Mother of Millions

Mother-of-millions in flower. Tall orange-red bell shaped flower

Scientific name: Bryophyllum species


  • Perennial, erect, succulent herb, up to one metretall
  • establishing well in leaf litter or other debris on shallow soils in shady woodlands 
  • Green to grey-brown leaves can be tubular, serrated boat or lance shaped
  • All species form tall flower spikes in winter with clusters of yellowish-green to orange-red bell shaped flowers.


Poisonous to horses and easily spreads vegetatively.

Weed status - restricted matter category 3

Includes weeds, pest animals and noxious fish such as gambusia, dingoes and yellow crazy ants.

You must not distribute this restricted matter.

Due to its potential to cause serious economic, environmental or social harm, these weeds are regulated by Council.

We have an annual inspection program for properties in Logan.

Council has the authority to issue a Biosecurity Order to properties with category three restricted matter.

Control method

Foliar spray

Herbicide is diluted with water at a specific rate, and sprayed over the foliage to point of runoff.

Most suited to shrubs, grasses and dense vines less than six metres tall.

Manual removal

Manual control uses hands or hand tools to control weeds.

This can be an effective control as it can minimize soil disturbance and can instantly remove the entire weed.

Herbicide warning

Before using any herbicide always read the label carefully and ensure that the chemical is registered for use on the target weed. All herbicides must be applied strictly in accordance with the directions on the label. 

More information