Goodna Road and New Beith Road Upgrade

The entrance from Goodna Road to the Greenbank State School

Project Overview

With our city’s population set to increase by more than 50 per cent by 2041, improving our road network is one of the ways we are preparing for the future. As part of this, we have been assessing road corridor options along Goodna Road and New Beith Road.

Following community consultation and a detailed technical assessment, the adopted new road corridor will bypass the Greenbank State School to separate school traffic from growing traffic volumes in the area. This will help ease local congestion and improve traffic flow.

The new road will be delivered in two stages, with stage 1 initially being a single lane in each direction.

In stage 2, the road will expand to a dual-lane configuration, featuring two lanes in each direction and a centralised median strip. The stage 2 expansion is planned for the future, aligning with the growth of our population and contingent upon securing the necessary funding.

View a map of the new corridor (PDF 76 KB)

Note: Roads in the corridor map are for illustration purposes. The exact alignment of the road will be determined during the preliminary design stage.

Latest update

The final alignment was endorsed at the Ordinary Council Meeting on 22 May 2024.  We will be reaching out to impacted property owners in the coming weeks when more information is available regarding individual properties.


All property owners within the alignment corridor, whether they are impacted or not, will receive an update letter shortly.


We will continue to provide further updates as soon as possible.


Have Your Say survey results

Project timing

Initial concept planning began in 2020.

Between March to May 2022, the community was invited to provide their feedback on the proposed road alignment options. The community engagement results were completed in October 2022.

The project has progressed to preliminary design where the position of the road within the alignment corridor will be determined. We will be back in touch with the community in the first half of 2024 to share the chosen road alignment.

Detailed design will proceed in 2025.


Project features

The design includes:

  • upgraded intersections at Thompson Road, Ison Road, Middle Road and Goodna Road
  • a new intersection at New Beith Road where the road bypasses Greenbank State School
  • two 3.5 metre-wide travel lanes (single lane in each direction) in stage 1
  • four 3.5 metre-wide travel lanes (dual lane in each direction) in stage 2 with a centralised median
  • new shared paths for pedestrians and bike riders
  • upgraded road lighting.

Project benefits

The Goodna Road and New Beith Road Upgrade will deliver a range of benefits, including: 

  • improved traffic flow and reduced congestion around Greenbank State School
  • more reliable travel times 
  • improved connectivity to Springfield and surrounding suburbs
  • a safer environment for vehicles, people who ride bikes and pedestrians as traffic in the area increases. 

Land requirements

To complete the project, some land will need to be acquired. Once the new road alignment has been approved, we will be in contact with impacted property owners.

We aim to minimise property impacts as much as possible.

Community event

We would like to thank all those who attended the community information session in May 2022 and provided feedback on the proposed road alignments.

Our team has been working through the feedback and taking it into consideration as they progress the detailed design.

Have your say

The Have Your Say survey opened from March 2022 to May 2022, and asked the community what was important to them in planning for the road realignment. We would like to thank those who contributed to the survey, your input will be taken into consideration when determining the road alignment.

Download a copy of the Community Engagement summary report (PDF 119 KB)

Other related projects

Contact us

If you would like more information or to provide feedback about the project, please:

  • call our  Project Communications Team on 07 3412 3412
  • email us at or
  • write to us, please address your letter to:
    • Road Infrastructure Delivery – Goodna Road and New Beith Road Upgrade
      Logan City Council
      PO Box 3226
      Logan City DC, QLD, 4114.

Our project team will respond to community questions as soon as possible.

Frequently asked questions

What is involved in the preliminary design stage?

The preliminary design stage involves undertaking a range of engineering assessments to determine the exact position of the new road.

During this stage you may notice site personnel carrying out investigations in the local area. These surveys and assessments began in February 2023.

Engineering investigations may include:

  • environmental and cultural heritage assessments
  • geotechnical investigations
  • topographical surveying
  • underground service searches.

We will work to reduce the impacts as far as possible to residents and properties, the environment, and flooding.

What’s next?

Once we complete the preliminary design stage we will notify residents of the specific alignment of the new road.

A detailed design phase will follow. During this phase we will discuss land requirements with residents that are directly affected.

We will keep the local community informed as the project progresses.

How do I find out more about the property acquisition process?

We carry out a significant Capital Works Program to benefit our growing community. Projects like this new road may require us to acquire part or all of a property or establish an easement.

If your property is affected by land requirements, you may be able to apply for early acquisition if you can show that a delay in acquiring your property will cause genuine hardship.

To discuss early property acquisition or find out more: