Temporary local planning instruments

A Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) is a statutory instrument created under the Planning Act 2016. A TLPI may suspend or affect the operation of another planning instrument (e.g. the Logan Planning Scheme), but does not amend or repeal that instrument.

A TLPI can be effective for up to two years after its effective date, or sooner if stated in the instrument or repealed.

Generally a TLPI is created if:

  • a significant risk of adverse cultural, economic, environmental or social conditions is happening in the local government area
  • the delay involved in making or amending another local planning instrument (e.g. the planning scheme) would increase the risk
  • a state interest would not be adversely effected by the proposed TLPI.

The table below lists TLPIs currently in effect in the City of Logan, noting that local planning instruments do not apply in Priority Development Areas (Yarrabilba and Greater Flagstone).  Economic Development Queensland (EDQ) is the planning authority for PDAs.

TLPI title



TLPI No. 1/2024

Risk-based flood mapping and policy for the City of Logan

Approved by the Queensland Government on 9 December 2024. 


Adopted by Council on 19 February 2025 and commenced on 6 March 2025. Expires on 6 March 2027 unless repealed sooner.

To suspend the operation of specific flood related provisions of the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 and replace them with new risk-based flood provisions that seek to avoid or mitigate flood risk to an acceptable level, increase the community’s resilience to flood risk, and decrease the emergency burden during flood events.  The TLPI incorporates Council’s latest flood information and policy and replaced TLPI No. 1/2023.


To learn more you can:

  • view the TLPI document and maps (PDF) in this folder
  • see our Fact Sheet (PDF 390KB) about the new TLPI (what’s changing, why it’s needed).
  • view the Minister’s approval of TLPI No. 1/2024 on the Queensland Government’s plan making dashboard – see reference TLPI-00127 in the list.
  • access interactive mapping and a flood report for your property in the Logan PD Hub
  • view the updated flood provisions and interactive mapping in the Logan ePlan
  • learn more about risk-based flood mapping using our fact sheet (PDF, 504KB)
  • visit our Flood page.


The table below lists expired and/or repealed instruments, for reference only. For copies of these TLPIs please contact our team.

Expired TLPI title

Period of effect


TLPI No. 1/2023

Risk-based flood mapping and policy for the City of Logan.

Adopted 18 October 2023 and commenced 30 October 2023.

Repealed 6 March 2025 when TLPI No. 1/2024 commenced.



To prevent potential loss of the city’s flood resilience and suitably manage development in the floodplain in the local government area by suspending specific flood related provisions and applying new flood related provisions affecting the operation of the Logan Planning Scheme 2015.

You can view the TLPI document and maps (PDF) in the TLPI folder.

TLPI No. 2/15

Loganlea to Jimboomba Powerline Underground Area

Began 30 October 2015 and ceased to have effect on 29 October 2016

The purpose of TLPI 02/15 was to assist with construction of the underground section of the Loganlea to Jimboomba electricity powerline by declaring development for this purpose to be self-assessable and identifying applicable assessment criteria.

TLPI No. 1/15

Logan Interim Flood Response

Began on 27 March 2015 and was superseded by the Logan Planning Scheme 2015 on 18 May 2015

The purpose of TLPI 01/15 was to manage development in areas of Logan subject to flooding and inundation.

It suspended the operation of specific provisions of the three planning schemes in effect at the time across Logan (Beaudesert Shire Planning Scheme 2007, Gold Coast Planning Scheme 2003, Logan Planning Scheme 2006), and applied new provisions.

Previous instruments for Logan Interim Flood Response

Between 2011 and 2013

Similar to TLPI 01/15.