Infrastructure planning and charges

Extra payments outside the Priority Infrastructure Area (PIA)

Logan is one of the fastest growing cities in South East Queensland. The Priority Infrastructure Area (PIA) is the area we have prioritised, and can afford to fund, for delivery of trunk infrastructure to service this growth. The PIA is shown in the maps in our Local Government Infrastructure Plan (LGIP), which is Part 4 and Schedule 3 of our local planning scheme.

It costs more to deliver infrastructure outside the PIA because the necessary planning has not been completed and these areas are generally not well connected to our existing networks (roads, water, sewer, drainage etc.).  We need developers to help deliver and fund the necessary trunk infrastructure to service the new communities emerging in these areas.

Extra payment condition

On 11 September 2024 Council decided to apply, where appropriate, an extra payment condition to developments outside the PIA which make new trunk infrastructure necessary. That infrastructure (like major roads, intersections, water, sewer, or drainage infrastructure) may not currently be planned and funded in our LGIP, or may need to be delivered earlier than planned because of the development. 

Applicable development

The extra payment condition may apply to applications which are properly made on or after 16 September 2024. 

Whether or not an extra payment condition will apply depends on whether the proposed development needs trunk infrastructure which is not planned in our LGIP. This is worked out during our assessment of the development application.

The extra payment does not apply to:

  • infrastructure identified in the LGIP (where appropriate this will be conditioned as necessary trunk infrastructure under section 128 of the Planning Act 2016)
  • development in the Priority Development Areas of Yarrabilba and Greater Flagstone, which are managed by the Queensland Government
  • applications which do not require trunk infrastructure (e.g. for houses)
  • operational works applications.

Payment amount

The Planning Act 2016 allows local governments to impose this condition and states, in section 133, what can be included. All trunk infrastructure made necessary by the development, and not identified in the LGIP, will be included, as well as the infrastructure needed to service the rest of the area (if the development is located in the Emerging Community zone).

The amount will be indexed using the 3 year average Producer Price Index (PPI) for the period. The period starts on the day the decision notice for the development application is given and ends on the day the amount is paid.

The amount is paid at the time specified in section 131 of the Planning Act 2016.

Developer options

Developers can choose to deliver the necessary infrastructure instead of paying the extra payment amount. We will enter into an infrastructure agreement to specify the infrastructure charges payable and the trunk infrastructure that needs to be delivered instead of paying the extra amount.

Infrastructure charges discount

For a period of 3 years, until 15 September 2027, we will offer a discount to the infrastructure charges where an extra payment condition applies. This may be subject to review.

An infrastructure agreement will be needed to receive the discount. No cross-crediting will be applied when calculating the discount, as it is not an offset as provided for in the Planning Act 2016.

The infrastructure charges discount will be the lower amount of:

  • the extra payment amount for an infrastructure network, or
  • the portion of the infrastructure charges according to the network split, indicated below, for the network where the extra payment condition applies (e.g. if a road is to be delivered, it will be the split for the road network).

The network splits are identified in the table below.

Trunk infrastructure network Discount
Movement (roads) 37 percent
Water supply 12 percent
Sewerage 33 percent
Stormwater 4 percent
Parks 12 percent
Land for community facilities 2 percent

Further information

For further information about the extra payment condition please: