City of Logan Safe City Awards

The annual City of Logan Safe City Awards acknowledge the work of individuals, volunteer groups, not-for-profit organisations, government agencies and businesses that contribute to making our City more welcoming, inclusive and safe.

City of Logan Safe City Awards winners

Celebrating those individuals, businesses, government agencies and Not-For-Profits who contribute to making our city more welcoming, inclusive and safe.

2024 Winners

Stan Wells Memorial Award

From left: Acting Superintendent Brett Jackson (Queensland Police Service - Logan District), Stan Wells Memorial Award recipient - Ms Sharon Hamilton (Woodlands Neighbourhood Watch), Acting Senior Sergeant Rachel Moffat (QPS Logan District Prevention and

Recipient - Sharon Hamilton

This award honours the late Stan Wells, a founding volunteer member of the Jimboomba Neighbourhood Watch Group. Mr Wells made significant contributions to crime prevention and community safety through his volunteer efforts.

Sharon Hamilton has spent 12 years keeping watch over her community. The dedicated Neighbourhood Watch (NHW) volunteer and winner of the 2024 Stan Wells Memorial Award for commitment to community safety was honoured at the City of Logan Safe City Awards on Wednesday.

Ms Hamilton helped establish the Woodlands Neighbourhood Watch group in 2012, taking on the roles of both secretary and treasurer. City of Logan Mayor Jon Raven thanked Sharon for her commitment to the community.

“I’m so grateful to Sharon and her fellow Neighbourhood Watch volunteers across our city – they’re the reason Logan is such a great place to raise a family,” Cr Raven said. “Community safety is a team effort and volunteers like Sharon are our MVPs."

Image caption From left: Acting Super intendent Brett Jackson (Queensland Police Service - Logan District), Stan Wells Memorial Award recipient - Ms Sharon Hamilton (Woodlands Neighbourhood Watch), Acting Senior Sergeant Rachel Moffat (QPS Logan District Prevention and Engagement Team and Mayor of Logan City - Jon Raven).

Innovation in Community Safety/Crime Prevention

Winner: Project Booyah, Queensland Police Service

From left: Winner for Innovation in Community/ Safety/ Crime Prevention - Ms Zuanetti (representing Queensland Police Service - Project Booyah) & Mr Brad White - Director Community & Lifestyle

Project Booyah is the only community youth program led and funded by the Queensland Police Service. The project is over a decade old and has maintained successful outcomes by adapting to and changing with new research and community and government expectations.

(Image caption from left: Winner for Innovation in Community/ Safety/ Crime Prevention - Ms Zuanetti (representing Queensland Police Service - Project Booyah) and Mr Brad White - Director Community & Lifestyle).

Runner up: ‘Art In Action’, initiated by Multicultural Police Liaison Officer Peiman Mirzaei Project

From left: Runner Up for Innovation in Community Safety/ Crime Prevention - Cultural Liaison Officer, Mr Peiman Mirzaei (Queensland Police Service - Art in Action initiative) and Mr Brad White - Director Community & Lifestyle

Peiman Mirzaei is an Iranian born Police Liaison Officer who works in the Logan District. He has initiated and implemented an education package 'Learning through cartooning (Art in Action)' within Harris Fields State Primary School. This education package blends Pieman's skill and love of art with his passion to nurture and empower the youth of today. His program supports community safety and crime prevention by way of engagement and the conversations allow the students to take the information home and impart the knowledge to their family members who many do not speak English.

(Image caption from left: Runner Up for Innovation in Community Safety/ Crime Prevention - Cultural Liaison Officer, Mr Peiman Mirzaei (Queensland Police Service - Art in Action initiative) and Mr Brad White - Director Community and Lifestyle).

Special mention: ‘Shifting Gears’, Wheelnutz Garage

From left: Special Mention for Innovation in Community Safety/ Crime Prevention - Ms McCarthy (representing Wheelnutz Garage, Shifting Gears Program) & Mr Brad White - Director Community & Lifestyle

Shifting Gears is a diversionary program that employs Wheelnutz 6 C's model of Positive Youth Development to support vulnerable youth at risk of entering the Youth Justice System. Staff focus on developing connection, confidence, character, caring, contribution and competence while engaging in structured hands-on automotive activities. This model encourages clinicians and other stakeholders to observe young people in this environment and deliver interventions accordingly. 

(Image caption from left: Special Mention for Innovation in Community Safety/ Crime Prevention - Ms McCarthy (representing Wheelnutz Garage, Shifting Gears Program) and Mr Brad White - Director Community and Lifestyle).

Safer Community Places and Spaces

Winner: Parks Planning, Design and Capital Delivery Program

Lucas Lu, Senior Landscape Architect. Parks, Planning, Design and Capital Delivery Program
Monty Dean, Parks Project Deliver Officer. Parks, Planning, Design and Capital Delivery Program

The redevelopment of Eridani Park was driven by the community's desire for a more inviting and enjoyable space. Key Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) principles were integrated into the layout of the park focusing on visibility, accessibility and activation of the space. The new layout of the park has not only improved accessibility for all users it has encouraged a greater sense of community ownership and has transformed Eridani Park into a welcoming, safe and inclusive space for all ages.

(Image caption from left Lucas Lu, Senior Landscape Architect. Parks, Planning, Design and Capital Delivery Program and Monty Dean, Parks Project Deliver Officer. Parks, Planning, Design and Capital Delivery Program).

Runner up: Logan Gardens lighting upgrade, Logan City Council Public Lighting Team 

From left: Runner up for Safer Community Places and Spaces - Mr Luke Viil (representing the LCC Public Lighting Team) & Cr Teresa Lane - Division 2.

The Logan Gardens Lighting Upgrade provided greater connectivity from the carpark to the entry points of the park. The site offered great Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) opportunities for vehicles and pedestrians to be able to traverse through the area during the day and after dark. The completion of the project has seen the gardens lighting levels increased and great visual surveillance from the neighbouring properties and other park users. Smart Poles that contain lighting and CCTV have also been installed, helping to future proof the site.

(Image caption From left: Runner up for Safer Community Places and Spaces - Mr Luke Viil (representing the LCC Public Lighting Team) and Cr Teresa Lane - Division 2).

Collaboration in Community Safety / Crime Prevention

Winner: Riverdale Park, Logan City Council Parks Planning Design and Capital Delivery Program

from left: Winner for Collaboration in Community Safety/ Crime Prevention - Mr Lucas Lu (representing the LCC Parks, Planning Design & Capital Delivery Program) and Cr Nathan St Ledger - Division 4

The Riverdale Park project gained momentum with the support from the local Councillor and the enthusiastic community involvement. Loganlea State High School's Year 9 Signature Class played a pivotal role in selecting the park's unique dinosaur theme. The open layout of the play areas, combined with strategically placed seating and shelters enhances visibility and supports community safety and crime prevention, as well as a secure space for community gatherings and recreation.

(Image caption from left: Winner for Collaboration in Community Safety/ Crime Prevention - Mr Lucas Lu (representing the LCC Parks, Planning Design and Capital Delivery Program) and Cr Nathan St Ledger - Division 4).

Special mention: ‘A Van for Nan’, Defenders for Hope 

From left: Toomeka Smith (representing Defenders for Hope) and Cr St Ledger- Division 4

Councillor St Ledger recently presented Tomeeka from Defenders for Hope with a special mention award as part of the 2024 Safe City Awards for their incredible 'A Van for Nan' initiative.

Tomeeka and her team provide fresh meals, hampers and support to Logan's most vulnerable residents over the festive season. Tomeeka mentioned they hope to secure an additional van next year to continue assisting the growing number of older women facing homelessness in Logan.

Read more about the initiatives on the Defenders for Hope website.

(Image caption left: Special Mention Award in Collaboration in Community Safety/Crime Prevention category Toomeka Smith (representing Defenders for Hope) and Cr St Ledger- Division 4)

Past winners

Various images stiches together of past Safety Awards winners

You can view past winners on the Safe City Awards previous winners page.