Residential Aged Care Forum organised Gold Coast City Council
- attended Indigenous Community Police Consultative Group.
Get Ready / Marketing campaigns:
- Bushfire campaign live
- Multilingual videos were received late sept – to be used in marketing in future
- Logan Early Warning campaign in planning for live date in Nov
- Radio campaign.
Logan Early Warning:
- Total registrations as of 30 September 2023: 24652
- New Registrations 1647
- Unsubscribe 2.
Mobile Phone App Users:
- New Registrations 109
- Unsubscribe 1.
HP7.2.4 - South-West Depot |
June 2024 |
On Track |
The preferred contractor has been engaged to complete the works, with the final design being completed now and construction to commence from early December 2023.
Completion is expected as per the target date of June 2024.
HP7.2.5 - Community Engagement Strategy for the City of Logan 2020-2024 |
June 2024 |
On Track |
A new 2-year contract with Granicus was negotiated for the Have Your Say platform, and the team is coordinating an in-house IAP2 training session for up to 13 interested staff across the organisation. The aim is to deliver this before Christmas or early in the new year.
Work is continuing to review and refine strategic and operational community engagement documents. The aim is to better position the function's strategic role across the organisation and make it easier for other branches to understand how to best work with the communications team. New guidelines, a simplified community engagement template and detailed procedure for Community Engagement staff are being developed.
Live engagement during September includes:
- Logan Village Riverfront Precinct
- Logan Plan 2025 (ongoing)
- Fishing for the Future
- Krank School Holiday Survey.
Planning is continued for engagement around:
HP7.2.6 - Customer Experience Strategy 2020 - 2024 |
June 2024 |
On Track |
The following actions were completed in September 2023, in support of the outcomes of the Customer Experience Strategy 2020 - 2024:
- completed engagement to all Directorate Management Teams for the Customer Centricity Roadmap
- Corporate Customer Experience Coordinator participated in the Development Assessment and City Safety and Liveability Service Reviews
- work commenced on an upgrade to the current online customer portal.
The following actions were completed during the first quarter of 2023/24, in support of the outcomes of the Customer Experience Strategy 2020 - 2024:
- the Customer Charter went live in July 2023
- the Customer Charter Communication Plan was implemented
- in-principal support was received from ELT to proceed the Customer Centricity Roadmap to CLT Consultation
- Customer Centricity Roadmap consultation was completed with the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), the Collective Leadership Team (CLT) and relevant branches.
- Corporate Customer Experience Coordinator participation in Service Reviews
- work commenced on an upgrade to the current online customer portal.
HP7.2.7 - Value for Money Program |
June 2024 |
On Track |
The Value for Money (VfM) framework is currently being reviewed to ensure that all relevant initiatives are identified and to clarify the process of accessing the strategic reserve.
In the first quarter of 2023/24, potential new VfM initiatives have been identified, and are being assessed against agreed criteria for inclusion in the VfM Program.
There will be a soft VfM relaunch through updating the intranet site once the framework has been finalised.
HP7.2.8 - 2022-2026 People Plan |
June 2024 |
On Track |
At the end of the first quarter of 2023/24, the following key projects were delivered:
- Strategic Workforce Planning – presented and discussed workforce planning with the Executive Leadership Team (ELT), feedback was accepted and moved to action. Identifying requirements for a people information dashboard.
- Optimising Information Management – approval was received for TechOne Recruitment and Onboarding Systems and scoping work commenced. An out of the box recruitment platform is expected to be implemented in November 2023.
- Leadership Development – developed a proposed, recommended approach for Program Leaders focused on proficiency in technical, people and teaming. Gained ELT agreement with the concept to move forward.
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) – supported Leadership Development Program (LDP) project teams with their DEI awareness initiatives.
Current considerations:
- Culture and Engagement – Branch culture plans are in review to identify culture success stories. Options have been identified to refresh our approach to culture. Expecting to be back on track after agreeing direction with ELT.
- Excellence in Performance – developed an updated TechOne prototype, drafted a response to ELT for feedback and engaged business to understand the current experience. Expecting to be back on track next month pending business availability for engagement.
