Economy and growth - Quarter 4, 2022 / 2023

Project Target Status Commentary

EG5.1.1 - Destination Management Plan 2023-2028

Develop the Destination Management Plan 2023-2028.

Purpose: To identify future infrastructure needs and opportunities to grow Logan’s visitor economy

June 2023 Completed

The Destination Management Plan 2023 - 2028 (Plan) was presented and endorsed by Council in June 2023.

The Plan builds on the outcomes of the 2018 - 2022 Plan. It outlines Council's priorities to address challenges impacting the growth of the visitor economy and identify strategies to increase overnight visitation. 

There are four game changing projects that act as catalysts to support sustainable growth in the visitor economy and further actions have been identified under five key pillars to ensure a coordinated and collaborative approach a deliver the destination vision.

This project is now closed.

Branch: Economic Development and City Planning

EG5.2.1 - Logan Place Plan

Deliver the Logan Place Plan, our place making strategy covering:

  • policy
  • projects
  • programs across our centres.

Purpose to:

  • incentivise public-private partnerships
  • rejuvenate our centres
  • foster pride, investment, and positive activity
June 2023 Completed

The Place Plan document has been completed with the next step being the consideration of the plan by the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in July 2023 and Council in September 2023. 

Updates to City Centre Implementation Plans have been completed and will inform future work program to deliver actions from the Place Plan. 

Planned actions for the year have been completed.

Branch: Economic Development and City Planning

EG5.4.1 - Roadmap for Brisbane 2032

Deliver a roadmap for leveraging opportunities for the City of Logan associated with the 2032 Olympic Games.

Purpose: To secure better infrastructure, attract investment and create opportunities for our city

June 2023 Completed

At the end of the fourth quarter, the Draft 2032 City of Logan Legacy Roadmap was presented to, and endorsed by, Council.

The Roadmap outlines 19 initiatives for implementation that will be key drivers for our city to capitalise on the opportunity that the Olympic and Paralympic Games coming to Brisbane in 2032 will bring.

The next step is to seek feedback from the community and undertake detailed analysis to move to the next stage of implementation.

Planned actions for the year have been completed.

Branch: Economic Development and City Planning

EG5.5.1 - Logan Plan 2025

Deliver activities for the Logan Plan 2025 program of work. This includes:

  • drafting of the new planning scheme
  • legal review
  • submission to the Queensland Government for State Interest Review.

Purpose: To support the delivery of Logan Plan 2025 as the key land use policy to guide future growth.

June 2023 Not Complete

At the end of quarter 4, the Scheme has been drafted and legally reviewed.

The agreed project schedule has the scheme being presented to Council in August 2023 for submission to the Queensland Government in September 2023.

On this basis the project is on track however its status cannot be identified as complete based on the descriptions within the Operational Plan 2022/2023. Critically, this timeframe has not altered and is understood by the Director and the Project Board.

Another important milestone is to be achieved in July 2023, being the planned half day councillor workshop on Logan Plan 2025 policy content and next steps.

This project is not complete.

No action is recommended as this project is included in the Operational Plan 2023/2024 under the project EG5.5.1 - Logan Plan 2025 State Interest Review.

Branch: Economic Development and City Planning

EG5.6.1 - Logan’s Assessment Portal

Launch Logan’s Assessment Portal powered by new software into Council’s existing development assessment processes.

Purpose: To support community participation in the way development and growth occur in the city.
This will be achieved by displaying application related material and decisions in a consistent format

June 2023 Completed

Logan's Assessment Portal Risksmart is now fully live and in use by Industry.

This project is now closed.

Branch: Development Assessment

EG5.7.1 - Operation improve residential building practices

Create a new Residential Building Task Force team within the Development Operations program.

Purpose: To improve building practices on residential construction sites.

June 2023 Completed

The Residential Building Team is now fully staffed and operational.

This project is now closed.

Branch: Development Assessment

EG5.8.1 - Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program

Deliver the Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program.
Purpose: To:
  • create new opportunities in the digital economy

  • provide high speed, reliable internet options to all our community

  • support the City of Logan to be globally competitive.
June 2023 Not complete

This project is not completed due to the construction phase still in progress.  Currently Opticomm are laying the fibre to the premise on eligible properties and this will not be completed until December 2023.  All other aspects of this program/project have been completed. A final report will be submitted to the State Development Department as per funding guidelines once all construction is complete in December 2023. 


  • No planned activity


  • ongoing monitoring of nbn on Fixed Wireless upgrades to Logan sites
  • ongoing fortnightly meeting with Opticomm are being held to discuss progress
  • Opticomm are currently undergoing milestone 3 – July 2023 Headend Completion Report 
  • milestone 1 - January 2023 Mobilisation has been completed
  • milestone 2 - April 2023 Headend Survey and Design has been completed
  • residents have started registering for installation of fibre to the premise 
  • awaiting approval from State Development Department on variation for project time extension
  • awaiting release of next funding from State Development Department

Mutli Function Edge Data Centre (MFEDC):

  • continuing engagement with potential providers
  • progressing with formal arrangements & strategic relationship with KalindaIT 
  • progressing with MFEDC report to apply for further funding from State – On hold

Low Earth Orbiting (LEO) Trial:

  • No planned activity

Smart IoT Platform:

  • no planned activity

This project is not complete.

It is recommended that this project be included in the Operational Plan 2023/2024 to track its delivery.

Branch: City Transformation

EG5.9.1 - CoLab

Deliver the coLab Growth Hub.

Purpose: To support scaling ventures to achieve their high-growth objectives in the innovation-driven economy.

June 2023 Completed

US Market Access Program Final Update: 
After the final pitch event hosted in May 2023, the program has come to a formal close with the graduated company's finalising engagements with their assigned Entrepreneurs in Residence. During these sessions Trade Investment Queensland (TIQ) provided a market readiness template to be completed, TIQ are reviewing and will assist if or where possible. 

Residency Update: 
The 2022/23 Residency Program concluded on 31 May 2023. coLab has not yet gone to market for the next round of its Residency Program (TBA).

SportX Program Update: 
The SportX program continues with firms having completed 8 weeks of coaching sessions from Yunus Sport Hub and Creative HQ, as well as coLab's Entrepreneurs in Residence. Each firm is developing their presentation for the end of program Showcase event happening mid-July 2023 at the coLab hub.

Planned actions for the year have been completed. 

Branch: City Transformation