EN3.1.1 - Albert and Logan Rivers accessibility and connectivity projects
Deliver initiatives identified in the Albert and Logan Rivers Accessibility and Connectivity Plans.
Purpose: To increase community connection, user experience and activation.
June 2023 |
On Track |
During the third quarter of 2022/23 financial year the following actions were progressed:
- the expression of interest for the Logan and Albert Rivers Trail artworks was developed, opened and advertised.
- discussions were held with Parks design regarding the design and ordering of the Riedel Park art seat.
This project is on track
Branch: Health, Climate and Conservation |
EN3.2.1 - Riparian Restoration Projects
Deliver riparian rehabilitation along priority areas of the Logan and Albert Rivers.
Purpose: To enhance our green canopy and urban forest.
June 2023 |
On Track |
During the third quarter of 2022/23 financial year the following actions were progressed:
- Maintenance works continued at Wendt Park, Wolffdene South Reserve, Luscombe Park and Riverdale Park
- Stage 3 Riverdale Park Infill Planting procurement process was completed and site preparation works was completed
- Reclink Australia, Skilling Queenslanders for Work, undertook weed management actions in the riparian area at Albert River Park; and
- Albert River Park Stage 1 Riparian Revegetation procurement process was completed and site preparation works were completed
- 8 Gossia gonocladas were planted at Luscombe Park and the site was infilled with an additional 100 tubestock during March.
This project is on track.
Branch: Health, Climate and Conservation |
EN3.3.1 - Environmental offset delivery
Deliver and maintain environmental (vegetation) offset planting sites.
Purpose: To enhance wildlife corridors and core habitat across the city.
June 2023 |
On Track |
During the third quarter of 2022/23 financial year the following actions were progressed:
- maintenance activities of Environmental offset sites continued on active sites of 67ha
- internal stakeholder engagement for future offset sites was completed
- three new sites were approved by Council for new Environmental Offset projects, with 4 more approved for release in September 2023
- initial contract meeting was held with Queensland Department of Environment and Science (DES) to deliver Koala offsets in the City of Logan and are now awaiting confirmation from DES prior to project commencement.
This project is on track.
Branch: Health, Climate and Conservation |
EN3.4.1 - Environmental conservation partnerships
Deliver environmental conservation partnerships.
Purpose: To support the community to:
- become more sustainable
- conserve and restore private land.
June 2023 |
On Track |
During the third quarter of 2022/23 financial year, Environmental Conservation Partnerships achieved the following:
- 889 members in total participating in the program.
- 16 new Habitat Connections members joined the program making 435 properties in total
- 21 new Land for Wildlife properties were registered totalling 454 properties (3 properties were deregistered from the program)
- 2 new formal agreements finalised making 30 in total (Voluntary Restoration Agreement, Voluntary Conservation Agreement and Voluntary Conservation Covenant)
- 3 formal agreement annual visits were completed
- 37 Land for Wildlife property revisits were conducted
- 543 individual community engagement interactions were provided to community members
- 44.43 hectares were added to the Land for Wildlife habitat network bringing the total to 6225.42 ha
- Oxley Creek Landholder Engagement project selected 7 new properties to participate in the program
- 199 Environmental Conservation Partnership members submitted orders for conservation incentives (yearly total is 472 orders)
- 6,288 incentives plants were provided (yearly total to date is 11,773 plants)
- 59 incentives nest boxes were provided (yearly total to date is 97)
- 59 incentives books were provided (yearly total to date is 97)
- 63 herbicide orders were made (yearly total to date is 94).
This project is on track.
Branch: Health, Climate and Conservation |
EN3.5.1 - Environmental events and activities
Deliver a range of environmental events and activities.
Purpose: To:
- encourage environmental stewardship
- enhance environmental awareness across the community.
