What goes in the Recycling Bin? Yellow bin explained video transcript

Start of transcript

Text on screen:

Recycling… As easy as red. Yellow. Green!


The greyscale animation pans down from the sky passed trees and houses to reveal personified red, yellow and green bin characters in colour.


The brightness is decreased, and a spotlight appears on the yellow recycling bin. The perspective zooms in on the yellow recycling bin character as she holds up an empty milk bottle.

Yellow recycling bin:

Did somebody say recycling?! You might have seen me around your house or community. Recognise my yellow lid? I thought so!


Perspective zooms in on the yellow recycling bin. Items start to appear around the yellow bin, including, an empty yogurt container, a cardboard box, a glass bottle, glass jars, a newspaper, an orange juice carton, and an empty milk bottle. The items fly into a single pile as the yellow bin begins to open it’s lid. Before the items fly into the bin, a soda can appears and join the group. Once in the bin, the yellow lid closes.

Yellow recycling bin:

My favourite materials? I’m glad you asked! If it’s paper, cardboard, glass bottles and jars or plastic bottles and containers, then it belongs in my bin. That goes for cans as well. Both aluminium and steel cans are just as fabulous!


An array of items fly in and form an arch around the yellow bin, from left to right, a takeaway food container, a drill, a game controller, lawn clippings, leaves, a plastic bag, a broken mug, a diaper and a robot toy. The objects then fly out of view away from the yellow bin.

Yellow recycling bin:

Don’t even think about it, sugar. Keep those awful soft plastics away from me! So nappies, food, and garden waste are out!


More items fly in and form an arch around the bin, from left to right, batteries, toxic chemicals, motor oil and a gas cannister. The objects then fly out of view away from the yellow bin.

Yellow recycling bin:

And definitely nothing hazardous. None of these items are recyclable. Okay?


Perspective pans slightly to the right as a can of beans appears to the right of the yellow bin. Followed by a plastic bag. The beans fly into the plastic bag and a large prohibited symbol appears above the bag. The bag then disappears and the perspective pans back to the left.

Yellow recycling bin:

Now that I can work with! Remember to keep your recyclables loose, no bags permitted in my bin. Make sure I’m facing the road for my adoring fans the night before bin day. Yeah baby! Take me to the kerb.


The yellow bin wheels out of from. The animation then pans up to the sky to reveal text.

Text on screen:

Visit logan.qld.gov.au/whichbin to find out how to make recycling as easy as red, yellow, green.

End of transcript.