Economy and growth - Quarter 2, 2021 / 2022
Project name | Target | Status | Commentary |
EG5.1.1 - Destination Management Plan implementation and review Deliver priority projects from the Destination Management Plan (DMP). Conduct a review of the DMP. Purpose: To:
June 2022 | On Track | During the second quarter:
EG5.2.1 - City centre implementation fund projects Deliver priority projects and programs from city centre implementation plans. Purpose: To deliver outcomes from the city centre summits in line with community priorities. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the second quarter:
EG5.3.1 - Develop a Place Making strategy for activity centres Develop a framework for the delivery of place making projects including:
To contribute to making our centres safe, vibrant and accessible gathering places in which the community can take pride. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the second quarter, the Place Making Strategy (Logan City's Place Plan) is currently being drafted and will include key actions relating to Policy Programs and projects to deliver place making projects across the city. The strategy will also include key actions from the Urban Art strategy which is being finalised following internal feedback and public consultation. |
EG5.4.1 - Economic Development Strategy implementation Develop a prioritised list of actions from the Economic Development Strategy for Council approval. Commence implementation of approved actions. Purpose: To support capability and capacity building of Logan based businesses. To help grow the Logan economy and attract further investment. |
June 2022 | Completed | As at the end of the second quarter, the Individual Economic Development Team action planning was completed and will be integrated with branch business planning. The Economic Development Strategy Action Plan has been endorsed by Council. |
EG5.4.2 - Logan Plan 2025 Deliver activities for the Logan Plan 2025. This includes:
June 2022 | On Track | During the second quarter, a consultant was engaged to host an online platform and assist to prepare content. Work is underway to prepare material for consultation. |
EG5.5.1 - City of Choice 3.0 Deliver recommendations for a new, place-based model for jobs and job pathways. The collaborative model will include representatives from all three levels of government, Logan businesses and the Logan community. Purpose: To create new and better jobs and job pathways for Logan residents. To develop a skilled workforce that meets the needs of Logan businesses now and in the future. |
June 2022 | Monitor | As at the end of the second quarter, given the lack of interest from State/Federal Government's in participating in a third iteration of City of Choice, the SEQ City Deal could provide an alternative forum for three levels of Government to cooperate on policy/funding issues. A decision on the City Deal is expected in the third quarter. Recovery actions The Advocacy Program will prepare a position paper on the City of Choice after the decision on the City Deal has been made in the third quarter. |
EG5.6.1 - Online Backflow and OSSF (On Site Sewerage Facility) solution Deliver the remaining automation work on a new innovative backflow and on-site sewage treatment facilities solution. Purpose: To achieve business efficiencies and increase our level of customer service. |
June 2022 | Monitor | As at the end of the second quarter the industry event was successfully delivered on 1 December 2021. The annual renewal registration process was deferred to July 2022 due to technical issues identified with the online payment portal. Recovery actions
EG5.7.1 - Residential Building Strategy Deliver a strategy for residential building work. Purpose: To improve development outcomes in the city of Logan. To further minimise the temporary negative outcomes of development on residents. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the second quarter, the report for the Residential Building Strategy has been scheduled to be discussed in Committee on 19 January 2022 due to no Committee Meeting scheduled in December 2021. |
EG5.8.1 - Digital infrastructure and connectivity Deliver the Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Review Project. Purpose: To create new opportunities in the digital economy. To provide high speed, reliable internet options to all our community. This supports the city to be globally competitive. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the second quarter, the respective project briefs (which fall under the Digital Infrastructure & Connectivity Program) were drafted and confirmed by the Program Control Group in preparation for project deployment in early 2022. Further internal and external stakeholder engagement continued in preparation for project prioritisation and resourcing. |
EG5.9.1 - Catapult Deliver the Catapult program in collaboration with young people, industry, community and educators. Purpose: To build the enterprise and entrepreneurial mindset of youth in Logan. To connect young people to industry and pathways into jobs. |
June 2022 | On Track | For the second quarter the delivery of the classroom component of the Catapult program was on hold due to the end of school term. However, development of the program roadmap (2022 – 2025) continued with Griffith University conducting final interviews with key stakeholders. City Transformation staff also delivered a one-day workshop with year 9 students at Woodridge State High School as part of their "Innov8 to Cre8" event. Approximately 90 students participated and were actively engaged in a 4 session problem solving event focused on the reduction of litter in and around the school. Students were introduced to Council's corporate innovation tools and methodologies (including Double Diamond, ideation methods and pitch presentation) and came up with a variety of interesting prototypes to assist with solving this problem. This session was a pilot for further one-day challenges scheduled to take place throughout 2022. |
EG5.9.2 - coLab Deliver the city's first coLab. Purpose: To support scaling businesses, and attract investment and high value jobs. |
June 2022 | Completed | As approved by Council (10/11/2020) a Heads of Agreement has been executed with GO1 to take up a tenancy at the existing Go1 global headquarters at 2904 Logan Rd, Underwood. Subsequently a licence agreement with GO1 to occupy the space has been executed. The Expression of Interest for Portfolio Company selection was advertised' subsequently three Portfolio Companies were selected as the first cohort for the coLab. The coLab Advisory Board has met monthly and additionally to provide advice and recommendations on the selection of Portfolio Companies. The coLab was launched on Friday the 26th of March with a significant number of key stakeholders in attendance. |
EG5.9.3 - Colab programs Deliver coLab programs for the City of Logan. Purpose: To support capability uplift for coLab Portfolio Companies. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the second quarter:
EG5.9.4 - City Futures Strategy Review Deliver a review of the City Futures Strategy. Purpose: To ensure continued relevance of the strategy. To support integration with the new Economic Development Vision and Strategy. |
June 2022 | On Track | As at the end of the second quarter, work is currently underway against the priority actions identified in the City Futures Strategy include: Future Innovation and prosperity:
EG5.9.5 - CityStudio Logan Deliver a Program to partner on city-wide projects that engage with:
June 2022 | On Track | During the second quarter the project achieved the following: Ongoing projects:
Beenleigh State High School – Term 4
Confirmed projects: Park Ridge State High School