ET1.1.1 - Deliver actions to generate $70 million of investment and 500 local jobs by promoting the City of Logan.
Purpose: Increase local jobs and stimulate economies.
June 2021 |
On Track |
In the second quarter, investment announcements to the value of $23.4 million were recorded in the construction of light industrial and mixed-use speculative developments as well as medical manufacturing and transport and logistics facilities.
The year-to-date total is $209.95 million which far exceeds the annual target of $70 million.
As a result of the investments this quarter, 209 jobs have been retained in the local area and 64 new jobs created. The year-to-date total of new and retained jobs is 714 which exceeds the annual target of 500.
ET1.2.1 - Deliver 15 business-relevant workshops for businesses in the City of Logan.
Purpose: Build the capacity of the local economy.
June 2021 |
On Track |
Logan Office of Economic Development hosted a State Budget Breakfast on 14 December with 150 attendees registered. This brought the quarter total to 5 business relevant workshops/events. The annual target of 15 workshops has been exceeded.
ET1.4.1 - Deliver two investment attraction events in the City of Logan.
Purpose: Attract investment and local jobs.
June 2021 |
On Track |
The Logan Tech Round Table was held in the second quarter. Three local businesses, TechPath, Go1 and Wing spoke about their companies and aspirations for Logan demonstrating the capability that exists in the city.
There were approximately 20 people in attendance.
ET2.1.1 - Prepare for Council Endorsement a new Economic Development Vision and Strategy for the City of Logan.
Purpose: To attract investment and provide a framework for the community, businesses and investors in the city.
June 2021 |
On Track |
The Branch is working through the comments from the 8 focus groups held to discuss the future of the draft Economic Development Strategy.
The next task is to ensure the community feedback can form measurable actions.
The draft actions will be presented to Council before we undertake further community engagement on the Strategy.
ET2.3.1 - Plan and deliver the city's first innovation hub (coLab).
Purpose: Support entrepreneurship, scaling businesses and capability uplift. Attract investment and highly skilled jobs to the City of Logan.
June 2021 |
On Track |
Substantial progress has been made in the planning stages to establish the City of Logan's inaugural coLab. The Heads of Agreement between Logan City Council and Go1 has been successfully executed with subsequent tenure documents for council to occupy space at the Go1 premises in draft stage for review and finalisation. The coLab Advisory Board has been established with three exceptionally experienced members appointed.
An expressions of interest document is currently under review with the expectation of being in market early 2021 for potential Portfolio Companies to apply for residency at the coLab. This timeframe ensures all necessary approvals have been appropriately considered and actioned prior to launching the coLab.
Additionally the development of the necessary documentation to call for Entrepreneurs in Residence and mentors to assist the successful Portfolio Companies in growing their business is currently underway.
ET2.4.1 - Develop a combined ""Think Local, Buy Logan"" social and local marketing campaign.
Purpose: To increase social and local spend in the city.
June 2021 |
On Track |
Activities conducted/ delivered during the second quarter include:
- l The 'Think local, buy Logan' campaign report was presented at the Procurement and Appropriations Special Committee held on 1 December 2020
- l An animated video to increase awareness of Council's Buy Local policy was distributed to Managers and Program Leaders.
- l A register of Councils contractual arrangements and exceptions has been created as a tile on Council's intranet buzz page as a one point of truth to increase visibility of Council's arrangements when inviting quotations, ensuring local businesses are identifiable.
- l Council's Elective Leadership Team have endorsed the continuation of the preliminary research, actions and investigations required to seek the adoption of and to implement the strategic procurement framework. The outcomes of Council's Procurement Model Review will have positive impacts on social procurement and buy local initiatives.
- l A review of Council procurement policies, tender and contract documentation was undertaken for consistency with the Human Rights Act, and to ensure human rights are embedded in procurement policies.
- l A BI Procurement interactive dashboard is under development to increase visibility of Councils spend profile.
What is coming up for next quarter?
- The animated 'Think Local, Buy Logan' video will be distributed to all staff to provide education and awareness to Council staff about best value decision making, supported by Buy Local and Social Procurement Policies
- Internal 'Think local, buy Logan' roadshow - Deliver a presentation and training to increase awareness and provide training to Council staff.
- l Supplier Briefing/Engagement Session will be delivered to assist Suppliers in doing business with Council.