Healthy connected community - Quarter 3, 2022 / 2023

Project Target Status Commentary

HC4.1.1 - The Buzz at Yarrabilba

Deliver and activate a community centre in Yarrabilba.

Purpose: To support and foster social connections, learning and economic opportunities in an emerging community.

December 2022 Completed As at the end of the second quarter:
  • Practical completion was reached.
  • The tender for Pods 1 and 2 were finalised with the appointment of the new Operator.
  • The Buzz at Yarrabilba was officially opened on 5 December 2022 and will be operated by the YMCA known as The Y.
  • Commercial lease of POD 3 to TAFE is in final stages of approval for opening in early 2023.
This project is now closed.

Branch: Sports and Community Infrastructure

HC4.1.2 - Wilbur Street Youth Centre

Design a youth centre in Logan Central.

Purpose: To:

  • provide an inclusive and safe facility for young people
  • support recreation and participation in activities and programs
June 2023 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • Tender paperwork for design and construction in preparation for appointment of contractor in April 2023.
  • Prepared a draft request for quote seeking options for operating the future facility in development with aim of commencing the project before the end of April.
  • Commenced application for Federal Government grant funding.

MILESTONES: Tender for design process finalised.

PROPOSED ACTIONS: Appontment of contractor and design to occur during quarter 4 23/24 with construction to commence quarter 1 of 23/24 financial year. Appointment of consultant and progression of operating model investigation during quarter 4.

Branch: Sports and Community Infrastructure

HC4.1.3 - Beenleigh Aquatic Centre - renewal and upgrade

Design Stage 2 of the Beenleigh Aquatic Centre.

Purpose: To encourage increased participation and health outcomes for the City of Logan community

June 2023 Monitor As at the end of the third quarter:
  • Expression of Interest for a Joint Venture was released to the market. A site visit was held with prospective parties.
  • Request for Quote for the design of the new Beenleigh Aquatic Centre Upgrade was issued.
  • Community Engagement and Communications strategies and materials were developed for upcoming project status updates.

MILESTONES: Requests for quotes achieved and stakeholder engagement for design completed.

PROPOSED ACTIONS: Assessment and report on the Expression of Interest will go to committee in quarter 4 2023.

Branch: Sports and Community Infrastructure

HC4.1.4 - Community infrastructure implementation plan

Deliver the community infrastructure priorities outlined in the Community Infrastructure Implementation Action Plan 2022/2023.

Purpose: To provide quality facilities and spaces to meet the diverse needs of the community.

June 2023 On Track As at the end of the second quarter:
  • Completed the mid-point review and update to Council's inventory of Community Infrastructure.

MILESTONES:  Review and update of Community Infrastructure inventory completed.

PROPOSED ACTIONS: Benchmarking and analysis to be completed during the next quarter with the review to be completed by quarter 2 of 23/24 financial year.

Branch: Sports and Community Infrastructure

HC4.2.1 - Libraries Early Years and First 5 Forever initiatives

Deliver the libraries' early years services and First 5 Forever initiative.

Purpose: To support early years learning and reading for Logan families with children aged under 5 years

June 2023 On Track About:  Deliver the libraries early years' services and the 'First Five Forever' initiative to support early years learning and reading for Logan families with children aged under 5 years. 

Quarter three update:
  • Delivery of 300 COVID-safe, face-to-face children's literacy sessions to 6,236 participants across the city.
  • Delivery of 98 COVID-safe community outreach sessions to 2,342 participants, through network partnerships across the city.
  • Tui 'n' Friends sessions continue with great success in the libraries with 1039 participants across 20 sessions during quarter three.
  • Participation at 29 key stakeholder meetings across Logan City.
  • Continued expansion of outreach opportunities and promotions.

Outcome:  First 5 forever continued to support the learning outcomes for all Logan children aged 0-5 years old by providing programs that offer talking, reading singing, playing, dancing and moving.

Branch: Libraries and Creative Industries

HC4.2.2 - Animal management strategy

Deliver a new animal management strategy that creates a strategic roadmap for the future of animal management services.

Purpose: To improve public safety and animal-keeping outcomes in response to community demand and trends.

December 2022 Completed As at the end of the second quarter:
  • Development of the Animal Management Plan is complete, pending endorsement from ELT and Council February / March 2023.
  • Community and Councillor consultation was undertaken.
  • A draft strategy has been developed. 
This project is now closed.

Branch: City Safety and Liveability

HC4.2.3 - School safety parking

Deliver a school safety parking campaign.

Purpose: To improve child safety and local neighbourhood amenity.

June 2023 On Track The draft of the City Parking Strategy incorporating the safe school parking plan is in development.

