Tips for connecting with your neighbours

Two women sitting together on the front steps of a house laughing
  1. Be friendly: Smile and speak to the people in your neighbourhood. Take your time when you're checking your mail or bringing your bins to the kerb. Notice who is around, make eye contact, and greet them.
  2. Get to know your neighbours: If you can’t name more than a neighbour or two, introduce yourself. A simple smile and “Hey, I’ve been meaning to introduce myself ...” will do.
  3. Drop a note in your neighbours’ letterbox: Invite them for a cuppa or share your phone number in case of emergencies. Use our Connection postcard as a template.
  4. Create (or join) a Neighbourhood Facebook group: Social media can help neighbours interact. These groups are useful for reconnecting lost pets, sourcing local recommendations, or promoting events.
  5. Welcome new neighbours! Offer some homemade treats, share local take-away menus, or simply introduce yourself. If you're shy, leave a note in their mailbox. Use our Connection postcard as a template.
  6. Take walks around the neighbourhood: Go on regular family walks. Your kids can ride bikes or tricycles, and you can greet your neighbours as you go. You'll start to see "regulars" who are outside gardening or walking, too.
  7. Organise a local clean-up day: Gather your neighbours for a community clean-up event. It’s a great way to improve your local environment and foster a sense of shared responsibility. Offer refreshments and make it a fun, social activity.
  8. Volunteer at a local community organisation: Invite a neighbour or friend to volunteer with you. Shared experiences and activities can be a good way to get to know others in a relaxed environment. Visit our Community Centres page for more information.
  9. Offer to help elderly neighbours: Many older residents might appreciate help with groceries, gardening, walking their dog, or just a chat. Offering assistance builds strong community relationships.
  10. Join (or build) a community or backyard garden: Community gardens bring people together to grow fresh produce. Visit our Community Gardens page for more information.

For even more ideas, check out Relationships Australia’s flyer called 56 Great Ideas for Connecting with your Neighbours (PDF 6.7 MB).