Economy and growth - Quarter 3, 2021 / 2022

Project Target Status Commentary
EG5.1.1 - Destination Management Plan implementation and review
Deliver priority projects from the Destination Management Plan (DMP). Conduct a review of the DMP.
Purpose: To:
  • grow the visitor economy
  • attract investment
  • grow economic benefits
  • encourage longer visitor stays
  • increase visitor spend.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter, the Destination Management Plan (DMP) revision and Project Plan for new the DMP development is in progress and on tack.
EG5.2.1 - City centre implementation fund projects
Deliver priority projects and programs from city centre implementation plans.
Purpose: To deliver outcomes from the city centre summits in line with community priorities.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • The Beenleigh Streetscape upgrade project defects and close out is underway and should be completed by the end of the last quarter. The Beenleigh Smart Parking Stage 2 will be installed over the next quarter and completed by the end of June 2022.
  • The Loganlea Healthy Street Project Stage 2 detailed design is underway and should be completed in the next quarter. The draft Meadowbrook Transport Strategy will be submitted to the May committee round for approval.
  • The detailed design for the Jimboomba Streetscape works is underway with construction of the project anticipated after the Jimboomba signature event in September 2022.
  • The Croydon Road Master plan has been finalised and engagement on the detailed design for the Croydon Road Streetscape upgrade project will commence in May 2022.
  • The scoping and design of the Logan Gardens Ring Pathway can no commence now that detailed survey works have been completed.
  • Place Branding for Jimboomba, Meadowbrook and Logan Central has been finalised.
  • All the City Centre Implementation Plans are currently being reviewed with internal consultation to commence and updated plans to be finalised by the end of June 2022.
EG5.3.1 - Develop a Place Making strategy for activity centres
Develop a framework for the delivery of place making projects including:
  • Urban art
  • Creative lighting
  • Other centre activation and amenity improvements.
Purpose: To improve liveability, and promote activation and night time economies.
To contribute to making our centres safe, vibrant and accessible gathering places in which the community can take pride.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • The Urban Art Strategy will be submitted to Council for endorsement in the April Committee round. The key actions will inform the Place Making Strategy.
  • The community consultation for the Night Time Economy Strategy is underway and will inform the Place Making Strategy.
  • The Place Making Strategy (Place Plan for Logan's Activity Centres) is currently being drafted and will capture key policy, projects, and programs for the short, medium and long term.
EG5.4.1 - Economic Development Strategy implementation
Develop a prioritised list of actions from the Economic Development Strategy for Council approval. Commence implementation of approved actions.
Purpose: To support capability and capacity building of Logan based businesses.
To help grow the Logan economy and attract further investment.
June 2022 Completed As at the end of the second quarter, the Individual Economic Development Team action planning was completed and will be integrated with branch business planning.
The Economic Development Strategy Action Plan has been endorsed by Council.
EG5.4.2 - Logan Plan 2025
Deliver activities for the Logan Plan 2025. This includes:
  • targeted engagement
  • broad community consultation
  • technical reviews and modelling.
Purpose: To progress the shaping Logan's Growth program. This supports participative and informed delivery of Logan's new planning scheme in 2025. 
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • Industry Reference Groups meetings booked in and some feedback has been sought from this group.
  • Internal engagement activities have commenced. For example the draft Logan Urban Design Framework has been provided to DA for comment.
  • Consultant reports are starting to flow in.
EG5.5.1 - City of Choice 3.0
Deliver recommendations for a new, place-based model for jobs and job pathways. The collaborative model will include representatives from all three levels of government, Logan businesses and the Logan community.
Purpose: To create new and better jobs and job pathways for Logan residents.
To develop a skilled workforce that meets the needs of Logan businesses now and in the future.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter, a report on the future of the City of Choice initiative is scheduled to be provided to the Planning, Economic Development and Environment Committee in May 2022.
EG5.6.1 - Online Backflow and OSSF (On Site Sewerage Facility) solution
Deliver the remaining automation work on a new innovative backflow and on-site sewage treatment facilities solution.
Purpose: To achieve business efficiencies and increase our level of customer service.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • The annual renewal registration process was deferred from late 2021 to July 2022 due to technical issues identified with the online payment portal.
  • This issue is now resolved, the project is on track to go live from 1 July 2022.
EG5.7.1 - Residential Building Strategy
Deliver a strategy for residential building work.
Purpose: To improve development outcomes in the city of Logan.
To further minimise the temporary negative outcomes of development on residents.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter, the following was conducted:
  • In January 2022 the City Planning, Economic Development and Environment Committee endorsed the Residential Building Strategy Report.
  • A service enhancement has now been submitted to consider the creation of “Operation – Improve Residential Building Services” extending the current services of the councils Construction Taskforce.
EG5.8.1 - Digital infrastructure and connectivity
Deliver the Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Review Project.
Purpose: To create new opportunities in the digital economy. To provide high speed, reliable internet options to all our community.
This supports the city to be globally competitive.  
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter, the following activities were delivered:

Mobile black spots
  • Working to provide IT with a consolidated coverage service view to\ use as the basis for identifying blackspots
  • Discussing options with another provider
  • 5G Federal Government Innovation Initiative Grant Discussion – Funding applications to be submitted by 11th April and project needs to be completed within 24 months
  • Discussions progressing/finalising for Broadband options with various providers.
  • Business Case to be developed.
Leo trial
  • Progressing with decision on approach to this and timing.
Smart IoT platform
  • Development of Policy/Framework draft spec for market approach.
  • Follow up IoT internal workshop early May and KJR IoT Platform workshop including Branch Managers on 26 April.
  • Distribute updated IoT Survey to CLT and provide briefing at CLT Meeting at later date.


  • Draft revision of project briefs
  • Risk Register – Project manager is progressing
  • Policy Framework action with IT
EG5.9.1 - Catapult
Deliver the Catapult program in collaboration with young people, industry, community and educators.
Purpose: To build the enterprise and entrepreneurial mindset of youth in Logan.
To connect young people to industry and pathways into jobs.
June 2022 On Track During Quarter 3, the major Catapult deliverables have included:
  • the inaugural Catapult grants program
  • submission of an application to Advance Queensland as part of the Collaborative Project Grants funding initiative
  • the development of the Catapult program roadmap report together with Griffith University.

Further to this, the team have also worked closely with a range of local stakeholders including schools, local businesses and representatives from state government agencies to develop further opportunities for students and educators as part of the program.

While the engagement of program partners is progressing well with schools and key local businesses including Munster and Evolve Group coming on board as program partners, this activity is still in progress owing primarily to the disruption of school term (COVID and flood impacts). Engagement of key partners will continue into Q4.
EG5.9.2 - coLab
Deliver the city's first coLab.
Purpose: To support scaling businesses, and attract investment and high value jobs.
June 2022 Completed As approved by Council (10/11/2020) a Heads of Agreement has been executed with GO1 to take up a tenancy at the existing Go1 global headquarters at 2904 Logan Rd, Underwood.  Subsequently a licence agreement with GO1 to occupy the space has been executed.  The Expression of Interest for Portfolio Company selection was advertised' subsequently three Portfolio Companies were selected as the first cohort for the coLab.  The coLab Advisory Board has met monthly and additionally to provide advice and recommendations on the selection of Portfolio Companies.  The coLab was launched on Friday the 26th of March with a significant number of key stakeholders in attendance.
EG5.9.3 - Colab programs
Deliver coLab programs for the City of Logan.
Purpose: To support capability uplift for coLab Portfolio Companies.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter:
  • Assessment on a permanent coLab community engagement platform has been completed and internal approval processes are progressing.
  • Portfolio Companies continued to work with their mentor in relation to maturing and growing their businesses against their agreed action plans leading into quarter 4 reporting.
  • With current Portfolio Companies soon due to finish their 12 month residency, an open market process is currently occurring to select the new cohort of companies.
  • The coLab brand refresh has progressed to the initiation stage. 
  • The US Market Access Program is currently in the planning phase with the intention to go to market for potential participants in June.
EG5.9.4 - City Futures Strategy Review
Deliver a review of the City Futures Strategy.
Purpose: To ensure continued relevance of the strategy. To support integration with the new Economic Development Vision and Strategy.
June 2022 On Track As at the end of the third quarter work is currently underway against the priority actions identified in the City Futures

Strategy includes:
Future Innovation and prosperity
  • Both the Logan coLab Growth Hub, the Catapult and City Studio programs as well as initiatives such as the Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity program all continue to scale and deliver capability and economic benefits to the City.

Future Connectivity

  • The Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity program is currently exploring projects which include smart community initiatives and the platforms required for data interoperability.

Future Community

  •  Through the City Studio and Catapult initiatives Council continues to build community capability and awareness and involvement in projects which create a collaborative, future focused City

The review of the City Futures Strategy is to be progressed in the next month to ensure the objectives remain relevant and align with current strategic priorities.
EG5.9.5 - CityStudio Logan
Deliver a Program to partner on city-wide projects that engage with:
  • education partners
  • students
  • Council branches.
Purpose: To support youth engagement in Council Projects. To support project-based learning that produces civic outcomes for Logan. 
June 2022 On Track Ongoing projects:
  • Loganlea High Urban Farm and Food Forest – ongoing meetings with key stakeholders – Loganlea State High School, Griffith University and The Mini Farm Project - this project will be an important enabler to identify the community's and business's understanding and resilience to disruptions such as weather extremes, pandemics, and other disaster-related activities in accessing locally grown food. 
  • 'Arvo on the Deck' event scheduled for Thursday 21 April to increase awareness and to further develop additional support for the project.   

Confirmed projects:
  • Park Ridge State High School –2 classes of Year 7 Humanities students (50), with a focus on "Liveability in Logan" (linkages to Logan Plan 2025) completed this CityStudio project in Term 1, 2022. This project partners with the Economic Development and Strategy branch and in particular, Strategic Land Use Planning.  Students focused on five different pillars of planning – managing growth, managing natural hazards, protecting our green spaces, improving design and creating jobs. 
    • Partner branch staff members, Brent Adams (Senior Planner) and Luke Snelling (Planner) provided feedback midway through the project to students.
    • Cr Tim Frazer attended the final pitch and presentation session, in conjunction with Planning staff, CityStudio staff and Park Ridge State High School staff.
    • Students gained capability uplift in 21st Century Skills - communication, collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving and citizenship

Potential projects and partners:
  • Interest expressed from Mabel Park State High School regarding an environmentally focused CityStudio project on Slacks Creek – confirmed for term 3 and potential for term 2.
  • Interest expressed from Kingston College and Flagstone College.

CityStudio Global:
Participated in CityStudio Global's JEDDI (Justice Equity Diversity Decolonisation and Inclusion) and Anti-Racism Learning Group.  The purpose of this group is:
  • Increased understanding of why JEDDI and anti-racism are important in relation to CityStudio's mission and the greater civic and higher education system
  • Development of possible pathways to implement learnings into the CityStudio Network's collective work and individual CityStudios' work
  • CityStudio Network members are equipped with learning resources and tools about JEDDI and anti-racism

Participated in CityStudio Global's Climate Action Learning Group.  The purpose of this group is:
  • Increased understanding of why climate action is important in relation to CityStudio's mission and the greater civic and higher education system
  • Development of possible pathways to implement learnings into the CityStudio Network's collective work and individual CityStudios' work