Green and Renewable (GR) - Quarter 1 2020/2021
Priority | Target | Status | Commentary |
GR1.1.1 - Deliver Council's 2020 Emissions Profile Report. Purpose: Measure, track and reduce Council emissions. Contribute to Council's carbon neutrality target by 2022. |
October 2021 | On Track | During the first quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year a draft Carbon Emissions Profile Report was prepared from research and relevant carbon accounting data collated. This project is on track. |
GR1.1.2 - Develop a Climate Resilience Strategy. Purpose: To enhance climate resilience with Logan City Council. |
October 2021 | On Track | During the first quarter of the 2020/21 financial year detailed review and drafting of the Climate Change Resilience Strategy and Climate Change Resilience Policy was undertaken. Remodelling of climate scenarios was also included. A Draft Climate Change Resilience Procedure was completed and drafting of the Climate Change Resilience Implementation Plan commenced. |
GR1.2.1 - Deliver a range of environmental events and activities across the City of Logan. Purpose: Raise awareness and provide community education on the environment and sustainability. |
June 2021 | On Track | During the first quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year the following Environmental activities were delivered:
GR1.2.2 - Deliver a Logan Environment Strategy that aligns with the Federal Strategy for Nature and Queensland Biodiversity Strategy. Purpose: Provide overarching goals and actions. These will protect and enhance healthy and functioning biological systems in the City of Logan. |
June 2021 | On Track | During the first quarter of the 2020/21 financial year internal scoping and preliminary project planning work was undertaken to inform the development of a Logan environmental strategy Community Engagement Plan. The project is on track. |
GR1.3.1 - Deliver priority on-ground wildlife movement solutions based on hot spot prioritisation mapping. Purpose: Enhance road safety and reduce wildlife-vehicle collisions. |
June 2021 | On Track | During the first quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year, the Wildlife Movement Solutions Project Plan and a Wildlife Movement Awareness Campaign was developed. Key actions from the Wildlife Movement Awareness Campaign have been implemented which includes radio advertisements, social media posts, electronic posters, article in the environmental e-newsletter and internal staff notices. Already there has been an increase in visits to the associated Council webpages. |
GR2.1.1 - Deliver riparian rehabilitation along priority areas of the Albert River. Purpose: Enhance water quality, biodiversity connection and ecological values along the Albert river. Work towards achieving the Albert River vision. |
June 2021 | On Track | During the first quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year, Albert River riparian rehabilitation sites at Luscombe Reserve and Wolfdene South Reserve have been scoped and contract awarded for works. Site preparation has begun for planting. This project is on track. |
GR2.2.1 - Deliver a feasibility study to establish a Riverine Discovery Centre. Purpose: Promote community environmental awareness and eco-tourism in the City of Logan. |
December 2020 | On Track | During the first quarter of the 2020/21 financial year consultants were appointed and an inception meeting was held to progress the development of a full feasibility study for a Logan Riverine Discovery Centre. The project is on track. |
GR2.3.1 - Deliver riparian rehabilitation along priority areas of the Logan River. Purpose: Enhance water quality, biodiversity connection and ecological values along the Logan river. Work towards achieving the Logan River vision. |
June 2021 | On Track | During the first quarter of the 2020/2021 financial year, the Logan River riparian rehabilitation sites at Wendt Park and Riverdale Park have been scoped and contract awarded for the works. State approval has been received for the banks stabilisation works at Logan River Parklands. This project is on track. |
GR3.1.1 - Deliver a report on service options available under the 2021 Waste Collection Contract. Purpose: Prepare for commencement of the new waste collection contract in July 2021. |
April 2021 | On Track |
GR3.1.2 - Deliver a report for Council consideration on the evaluation of the regional waste disposal and resource recovery. Purpose: To inform future waste management planning. |
October 2020 | Completed | The Evaluation Report was considered by Council at its Planning, Environment & Economic Development Committee Meeting on 30 September 2020. The recommendations of the report were endorsed for Council adoption. |