Pre-lodgement advice

Before lodging an application, you can get advice from us about your proposed development.

Pre-lodgement meetings

A pre-lodgement meeting is a free service we offer so that you can talk to us about your proposed development. Pre-lodgement meetings aim to identify known proposed development issues, site location information and our strategic objectives for the development of the area.

You do not have to be the property owner to request a pre-lodgement meeting over a property.

Before a pre-lodgement meeting, you will need to provide us with:

  • concept plans (drawn to scale with the scale clearly marked) showing the location of all physical structures, like buildings, landscaping and site features like pathways and slopes, and
  • supporting material about your proposed development.

The detail and accuracy of our advice will depend on the level of information you give to us before the meeting.

We do not offer pre-lodgement meetings for the types of development listed below.  These types of development are treated as general planning and development enquiries, please see contact our team for more information.

Pre-lodgement meeting information cannot not be released to anyone other than the applicant or meeting attendees. Information about pre-lodgement meetings is not available in the Development Enquiry Tool.

To request a pre-lodgement meeting, please:

We will confirm your pre-lodgement meeting request date and time by email within 10 days. Meetings are held at our Administration Centre at 150 Wembley Road, Logan Central.

Pre-lodgement advice for developments that require structure planning

Development proposals in the Emerging community zone, where no general planning layout or land use area plan has been provided by Council, will require the preparation of a structure plan.

This is because detailed land use and infrastructure planning has not been undertaken for these areas and is required before any development application can be lodged.

To progress any potential development proposals in these areas, the applicant will be responsible for undertaking the necessary investigations and drafting of a structure plan.

Pre-lodgement advice about structure plans will be provided in the following format:



Step 1

The process for structure plan proposals will start with written advice by us. This advice will identify matters to be addressed by the structure plan and requirements for the full geographical extent of the structure plan area.

Step 2

On the basis of our written advice, the applicant will be required to prepare a draft structure plan. This will be reviewed by our officers, who will consult with the divisional councillor about the draft plan.

Step 3

A meeting to discuss the draft structure plan will then be held.  We will provide feedback on the draft plan and comments from the divisional councillor. A written record of the outcomes of this meeting is given to the applicant.

Step 4

A meeting between the applicant, Council and the divisional councillor will then be held. This will provide an informal opportunity for the divisional councillor and the applicant to discuss any critical matters about the draft plan.

Step 5

Following the applicant making any required amendments to incorporate final comments from Council, the structure plan will be finalised.


The process described above will take about four weeks from the time we receive the pre-lodgement meeting request.

We require the applicant to sign a waiver, as part of the pre-lodgement meeting request form. This allows us to use the finalised structure plan in discussions about sites affected by the plan or those influenced by the plan, i.e. connectivity, etc.

For more information about pre-lodgement meetings, please contact our team.

Letters of advice

You can request written advice about some development activities, including:

  • Request for a pre-request response notice
  • Liquor licensing investigation
  • Overlay Advice Certificate
  • Other - which may include:
    • Confirmation of the level of assessment
    • Confirmation of the Currency Period
    • Weapons Investigation
    • Confirmation of Existing Use Rights
    • Motor Dealers Investigation

To request a letter of advice, please: