Economy and growth - Quarter 1, 2022 / 2023

Project Target Status Commentary
EG5.1.1 - Destination Management Plan 2023-2028

Develop the Destination Management Plan 2023-2028.
Purpose: To identify future infrastructure needs and opportunities to grow Logan’s visitor economy
June 2023 On Track As at the end of the first quarter, the Destination Management Plan draft was completed. This is ahead of the scheduled 75% completion target for the draft. Consultation and review of the draft is now being conducted. Development of the plan is expected to be finalised by December 2022, with Council endorsement and adoption to be conducted thereafter.
EG5.2.1 - Logan Place Plan

Deliver the Logan Place Plan, our place making strategy covering:
  • policy
  • projects
  • programs across our centres.
Purpose: To:
  • incentivise public-private partnerships
  • rejuvenate our centres
  • foster pride, investment, and positive activity
June 2023 On Track As at the end of the first quarter, the following activities were achieved;
  • Councillors were briefed on the draft Night Time Economy Strategy, feedback was collated and the final strategy will be presented to Council in October for approval.
  • Key actions from the Night Time Economy Strategy will inform the Place Plan and future work program.
  • City centre implementation plans are being updated in line with the endorsed Urban Design Framework and new priority projects will be identified for implementation, subject to a budget allocation.
  • The drafting of the Place Plan document has been completed, is being reviewed within the EDS Branch with the next step to undertake internal consultation with branches to finalise a draft strategy for a briefing with Councillors early in 2023.
EG5.4.1 - Roadmap for Brisbane 2032

Deliver a roadmap for leveraging opportunities for the City of Logan associated with the 2032 Olympic Games.
Purpose: To secure better infrastructure, attract investment and create opportunities for our city
June 2023 On Track As at the end of the first quarter the Roadmap for Brisbane 2032 was drafted. The roadmap is being presented to the Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in October 2022 for consideration.
The roadmap will then progress to final consultation in quarter 2.
EG5.5.1 - Logan Plan 2025

Deliver activities for the Logan Plan 2025 program of work. This includes:
  • drafting of the new planning scheme
  • legal review
  • submission to the Queensland Government for State Interest Review.
Purpose: To support the delivery of Logan Plan 2025 as the key land use policy to guide future growth.
June 2023 On Track As at the end of the first quarter the principle policy positions were established and adopted at Special Council meeting on 6 September 2022 (minute no: 81/2022).  Drafting of the Logan Plan 2025 is currently underway and is on schedule.
EG5.6.1 - Logan’s Assessment Portal

Launch Logan’s Assessment Portal powered by new software into Council’s existing development assessment processes.
Purpose: To support community participation in the way development and growth occur in the city.
This will be achieved by displaying application related material and decisions in a consistent format
June 2023 On Track As at the end of the first quarter, the following was achieved:
  • Phase 1 now complete
  • Development Enquiry Tool now live.
EG5.7.1 - Operation improve residential building practices

Create a new Residential Building Task Force team within the Development Operations program.
Purpose: To improve building practices on residential construction sites.
June 2023 On Track As at the end of the first quarter, the following was achieved:
  • All positions have been advertised
  • Interviews have been conducted.
EG5.8.1 - Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program

Deliver the Digital Infrastructure and Connectivity Program.
Purpose: To:
  • create new opportunities in the digital economy
  • provide high speed, reliable internet options to all our community
  • support the City of Logan to be globally competitive.
June 2023 On Track As at the end of the first quarter, the following was achieved:
  • Entire DI&C Program 54% complete.
  • Mobile - Placed on hold pending announcements on mobile programs from Federal Govt following May 2022 elections
  • Broadband - Detailed technical survey in 3 search areas has resulted in prioritisation of Polygon 3 and 2(a). LCC resolution to proceed with State Govt considering proposal to programme Broadband scope for FY23. Reverted to NBN Co for update on Fixed Wireless program and Logan impacts.
  • MFEDC - Business Development continuing, including search options for suitable land parcels (including commercial property firms). MFEDC Business Case submitted to Council including BCR, Concept Design and qualitative benefits etc. Approved by Council.
  • LEO Pilot - Initial proposals for LEO service Value Added Resellers received for assessment.  Renewed interests from one Satellite Service Provider. Initial proposal reviewed from service provider and was deemed to be at a significantly higher cost than anticipated for residential trial – discussion held with service provider to revise proposal. Another service provider sent proposal for residential trial which was deemed to be comparatively suitable - currently the proposal is under assessment.
  • Smart IOT Platform - Initial proposal received by service provider and reviewed – which was deemed to be not suitable for value of money.  Currently continuing discussions on proposal. Confirmation letter received by Logan regarding cancellation of Federal Government 5G Innovation Initiative Funding – 15 July 2022. Continued engagement with potential providers to explore further opportunities.
  • Program Management - Continuous risk register updates
  • DI&C Program presentation to Council Directors/CEO (ELT).
  • DI&C Program Update Committee report finalised and submitted for Planning Committee 13/09.
  • Draft letter finalised and sent to State Government (DCHDE) regarding scope change.
  • Kick-off workshop with industry and Government stakeholders to explore potential opportunities.
EG5.9.1 - CoLab

Deliver the coLab Growth Hub.
Purpose: To support scaling ventures to achieve their high-growth objectives in the innovation-driven economy.
June 2023 On Track As at the end of the first quarter, the following was achieved:
US Market Access Program
This program began with 9 scale up companies. Session 1 of the program was delivered on Friday the 9th of September with all participant companies delivering a customer focused pitch to the Entrepreneurs in Residence.  Mentoring between the companies and Entrepreneurs in Residence was held before delivery of the next session.  Session 2 was delivered on Friday the 23rd of September with 3 hours of training content provided by our facilitator. Participant companies will apply the training content to provide a work product for Session 3 proposed for delivery on Friday the 7th of October.
The current cohort of coLab Portfolio Companies continue to work with their dedicated Entrepreneur in Residence and have participated in mentoring sessions to assist the company's growth.
Branding and Marketing
A brand refresh has been completed including an improved brand, brand strategy, brand narrative and collateral/assets. Preparation for delivery of the new brand is currently being undertaken.