Healthy connected community - Quarter 3, 2021 / 2022
Project | Target | Status | Commentary |
HC4.1.1 - Community Infrastructure Strategy Annual Action Plan 2021/2022 implementation Deliver the Annual Action Plan 2021/2022. Purpose: To deliver community infrastructure priorities for 2021/2022. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at end of the third quarter 100% of planned actions are on track. Park Ridge Leisure Centre – A cultural heritage assessment has been completed. Roads planning requirements (of Park Ridge Road and Chambers Flat Road intersection upgrade) have been finalised and an internal review of the design options and feasibility of different facility inclusions is under way. After this is complete, master planning will commence in the next quarter. Beenleigh Aquatic Centre upgrade – Stage 2 redevelopment project has commenced, and a Project Support Group has been established across Council. Planning studies and investigations of funding mechanisms are being progressed. Wilbur Street Youth Centre – Draft Needs Analysis and Engagement Findings Report developed. The Report informed a Co-Design workshop held on 22 February 2022. Local youth participated in the Co-Design workshop where their ideas informed three concepts plans. These concept plans were refined by the architecture consultancy into test options. Council provided feedback on the test options. The final stages of the consultant work including delivery of a final Needs Analysis and Engagement Findings Report, a finalised Concept Plan, and costing plan will be delivered in Q4. Springwood Community Facilities Hub – The Community Infrastructure Strategy identifies need community facilities hub in Springwood. At the December 2021 meeting, Council supported the acquisition of properties in Springwood to progress this project. Land investigations for acquisition are ongoing. |
HC4.1.2 - Immunisation Strategy Prepare a new Immunisation Strategy. Purpose: To provide convenient and accessible vaccination services to the community. |
June 2022 | Completed | During the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, the Immunisation Strategy was endorsed by Council at its meeting on 23 February 2022 for public consultation. Project complete. |
HC4.1.3 - Library Management System (LMS) renewal Procure and implement a renewed Library Management System (LMS). Purpose: To:
June 2022 | On Track | About The current Library Management System is at end of life and will be renewed during 2022 to meet customer needs. Quarter 3 update As at the third quarter, the evaluation phase of the Library Management System (LMS) Renewal Project continued. Library staff were invited to online presentations of systems demonstrations of LMS modules which allowed the opportunity to seek clarification on functionality of the various modules. Reference site checks were carried out by the Evaluation Panel. A Tender Evaluation and Recommendation report was prepared for the integrated Library System and was signed by the evaluation committee, sponsors and the Director of Community Services. Outcomes The contract has been executed for the provision of an Integrated Library Management System. |
HC4.1.4 - Environmental Health Strategy Prepare a new Environmental Health Strategy. Purpose: To provide a framework for proactively managing public / environmental health issues across the City. |
June 2022 | Completed | During the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, the Environmental Health Strategy was endorsed by Council at its meeting on 23 February 2022 for public consultation. Project complete. |
HC4.2.1 - Yarrabilba Community Hub facility Manage implementation of the various agreements designed to activate the Yarrabilba Community Hub. Purpose: To enable the delivery of community programs and initiatives in this emerging community. |
June 2022 | On Track |
HC4.2.2 - eSports Deliver a program to host eSports at venues managed by Logan City Council. Purpose: To provide alternative activities to increase engagement and social interaction for people not involved in traditional sport. |
June 2022 | Completed | Following COVID related delays the LOGAN CUP 2022 e-Sports event was hosted at the Logan Metro Sports Centre on 19th & 20th March 2022. This council owned venue is currently operated by Basketball QLD as the lease holder of the facility and the event was delivered in partnership with LCC & BQ. The event was conducted in a successful manner and delivered the desired outcomes through the provision of alternative activities to increase engagement and social interaction for people not involved in traditional sports. SLF Branch and LCC Events staff will continue to work with and build relationships with eSports groups with particular focus on event acquisitions into the region and ongoing bookings of council venues for this purpose. |
HC4.3.1 - Parks Capital Works Program Deliver park infrastructure through the Parks Capital Works Program. Purpose: To support the development of parks and open spaces to encourage healthy, active and enjoyable community lifestyles. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the third quarter:
HC4.3.2 - Parks Asset Renewal Program Deliver park infrastructure through the Parks Asset Renewal Program. Purpose: To enhance Council's recreational infrastructure across the city's green spaces. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the third quarter:
HC4.4.1 - Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022 Deliver outcomes of Council’s Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022. Purpose: To improve community capacity and our city image through 5 outcomes:
June 2022 | On Track | About The strategy is a whole-of-Council document that states Council's commitment to arts, culture and heritage. It defines the key areas, strategies and actions to guide the management, sites and provision, and plan for its future growth and development. The strategy outlines areas where Council will work to develop more opportunities for the community and its arts, culture and heritage professionals to watch, enjoy and participate in creative activities, with the aim of enhancing quality lifestyle, creative industries and business across the region. It is an integral part of developing the city as an emerging tourist destination. The five key actions of Creative City: Logan City Council's Arts, Culture and Heritage Strategy 2018-2022 are development, engagement, places and spaces, partnerships and communication. Quarter 3 update In the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year the following actions were undertaken:
Outcomes As restrictions have eased, people are returning to face-to-face activities. Social media remains the key platform for promoting Creative Industries exhibitions, events and activities. |
HC4.5.1 - Delivery of Rosia Rd Masterplan - Stage 1 Progress delivery of stages 1 and 2 of a regional standard sports park at Rosia Road in Park Ridge, as per the Rosia Park Master Plan. Purpose: To provide facilities for an active and healthy community. |
June 2022 | Monitor | As at the end of the third quarter:
Recovery actions
HC4.5.2 - Renewal of Logan North 50m pool Replace the Logan North 50m outdoor pool and associated plant and plant room. Purpose: To keep providing aquatic programs and recreational activities at Logan North Aquatic and Fitness Centre. |
March 2022 | Not Complete | As at the end of the third quarter, construction of the pool shell is complete and tiling is underway. Construction of the apron and plant room is commencing. This project continues to be delayed by wet weather and lack of availability of materials and staff within the building industry. Recovery actions continue to be put in place however these are also being impacted by staff (sub-contractors) not being available due to COVID-19. Recovery actions The project schedule is being monitored, with appropriate adjustments to tasks being made as a result of wet weather with the possibility of adding:
While recovery actions are implemented, a review of the project's schedule indicate that the pool is expected to be completed by the second quarter of the 2022/2023 financial year. It is recommended that this project be included in the 2022/2023 Operational Plan to track its progress and ensure delivery during the second quarter of the 2022/2023 financial year. |