Clark Road/Lindenthal Road, Park Ridge Road intersection video transcript


The video commences at the intersection, providing a northward view along Lindenthal Road towards Clarke Road in Park Ridge. The following improvements are evident from this viewpoint:

  • traffic lights
  • signalised left turn and straight lanes on Lindenthal Road and Clarke Road
  • signalised pedestrian crossings on Lindenthal Road, Clarke Road and Park Ridge Road
  • off-road paths
  • dedicated cycle lanes through the intersection in both directions on Park Ridge Road
  • improved street lighting

Text on screen

Park Ridge Road and Clarke Road Intersection (Looking North along Clarke Road).


The footage, slightly elevated, rotates towards the west (left of the screen), then gradually slows down, providing an eastward perspective along Park Ridge Road to give the viewer a better understanding and viewpoint of the changes.

Text on screen

Looking East along Park Ride Road.


The elevated footage gradually rotates again to offer viewers a southward view along Clarke Road, showcasing the signalised pedestrian crossing at the lights on Clarke Road, looking back to where the video started.

Text on screen

Looking South along Clarke Road.


The elevated footage rotates once more and begins to descend, allowing for a westward view along Park Ridge Road from the perspective of both vehicles and pedestrians. This angle clearly highlights the westbound cycle lane and the three traffic lanes — straight, left turn, and right turn at the traffic lights. Signage and line markings are prominently visible.

Text on screen

Looking West along Park Ridge Road.


The footage rises again and begins to rotate to the south (left of screen), before fading out.

The footage fades back in, slightly elevated, and commences a northerly rotation (right of the screen) on Park Ridge Road, further east of the intersection, providing a view back towards the intersection to demonstrate the removal of the existing unsignalised pedestrian crossing facilities from this location.

Additionally, the video highlights:

  • a solid centre median to divide the traffic
  • wider shoulders
  • extended right-turn lane on Park Ridge Road
  • straight-through and left-turn lanes on Park Ridge Road
  • dedicated cycle lanes
  • off-road path on both sides of the road
  • street lighting

Video fades out.

Text on screen

Removed road crossing East of the Intersection.


The footage transitions to a pedestrian's viewpoint, crossing at the signalised pedestrian crossing at the Lindenthal Road traffic lights, heading eastward across Lindenthal Road. The image then fades out.

The footage reappears further south down Lindenthal Road at vehicle level, emphasising an Australian Government Black Spot Program funding sign. It then rises above the Lindenthal Road signalised pedestrian crossing at the intersection in a northerly direction (right of the screen), showcasing:

  • a solid centre median to divide the traffic
  • Kerbed shoulders within immediate vicinity of the intersection
  • an eastbound right-turn lane, straight-through lane, and left-turn lane on Park Ridge Road
  • dedicated cycle lanes on Park Ridge Road
  • street lighting
  • road signage

Text on screen

Moving north.


The video now proceeds eastward (straight) at vehicle level on Park Ridge Road towards the traffic lights, again highlighting an Australian Government Black Spot Program funding sign, alongside:

  • a solid centre median to divide the traffic
  • wider shoulders
  • a right-turn lane, straight-through lane, and left-turn lane
  • dedicated cycle lanes
  • street lighting
  • road signage and line markings

The footage passes straight through the intersection heading east, and the video fades out.

Text on screen

Approaching from the West.


An aerial shot pulls back, presenting a top-down view of the project in its entirety before fading out.

End of transcript