HP7.3.1 - Animal Management Plan |
June 2024 |
On Track |
During the first quarter of 2023/24, the Animal Management Program:
- continued to provide ongoing representation on the state government animal management taskforce specific to dangerous dogs including actively advocating for legislative reform
- commenced its first animal mangement related prosecution
- carried out a review of animal specific website content
- sought endorsement from the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) for the new Dog Safety Framework which will be shared organisation wide.
Key actions of the Animal Management Plan delivered during September 2023 include:
- audit of animal registration receipts and preparation of final animal registration renewal notices for distribution in October 2023
- proactive patrols of parks, reserves and known streets with recorded incidents of anti-social animal behaviour were conducted to ensure compliance, and uphold animal keeping requirements in public
- SMS alerts were distributed to known pet owners to notify them of scheduled firework displays
- noise monitoring technology was deployed in response to animal noise nuisance complaints
- two warrant seizures of Regulated Dogs were undertaken.
HP7.3.2 - Illegal Dumping and Litter Enforcement Strategy (2022-2025) |
June 2024 |
On Track |
At the end of the first quarter:
- The annual report card for the Illegal Dumping Taskforce was completed in preparation for presentation to Council 8 November 2023
- 100% of year 1 actions from the Illegal Dumping and Litter Enforcement Strategy are complete
- 40% of year 2 actions from the Illegal Dumping and Litter Enforcement Strategy are complete
- 30% of year 3 actions from the Illegal Dumping and Litter Enforcement Strategy are complete
- Infringements to the value of $ 151,187.00 have been issued for waste offences to date.
- A meeting has been scheduled with the Residential Tenancies Authority to explore mechanisms to manage waste dumping in, on or distributed by rental properties in Quarter 2 2023.
HP7.3.3 - Digital Transformation Program delivery |
June 2024 |
Monitor |
Status continues to be 'Monitor' due to the Project Control Group (PCG) requesting an additional option for Logan Water to be evaluated within the business case. This request has extended the business case timeline from the 13th October to the 1st November (PCG approval) and it will be presented to council's City Governance Committee on 29 November instead of 6 November.
As at the end of September the following was achieved by the Digital Transformation Program (DTP):
Business Case
- Shave and Brett consultants were requested to complete an analysis of the additional scope consideration for Logan Water. This report will be reviewed and provide input to the business case including benefits realisation
- the business case continues to be reviewed and updated as additional data becomes available
- revised business case dates approved by PCG.
Program Management
- workshops with Logan Water to work through Enterprise Asset Management Solutions (EAMS) go-live and Logan Water's additional business case scope item
- contracts working group advisory body established and kick off meeting held. Working group to develop and endorse enterprise-wide contract management processes, policies and other aspects required to support both the technological uplift and Council's objectives for a sound contract management practice beyond the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system go-live
- Finance and Supply Chain Project Management Plan feedback has been updated based on branch feedback
- Finance and Supply Chain kick-off workshops booked for 10 October
- 3 x supernumerary roles approved by PCG and to be allocated to Finance Branch to free up Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) capacity
- Delivery Partner tender completed and contract negotiations commenced. Awaiting Recommend to Award approval. Estimated time of arrival for Delivery Partner to commence is week of 8 October
- PCG approved Human Resource Service Enhancements to be delivered by DTP. Recruitment 'To Be Design' workshops and configuration document completed.
- Roads "To Be" workshops continue with TechOne onboarded as Technical Partner
- project team reviewing all completed 'To Be' process design documents developed with the Branches
- Major asset data preparation activities continued in Logan Water, Roads and Parks via their business teams with support from the EAMS project team and its partners
- the project team continued replanning and developing an updated Project Management Plan including the delivery approach and plan and revised schedule.
Business Readiness
- ongoing Branch Manager and Program Leader engagements to introduce Business Readiness team
- the business readiness team are working closely with Finance Branch and the Talent Acquisition Partner Team to understand business readiness requirements and lock in key dates for training, User Acceptance Testing (UAT) and data migration.
IM Framework
- Information Management Framework has been endorsed by PCG and handed over to the business
- this project is complete.
- Architecture workstream on hold pending outcome of business case.