June 2023 |
On Track |
During the third quarter of 2022/23 financial year, the Environmental Events and Activities program delivered 16 events to 317 community members. The following events and activities were delivered to the community:
- 6 x Agents of Discovery Walks were held at various parks (Darlington Parklands on 9 and 24 January 2023, Logan Gardens on the 9 and 24 January 2023, Glenlogan Lakes Park on 5 March, Homestead Park on 5 March) with 11 participants
- 3 x Cane Toad Busting events were held across various parks (Berrinba Wetlands on 25 January, Spring Mountain Reserve on 4 February, Mundoolun Park on 17 February) with 85 participants and 770 toads collected
- paddle the Logan was held at Skinners Park on 4 February with 9 participants
- resilient Rivers - Mid-Albert River landholder gathering was held at Wolffdene on 18 February with 12 participants
- equiculture Workshop was held at Underwood Park on 25 February with 61 participants
- upper Oxley Creek Recovery Plan open property was held at Greenbank on 26 February with 17 participants
- wildlife Awareness Workshop was held at Mundoolun Community Centre on Saturday 11 March with 63 participants
- Platypus Watch Survey was held at Cedar Creek on Saturday 25 March with 17 participants and no sightings were recorded
- Froggy Fun with Watergum was held at Orlando Park on Saturday 18 March with 42 participants.
This project is on track.
Branch: Health, Climate and Conservation |
EN3.6.1 - Decarbonisation - extended solar and new hydrogen capability
Complete an investigation to identify options for delivering sustainable outcomes in the way Logan Water delivers its services.
Purpose: To support the increased use of:
- renewable energy
- energy efficient technology
- carbon reduction capabilities.
June 2023 |
On Track |
Presentation being prepared for ELT 11 May 2023 followed by Committee Paper for June 2023.
Branch: Logan Water |
EN3.6.2 - Climate change resilience actions
Deliver actions identified in the Climate Change Resilience Strategy 2021-2031.
Purpose: To achieve climate change resilience outcomes for Council.
June 2023 |
On Track |
During the third quarter of 2022/23 financial year the following actions were progressed:
- media coverage of carbon neutral announcement
- state government request permission to trade carbon credits
- sustainable building working group meeting set
- contacted commercial lessees about access to electricity data
- ongoing consultation with Logan Water regarding Energy strategy
- further development of resilience strategy implementation plan.
This project is on track
Branch: Health, Climate and Conservation |
EN3.7.1 - Waste management and resource recovery
Deliver actions identified in the Waste Management and Resource Recovery Strategy 2022-2032.
Purpose: To minimise waste to landfill and increase recycling
June 2023 |
On Track |
As at the end of the third quarter, 80 % of the ongoing and short timeframe actions in the Implementation plan have commenced.
Examples and highlights for the quarter include:
- Action item 1 - Green bin promotion continued during quarter; 1607 new green bins ordered in Q3.
- Action item 4 - Media and information campaign on mattress separate collection and processing. Transfer Station collection service started.
- Action item 5 – Met with Blocktexx to explore potential integration of textile recycling service into existing material diversion operations. Also, to discuss a public stall at the LEAF 2023.
- Action item 11 – Input into Department of Environment and Science (DES)'s education and behavioural change initiative. Now have resources for Council to use on social media.
- Action item 12 - Raised charitable food diversion tax tweak for discussion in February LGAQ forum
- Action item 15 – Developed and released self-haul greenwaste media release to reduce contamination of material sent for composting.
- Action item 16 - Compost rebate scheme continued; 106 rebates were approved in Q3.
- Action item 17- Successfully conducted CUAD events across Logan LGA
- Action item 18- Braille Stickers for bins now available on request
- Action item 20 -Reviewed KCU notice in consultation with City Standards and RCM
Branch: Waste and Resource Recovery |
EN3.8.1 - Electric Vehicle Feasibility Strategy
Deliver an electric and hybrid vehicle and plant assessment.
Purpose: To:
- help determine efficiency and operational cost savings
- outline which Council vehicles and plant would benefit from transitioning to electric or hybrid vehicle.
June 2023 |
On Track |
The appointed supplier, RT Evenergi, has been continuing to progress the project deliverables including:
- Fleet Dynamics Report
- Fleet Transition Analysis
- Additional work is being scoped for in depth fleet analysis of business units and the potential for a pilot program.
This project is on track to be completed in June 2023.
Branch: Plant Fleet Services |