Logan Water

Service Service description Service standard

Total water and wastewater main breaks

The total number of water main breaks, bursts and leaks, and wastewater main blocks and chokes in all diameter distribution and reticulation mains

25 breaks per 100 kilometres of main

Incidence of unplanned interruptions

The number of unplanned interruptions where customers are without potable water supply, per 1,000 connected properties

Aiming for 90 percent of property connections to experience no unplanned water supply interruptions annually

Average response time for water and sewerage incidents

The average response time for water service incidents, regardless of whether the incident causes an interruption to customers. It is determined as the time it takes to get a person / team on-site to commence fixing the problem

Aiming to respond to urgent water and wastewater incidents within two hours (non-urgent within 36 hours)

Restoring services following unplanned interruptions

An interruption commences when the water utility is aware that the water supply or wastewater service is interrupted and ceases when normal service is restored

Aiming to restore normal service levels within five hours

Pressure and flow

The minimum flow rate and pressure at a customer’s property connection

Supply our customers with water at a minimum flow rate of 20 litres per minute to meet household needs (for standard residential connections)

New connections

Connection to the water or wastewater network

Connect your property to our water and wastewater network within 15 working days of receiving your application and payment (where the relevant service is available)