Request for tenders and expressions of interest

When we expect to spend more than $500,000 (excluding GST) in one contract, we must invite tenders, except where the Contract Manual allows for an exception.

Businesses seeking opportunities to do business with us are encouraged to register on VendorPanel.

Registered businesses can:

  • download tender documents
  • be notified of upcoming tenders and expressions of interest
  • take part in tender forums
  • lodge electronic tender submissions, free of charge.

When registering make sure you set up your supply categories to receive opportunities that may be of interest to you in the future.

We urge businesses not to solely rely on email notifications for tender opportunities. Check the website on a regular basis for any upcoming tender opportunities.

If you need help with your VendorPanel account, please contact VendorPanel directly on 03 9095 6181 or

Current tenders

We use our VendorPanel portal to advertise our request for tenders and expressions of interest to the market and to manage the procurement process through to the contract award stage. Businesses looking for opportunities to do business with us are encouraged to:

Evaluation of tenders and expressions of interest

Details of our evaluation method, process and criteria will be outlined in the tender / expression of interest document.

We generally follow a three-gate evaluation process for tenders/expressions of interest. An alternate evaluation methodology may be used where it is considered advantageous to do so.

Gate 1 - Mandatory criteria or information to facilitate the process

At the first gate, we will identify any tenders that do not follow the mandatory requirements. These non-conforming tenders will not progress through to gates 2 or 3.

Gate 2 - Scoring criteria

We will select submissions based on non-price criteria. Tenderers that demonstrate the required capacity and capability will progress to gate 3.

Gate 3 - Value for money

We will select offers based on best value for money.

For more information about submitting a tender please download the Submit a conforming tender response .

Site inspections and briefings

We may hold site inspections or briefings as part of the tender process. These may be mandatory or non-mandatory and are generally conducted while the tender is being advertised.


Throughout the assessment period, we may ask for more information to clarify your tender. If you do not give us the information we request, we may deem your tender as non-conforming and exclude it from consideration.

Post tender negotiations

We may enter into negotiations with a preferred tenderer or a short listed number of tenderers.

Accepting tenders

When we have decided to award a contract, we will let the successful supplier know by sending documentation as soon as possible.

Unsuccessful suppliers will be notified of the outcome of their tender.

We are not bound to accept the lowest price or any tender. We may accept any tender in whole or in part.

We may not consider any tender which:

  • was not lodged in line with the requirements of the tender conditions by the closing date
  • does not conform with the requirements of the tender documents
  • requests changes or variations based on any condition or qualification.


We encourage tenderers to request a debriefing for feedback on their offer.

Debriefing sessions are not an opportunity to raise complaints. They are an opportunity to see what you did well and what needs some improvement. If you wish to make a formal complaint, please use our complaints process.

We will not compare your tender with the successful tender or justify the selection of the successful tenderer.