Wildlife in Logan

We are lucky to have many native animals living in our backyards and natural areas. It is our job to make sure that we protect these natural resources for future generations to enjoy.

Logan is home to about:

  • 56 types of native mammals
  • 273 types of birds
  • 58 native reptiles
  • 27 native frogs
  • and lots of fish and insects.

Some of our local native animals are significant because there aren't many of them left in the wild. The Threatened Wildlife of Logan Brochure (PDF 7.2 MB) lists these animals.

For more information about native animals living in your backyard, please visit Queensland Government 'Living with wildlife'.

Birds in Logan

The wide variety of birds in Logan provides a great range of bird-watching opportunities.

Logan is home to Australia's rarest species of cockatoo - the glossy black cockatoo. These birds are only found in eastern Australia.

We are part of the Glossy Black Conservancy group. The aim of this group is to raise community awareness and share knowledge about the glossy black cockatoo. We will use their research to help protect these rare cockatoos.

Each year you can help count our local glossy black cockatoo population.

For more information about the Glossy-Black Cockatoo Birding Day, please email us at environment@logan.qld.gov.au or call us on 07 3412 4491

For more information about the Glossy Black Conservancy group please visit Glossy-Black Conservancy.

Bird places of Logan 

Identifying and locating birds across 39 areas in Logan is easier now with our new pocket guide.

The Bird Places of Logan is a partnership between Logan City Council, BirdLife Southern Queensland and Birds Queensland.

The brochure lists the birds likely to be sighted in the City’s natural areas like parks, lakes and reserves. You can download the brochure from the Birds Queensland website.

Snakes in Logan

Snakes are an important part of our environment. All snakes are protected under the Nature Conservation Act 1992.

Find out more about:

Platypus in Logan

One of Australia’s most iconic species, the platypus (Ornithorhynchus anatinus) is an egg laying, nocturnal mammal with dense brown fur and a flattened duck-like bill.

The platypus has been spotted in Logan at the Albert River. They live in creeks, dams, ponds and freshwater streams in eastern Australia including Tasmania. Threats include fish entanglement, predators and habitat loss through waterway modification.


Logan City Council partners with Watergum for their community based PlatypusWatch program.

Watergum’s citizen science program engages volunteers to monitor wild platypus populations in Logan and the Gold Coast. Community education also provides information about:

  • platypus history
  • the biology of platypus
  • food and habitat
  • threats to platypus.

Community volunteers help collate vital data on platypus populations and habitat by going out to search for platypus. Sightings and observations are reported to council and added to national databases. In Logan, PlatypusWatch surveyors wait on the banks of the Albert River. The best opportunities to spot platypus are at dawn.

To get involved in PlatypusWatch or to learn more about platypus please check out our environmental events page for upcoming workshops and training or email environment@logan.qld.gov.au.

Environmental DNA sampling for Platypus

Environmental DNA (eDNA) is a non-invasive and quick way to monitor aquatic animals. While carrying out day-to-day activities, aquatic animals, like the platypus, shed DNA from their bodies into the water. eDNA sampling involves collecting water samples which are then tested at a laboratory to detect species-specific DNA fragments.

Since 2016 the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland through its PlatypusWatch Network have been undertaking eDNA sampling for platypus DNA within the City of Logan. Much of the survey has focussed on the Albert River and associated tributaries, with varying positive and negative results.

In 2021, 16 sites were sampled along the Albert River and associated tributaries. Five locations within the Albert River catchment have tested positive for platypus DNA. Through the Albert River Vision, we continue to undertake plantings and erosion control along the Albert River. These works are important to help maintain the habitat needed for platypuses, like vegetated, high stable banks.

For more information about this project visit the Wildlife Preservation Society of Queensland’s PlatypusWatch.