Environment - Quarter 3, 2021 / 2022
Project | Target | Status | Commentary |
EN3.1.1 - Logan and Albert Rivers Fish Habitat Improvement Deliver fish habitat improvement works at prioritised locations. Purpose: To improve the ecological health of our rivers and waterways. |
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, the Logan and Albert Rivers fish habitat improvement project progressed well. Works have included scoping of potential sites for fish habitat improvement projects in Slacks Creek, progression of the Queens Road fish passage enhancement project in Slacks Creek and maintenance of the Fishers for Fish Habitat planting sites along the Logan River at Logan River Parklands. Additional river and waterway clean ups have also occurred following the recent flood events that occurred during February 2022. |
EN3.2.1 - Logan and Albert River riparian rehabilitation Deliver riparian rehabilitation along priority areas of the Logan and Albert River. Purpose: To enhance our urban forests, waterways and wildlife corridor network. |
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, the Logan and Albert river riparian rehabilitation projects progressed well. The Eagleby wetlands bank stabilization project obtained State Government approval and will onground works will commence in the next quarter. Riparian rehabilitation projects at Riverdale park, Newstead Park, Riedell Park and Logan River parklands progressed well. Some project sites were inundated by the recent floods in February 2022 and site assessments and remediation planning were subsequently undertaken. |
EN3.3.1 - Environmental (vegetation) offset delivery Deliver and maintain environmental (vegetation) offset planting sites. Purpose: To support the community to:
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, maintenance activities for Council's portfolio of environmental (vegetation) offset sites has been completed. The establishment of additional offset planting sites at Skene Road Reserve, Wolffdene and Newstead Park, Buccan was completed bringing the total offset planting amount to over 77 hectares which equates to over 77,000 trees. |
EN3.4.1 - Environmental conservation partnerships Deliver environmental conservation partnerships. Purpose: To support landholders to undertake conservation works that:
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, Environmental Conservation Partnerships achieved the following:
EN3.5.1 - Environmental events and activities Deliver a range of environmental events and activities. Purpose: To encourage environmental stewardship, participation and awareness. |
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, 10 Environmental Events and Activities were delivered to 174 members of the community. These included;
EN3.6.1 - Carbon Reduction Strategy 2018-2022 Deliver actions under the Carbon Reduction Strategy 2018-2022. Purpose: To increase energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions. |
June 2022 | On Track | During the third quarter of the 2021/2022 financial year, the implementation of sustainability initiatives under Council's carbon reduction strategy progressed well. This included the completion of the second round of carbon offset procurement, investigations into community electric vehicle charge stations on Council land and drafting of a Green Building guide to guide the construction of Council facilities. |
EN3.7.1 - Waste Reduction and Recycling Strategy 2022-2032 Develop and deliver the Waste Reduction and Recycling Strategy 2022-2032. Purpose: To meet Council's legislative requirements. To support the State Government's Waste Avoidance and Resource Productivity Strategy 2014-2024. |
March 2022 | Completed | As at the end of the third quarter:
EN3.8.1 - Workshop facilities restructure Deliver key stages of the upgrade to Council's workshop and hire facilities. Purpose: To improve:
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the third quarter the project is progressing well with the status as follows
EN3.8.2 - Sustainable Fleet Management Strategy Develop the Sustainable Fleet Management Strategy. Purpose: Provide the organisation with fleet solutions that are:
June 2022 | Completed | The Sustainable Fleet Management Strategy (the Strategy) was presented to the City Governance Committee at its meeting 16 February 2022. Following endorsement the Strategy was adopted by Council at its meeting 23 February 2022 (minute# 16/2022). Project complete. |