Branch: City Safety and Liveability
HC4.3.1 - Active Logan Strategy Implementation 2020-2024

Deliver actions to support the delivery of the Active Logan Strategy Implementation 2020-2024.
Purpose: To improve our focus on:
  • active spaces
  • active people
  • active organisations.
June 2023 On Track

As at the end of the third quarter:

There are 11 Council branches actively working to deliver on the 129 actions identified in the Active Logan Strategy Implementation Plan 2020-2024. As of Qtr 2, 63% of the actions identifed by branches across the 4 year implementation plan duration are complete.

MILESTONES:  A review of the tracking documentation has taken place in Qtr 2 and discussions with branches will take place in Qtr 3 to discuss, track and report on the Active Logan Strategy Implementation Plan.

PROPOSED ACTIONS: Continual review and updating of tracking and reporting status of actions across branches.

Branch: Sports and Community Infrastructure

HC4.3.2 - Biosecurity strategy

Deliver a biosecurity strategy.

Purpose: To create a strategic roadmap for protecting the biosecurity, health and environment of the city.

April 2023 On Track Internal stakeholder engagement including Councillor consultation on the new Biosecurity Strategy will continue into April 2023. 
The draft strategy document is complete.

Branch: City Safety and Liveability

HC4.3.3 - Illegal Dumping and Litter Enforcement Strategy 2022-2025

Deliver a strategic roadmap to reduce illegal dumping and littering in our community, through a 3-year action plan.

Purpose: To ensure the city of Logan is a clean and safe place to be.

October 2022 Completed As at the end of the first quarter:
  • The Illegal Dumping and Litter Enforcement Strategy (2022 - 2025) was presented to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) 25 August 2022. 
  • Following this, the Strategy was endorsed by the City Lifestyle Committee on 14 September 2022.
  • A media release was then conducted.
  • Project complete.
This project is now closed.

Branch: City Safety and Liveability

HC4.4.1 - Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022

Deliver outcomes of Council’s Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022, and develop a new Strategy in consultation with community for 2023-2027.

Purpose: To improve community capacity and our city image through 5 outcomes:

  • development
  • engagement
  • places and spaces
  • partnerships
  • communication
June 2023 On Track About:  Deliver outcomes of Council's Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022, and develop a new strategy in consultation with community for 2023-2027, to improve community capacity and the image of the city through the five strategic outcomes of Development, Engagement, Places and Spaces, Partnerships and Communication, across the City of Logan.

Quarter three update:
  • On 15 February, the draft Logan City Council Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2023-2027 was endorsed by the City Lifestyle Committee for distribution for public consultation on 'Have Your Say Logan' from 28 February to 2 April 2023. The strategy and report will be presented to Committee in June.
  • Exhibitions, events, workshops and public programs were presented at the Living Museum of Logan and Logan Art Gallery. Kingston Butter Factory Cultural Precinct continued to provide opportunities for local performers and musicians to perform to local audiences.
  • Logan Arts Networking Events continued to provide monthly skill development for local creative industries.
Outcome:  The draft Logan City Council Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2023-2027 was distributed for community consultation from 28 February until 2 April.

Branch: Libraries and Creative Industries
HC4.5.1 - Rosia Park


  • Complete statutory approval requests.
  • Achieve procurement of Master Planning consultants.
  • Deliver a revised site layout plan as part of the new Park Ridge Masterplan.

Purpose: To provide facilities for an active and healthy community.
June 2023 Monitor COMMENTS: This project now forms part of the Park Ridge Sports and Recreation Precinct. Application for environmental approval remains in progress. Exploring potential options to reduce the land area for sports park and the impact on the EPBC process. LRCI Phase 2 funding extended to June 2024. Schematic design under review by Council prior to commencement of construction documentation.

MILESTONES: Anticipate EPBC conditions approval by end of quarter 4

PROPOSED ACTIONS: Continue working with Council's consultants (NGH) to finalise the EPBC referral.

Branch: Sports and Community Infrastructure
HC4.5.2 - Jimboomba Park Stage 2 (Rugby league clubhouse)

  • 100% of design drawings
  • award of construction contract.
Purpose: To provide facilities for an active and healthy community.
June 2023 On Track COMMENTS: Request for Quotation issued for the Construction of the facility. Construction of associated amenities block continuing with estimated completion for end of April.

MILESTONES: Receive quotations for construction by end of April.

Branch: Sports and Community Infrastructure

HC4.5.3 - Renewal of the Logan North 50m Pool

Replace the Logan North 50m outdoor pool and associated plant and plant room.

Purpose: To keep providing aquatic programs and recreational activities at Logan North Aquatic and Fitness Centre.

December 2022 Completed As at the end of the second quarter
  • The main works were completed in October 2022.
  • The remaining project funding will be used to build a splash pad and associated works.
  • The project was handed over October 2022.
  • Project complete.

This project is now closed.