
A forb is an herbaceous flowering plant that is not a grass or grass-like plant (sedges and rushes).

Please use the tiles below to find out more about forbs in Logan.

Annual ragweed green foliage

Annual Ragweed

Ambrosia artemisiifolia

H2: Annual Ragweed
Blue heliotrope flower

Blue Heliotrope

Heliotropium amplexicaule

H2: Blue Heliotrope
Common sensitive plant leaves up close

Common Sensitive Plant

Mimosa pudica

H2: Common Sensitive Plant
Coral Berry. Green leaves with a bunch of red berries

Coral Berry

Rivina humilis

H2: Coral Berry
Creeping lantana pink flowers

Creeping Lantana

Lantana montevidensis

H2: Creeping Lantana
Crofton flower bush with green leaves and lots of small white flowers

Crofton Weed

Ageratina adenophora

H2: Crofton Weed
Fireweed infestation. bright yellow, daisy-like flowers on long green stems


Senecio madagascariensis

H2: Fireweed
Fish bone fern infestation

Fishbone Fern

Nephrolepis cordifolia

H2: Fishbone Fern
fleabane stem up close


Conyza species

H2: Fleabane
Khaki plant leaves up close in sand

Khaki Weed

Alternanthera pungens

H2: Khaki Weed
Orange lion's tail flower

Lion's Tail

Leonotis nepetifolia

H2: Lion's Tail
Mistflower green leaves


Ageratina riparia

H2: Mistflower
Mother in laws tongue plant, green leaves growing from the ground

Mother-In-Law’s Tongue

Sansevieria trifasciata

H2: Mother-In-Law’s Tongue
White Parthenium flowers


Parthenium hysterophorus

H2: Parthenium
Polka dot plant infestation. Green leaves with white / pink spots

Polka Dot Plant

Hypoestes phyllostachya

H2: Polka Dot Plant
Purple succulent infestation

Purple Succulent

Callisia fragrans

H2: Purple Succulent
Scoparia weed infestation. light green leaves

Scoparia Weed

Scoparia dulcis

H2: Scoparia Weed
Singapore daisy plant. Vibrant green leaves with two yellow flowers

Singapore Daisy

Sphagneticola trilobata

H2: Singapore Daisy
White wandering jew flowers

Wandering Jew

Tradescantia fluminensis

H2: Wandering Jew