Economy and growth - Quarter 1, 2021 / 2022

Project name Target Status Commentary
EG5.1.1 - Destination Management Plan implementation and review June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
A number of projects have progressed or commenced in the first quarter including:
  • Funding secured for detailed design and construction of the Riverine Discovery Centre.
  • Logan Stories social media campaign commenced and concepts of a new tourism brand developed.
  • Projects to develop the food tourism ecosystem commenced.
  • Industry Packaging workshop re-scheduled for September postponed due to Covid restrictions.
  • Initial conversations regarding the next version of the DMP have been held.
EG5.2.1 - City Centre Implementation Fund Projects June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
As at the end of the first quarter the project achieved the following:
  • The Logan Village River Link shared pathway was officially opened to the public and all CCTV, and lighting completed. The Logan Village Events Strategy and prospectus was finalised. The wayfinding signage strategy for Logan Village has been completed and can now be implemented.
  • The Loganlea Healthy Street project has reached practical completion at the end of September 2021 and the new pedestrian crossing is fully operational. Final artwork and shelters is due to be installed in mid October 2021.  The Meadowbrook Parking Strategy was endorsed by Council in September 2021. The transport strategy is on track to be completed by the end of 2021.
  • Place Branding drafts for Jimboomba, Meadowbrook and Logan Central has been completed and is currently being reviewed internally.
  • The Beenleigh Streetscape works is 90% completed with Main Street completed, City Road and John Street to be completed by mid October and final installation of awning structures to be completed by end of November 2021. The final stage of the smart parking will be installed after competed of the streetscape works and resurfacing of the roads.
  • Planning for the Jimboomba Streetscape Master Plan has commenced and the development of the Jimboomba Events Strategy is well advanced with the first event to be delivered in December 2021 and the signature event in 2022.
  • The Croydon Road Master plan has been finalised and consultation with the community will now commence to inform the detailed design of the Croydon Road Streetscape upgrades. Urban interventions to be undertaken by the end of the year. Scope of works will need to be amended to accommodate impact of the Logan to Gold Coast Faster Rail Project.
EG5.3.1 - Develop a Place Making Strategy for activity centres June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
The draft Urban Art Strategy has been completed. Community consultation finalised and be issued to Council for endorsement by the end of 2022. This strategy will also inform the Place Making Strategy. A draft Place making strategy is being finalised for internal consultation. The strategy will identify potential tactical urbanism projects, across the smaller district, neighbourhood and local centres, will include place activation projects and will also identify opportunities for night time economy improvements. Design work has commenced on the first pilot project that will be delivered from grant funding.
EG5.4.1 - Economic Development Strategy implementation June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
The Economic Development Strategy 2022 - 2027 was endorsed by Council in the first quarter.  Prioritisation of the Implementation Plan will commence in the second quarter.
EG5.4.2 - Logan Plan 2025 June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
As at the end of the first quarter, recruitment is progressing well. Two significant technical reviews (Economic) are underway. The project is also preparing a 2022 plan to present to Council.
EG5.5.1 - City of Choice 3.0 June 2022 Monitor Interpretation and Response:
The response from Federal Government to Council's correspondence has not supported continuing to participate in this initiative. The State Government has yet to provide a response to Council's correspondence and the Advocacy Program has contacted the relevant Ministerial office for a response.
EG5.6.1 - Online Backflow and OSSF (On Site Sewerage Facility) Solution June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
As at the end of the first quarter, the project has identified three properties. Quotes for rectification of these are underway.
EG5.7.1 - Residential Building Strategy June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
As at the end of the first quarter, the project is undertaking preparations to launch the new residential building site task force type service.
EG5.8.1 - Digital infrastructure and connectivity June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
Funding was received from the Department of State Development. Council have granted an exemption for recruitment of a Program Manager which is now underway.
EG5.9.1 - Catapault June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
During quarter 1, the final school-based programs for Catapult were delivered at Canterbury College (Division 4), Loganlea State High School (Division 6) and Beenleigh State High School (Division 12). Students from years 7 – 10 developed a range of entrepreneurial business ideas aimed at addressing issues including homelessness, racism, climate change awareness among young people, and removing barriers into medical careers for young people from culturally diverse backgrounds. Throughout the process, students developed not only a suite of foundational 21st century skills but also valuable insights into a range of career pathways by working with expert industry mentors from notable Logan businesses and not-for-profits including The Centre for Women & Co, GO1, Griffith University and digital marketing startup CaaSie. Teachers also received specialist training to develop their own capabilities in supporting their students ongoing.
EG5.9.2 - coLab June 2022 Completed Interpretation and Response:
As approved by Council (10/11/2020) a Heads of Agreement has been executed with GO1 to take up a tenancy at the existing Go1 global headquarters at 2904 Logan Rd, Underwood.  Subsequently a licence agreement with GO1 to occupy the space has been executed.  The Expression of Interest for Portfolio Company selection was advertised' subsequently three Portfolio Companies were selected as the first cohort for the coLab.  The coLab Advisory Board has met monthly and additionally to provide advice and recommendations on the selection of Portfolio Companies.  The coLab was launched on Friday the 26th of March with a significant number of key stakeholders in attendance.
EG5.9.3 - coLab Programs June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
During the past quarter the following high level actions were progressed:
  • The digital platform to support and strengthen coLab Portfolio Company and stakeholder engagement was progressed to a prototype stage.
  • The coLab website continued to be to be enhanced with the aim to resonate more effectively with the target market.
  • Quarter 1 reporting for the Portfolio Companies occurred.  The companies and their lead Entrepreneur in Residence worked closely to complete the reporting requirements.  Quarter 1 reporting provided an opportunity for the coLab team to better understand the needs of each company to inform future tailored business-growth support. 
  • Portfolio Companies continued to work with their lead Entrepreneur in Residence in relation to maturing and growing their businesses against their agreed action plans.
EG5.9.4 - City Futures Strategy Review June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
A High level review is underway to consider the refresh of the City Futures strategy in line with Council priorities.
EG5.9.5 - CityStudio Logan June 2022 On Track Interpretation and Response:
As at the end of the first quarter, the project achieved the following:

Ongoing projects:
  • Loganlea High Urban Farm and Food Forest – ongoing meetings with key stakeholders – Loganlea State High School, Griffith University and The Mini Farm Project - this project will be an important enabler to identify the community's and business's understanding and resilience to disruptions such as weather extremes, pandemics, and other disaster-related activities in accessing locally grown food.
  • Pitch coaching session online for 5 Loganlea State High School students in conjunction with 27 Mabel Park State High School students.
  • Design thinking and innovation tools and methodology face to face session for 5 Loganlea State High School.
  • Design thinking and innovation tools and methodology face to face session for 25 Griffith University Students.
  • Students are working on the following briefs:
    • Urban Farming and Orchards: Guidelines for Supporting food Relief
    • Indigenous Food Forest
    • Stormwater and Weed Eradication
    • Water Sensitive Urban Design: Wildlife Habitat and Water Conservation
    • Urban Farm Circular Economy Guidelines.

Projects completed:

  • Mabel Park State High School – STEM Year 8 – focused on "Greening our City".
  • Ongoing sessions with students to work through the innovation tools and methodologies utilised to problem solve.
  • Pitch coaching session online for 5 Loganlea State High School students in conjunction with 27 Mabel Park State High School students.
  • Students pitched their final presentations to Cr Mindy Russell (Division 3 Councillor).
Upcoming projects:
  • Beenleigh State High School – Term 4 STEM – partnering with Economic Development and Strategy – relating to the new planning scheme.
  • 21st Century Job Ready Skills portfolio sessions and workshops.