Anyone selling or supplying goods from a public place, road, roadside or reserve needs a permit from Logan City Council. This includes selling or supplying from a stall, booth, stand, table, van or truck.
We want to make sure roadside selling is only done from a location that is safe for patrons, pedestrians and all road users.
Roadside itinerant vending can include:
- mobile roadside vending (travelling from place to place and stopping when signalled by a customer), or
- stationary roadside vending (parking / setting-up in the one place for a period of time).
Some examples of businesses that will require a roadside vending permit include:
- street traders
- mobile vans
- circus companies.
You will also need a license if you want to sell food items on the road. For more information, see Food roadside vending.
Charities and not for profit organisations
Charities and not for profit originations that sell or supply goods from a public place, road, roadside or reserve also need a permit from Logan City Council.
There will also be a 50 percent reduction in the application and permit fees if you can supply the Australian Taxation Office Charity endorsement or proof that you are from an incorporated association (under the Associations Incorporated Act 1981) with your application.
How to apply
Planning for the application
There are many public health and safety issues to consider when selecting a site for the roadside vending. Make sure you provide all of the information listed on the application form with your application.
When choosing a location, the site must be safe for the roadside vendor and for motorists stopping. The operation of the roadside vending must not create a traffic problem, increase an existing traffic problem or detrimentally affect the efficiency of the existing road network.
The ideal site will:
- have road speeds of 60 kilometresor less
- not be near:
- intersections
- traffic lights, or
- traffic accident hot spots
- not be on a busy road
- have sufficient road side shoulders and parking area, condition and width of road verges, and safe pull-off areas for decelerating vehicles.
- have clear long distant lines of sight, road type and condition, average speed environment and the driveable condition of the carriage way.
If your desired location is in a Council park, you will need to notify our Parks branch and complete the online form.
You may also need approvals from other agencies to operate on a State-controlled road e.g. the Department of Transport and Main Roads.
Submitting your application
Download and complete the Itinerant vending (other than food) from a public place or council property - permit application form (PDF 101 KB) and return it to us with payment.
Delays in the assessment and approval process will occur if you don’t include all of the required information.
If you add sites to your application after you lodge it additional fees may be charged.
You can submit and pay your application in the following ways:
Application assessment
The application will be assessed under our relevant local laws, planning schemes and policies.
Delays in the assessment and approval process will occur if there is information missing from the application.
It is your responsibility to obtain a permit prior to operating.
Conducting roadside vending without a permit may result in an on the spot fine and could result in prosecution.
State Government approvals
If you would like to operate on a State-controlled road, you will need written approval from the Department of Transport and Main Roads. Please visit the Department of Transport and Main Roads website for more information.
What is a State-controlled road?
For a list of State-controlled roads in Logan, please see State-controlled roads.