
Former Logan Mayor Darren Power talks about the importance of understanding our flood risk.

Logan City Council New Flood Mapping transcript

Understanding flood risk

Logan is a green city. We value our natural environment and the major rivers (the Logan and the Albert River) and creek catchments it includes. Floods are part of our environment, but they can be tough for communities and individuals. Understanding our flood risk helps us to:

  • protect people and property
  • make better decisions
  • avoid making flooding worse
  • support our emergency response and evacuation. 

Flood risk is different in different parts of the city. How likely a flood of a certain size is, how it might behave, and what impact it might have are important factors we consider when we develop our flood risk maps and policies. We use updated flood information from recently completed flood studies (please refer to the tables below).

To help you understand your flood risk you can view the flood mapping and get a flood report from the Logan Flood Portal.

To learn more please see our Risk-based flood mapping fact sheet (PDF 504 KB). You can also see our Glossary (PDF, 370 KB) for key terms and concepts related to flooding.

If you would like help understanding flood risk please call us on 07 3412 3412 or email us at council@logan.qld.gov.au.

Flood studies and modelling

Logan’s River and Catchment Engineering team talk about how the new flood modelling and mapping is developed so that we can understand flood risk and plan carefully to stay safe in future. 

Why we flood map transcript

Council has a rolling Flood Studies Review Program to help us improve our understanding of the flood risk across Logan’s different catchments. We take into account State legislation, policies and guidelines and a range of factors such as climate change, new rainfall and river level information from recent flood events, growth in our city, catchment conditions, new technology and industry best practice. We work with specialist consultants to deliver updated flood modelling and studies. 

In line with the recommendations of the Queensland Floods Commission of Inquiry, we share that information with our community to help keep people and property safe. Updated flood studies will be published here, to help our community be flood aware, ready and resilient. Flood study mapping (depth, velocity, level and hazard) and reports for a property or point (selected location on the map) are available in the free online Logan Flood Portal.

The table below outlines the status of flood studies and provides links to the relevant documents for accepted studies. You can download a map of Logan’s catchments and waterways (PDF 2.6MB) that shows the extent of the area covered by each flood study. For further information or for help understanding the flood risk on your property, please contact Council.

New flood information for Upper Oxley Creek and Windaroo and Belivah Creeks - April 2024 (PDF 345 KB)

Flood study



Logan and Albert Rivers

Accepted October 2023

View the flood study document (PDF 26.6 MB)

See our fact sheet (PDF 114 KB) for information about requesting the model.

Slacks and Scrubby Creeks

Accepted October 2023

View the flood study document (PDF 41 MB)

Quinzeh Creek

Accepted October 2023

View the flood study document (PDF 197 MB)


View more information for Yarrabilba at Yarrabilba Masterplan Flood Risk Management Strategy Report (Lendlease, 2024).

Days Creek and Roberts Waterhole

Accepted October 2023

View the flood study document (PDF 117 MB)

Henderson Creek

Accepted October 2023

View the flood study document (PDF 29 MB)

Chambers Creek

Accepted October 2023

View the flood study document (PDF 182 MB)

Upper Oxley Creek

Accepted April 2024

View the flood study document (PDF 11 MB)

Windaroo and Belivah Creeks

Accepted April 2024

View the flood study document (PDF 70.4 MB)

Flagstone and Sandy Creeks In progress Expected to be available in mid 2025
Priest Gully In progress Expected to be available in mid to late 2025
Schmidt’s Creek In progress Expected to be available in mid to late 2025
Norris Creek, Munruben Planned Expected to be available in early 2026

TLPI No. 1/2024

On 6 March 2025, Temporary Local Planning Instrument (TLPI) No. 1/2024 commenced, giving effect to updated risk-based flood mapping and policy in the City of Logan. This instrument overrides existing flood provisions in the Logan Planning Scheme 2015, to ensure that the latest flood risk information and mapping is used to guide planning and development decisions as our city grows. The previous TLPI No. 1/2023 was repealed when TLPI No. 1/2024 commenced.

New development in Logan needs to consider potential flood risk and may need to:

  • avoid areas where flood risk it too high, so that we do not increase the exposure of people, property or important community infrastructure to future flood impacts
  • meet requirements to mitigate flood risk, such as raised floor levels and safe evacuation to suitable flood-free areas.

The changes introduced by the TLPI are also proposed as part of the draft Logan Plan. Public consultation for the proposed planning scheme, and the flood policy it contains, is expected to take place in late 2025 after the State Interest Check has been completed with the Queensland Government.

To learn more about the TLPI for risk-based flood mapping and policy you can:

Listen to what Uncle Terry has to say

Uncle Terry (Chair of Logan Elders, Kamilaroi Man) talks about Flooding, and how it is part of our natural environment and part of Logan’s story for generations.

Uncle Terry video transcript

Past floods

The flood hazard mapping used for planning and awareness purposes does not represent any specific actual flood. It is a prediction based on analysis of the long term rainfall and river level records. When considering the risk of flooding we need to look at long-term trends.

Logan experienced particularly large floods in the late 1880s, 1947 and 1974. It is possible some residents have not witnessed floods like those in the time they have lived here. That does not mean a flood like that won’t happen again. 

When flood models are developed, we simulate historic flood events to ensure that the model predictions match the behaviour of flood water in actual flood events that have occurred. The model is then used to understand what a larger flood may look like. 

There have been a number of significant floods in the City of Logan in recent years. These events are listed in the table below with their approximate size using the scale of Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP). A 1% AEP means there is a 1 in 100 likelihood of a flood of this size occurring in any given year. It does not mean that a flood of that size will only occur once in every 100 years. A lower likelihood represents a more serious flood, i.e. flood levels would be higher in a 1% AEP event than those experienced in a 2% or 5% AEP event. Each flood is unique, and any given flood will have different impacts in different areas. Properties impacted by a 1% AEP flood in one year may experience different impacts in a 1% AEP flood in another year.

Interactive mapping of the estimated flood affected areas (extent) for the 1974, 2017 and 2022 floods are available in the Logan Flood Portal. These historic flood maps are based on the best information Council has. Local creek or overland flow flooding may also have occurred but not be shown on the map.

Flood event

Logan River Maclean’s Bridge

Logan River

Albert River Beenleigh





March 2022

2%-5% AEP flood

2%-5% AEP flood

1%-2% AEP flood

1%-2% AEP flood

The Logan River experienced the highest levels since 1974 in the urban areas, although peak levels were very similar to the 2017 flood. Whilst the Albert River experienced a significant flood event in 2022, the 2017 flood remains the largest since 1974.

March 2017

(from ex Tropical Cyclone Debbie)

2%-5% AEP flood

 2%-5% AEP flood

 0.5%-1% AEP flood (slightly greater than 1%)

Approx. 0.2% AEP flood (new record)

According to the Bureau of Meteorology this flood (March 2017) was the most severe in recent memory, with new record flood levels set along the Logan River at Beaudesert and Maclean Bridge, and a new record at Bromfleet for the Albert River. Beenleigh experienced its highest flood since 1887.

January 1974

2%-5% AEP flood

1%-2% AEP flood

 Not available

1%-2% AEP flood

In 1974 the Maclean’s Bridge gauge was in a different location.

This event (1974) is the closest to a 1% AEP flood that Logan has experienced in recent times.


You can also find more information about the flood warning system and gauges for the Logan River and Albert River catchments operated by the Australian Government, Bureau of Meteorology.

Understand your risk and be prepared to stay safe

Logan’s Disaster Management Officers and State Emergency Services controllers talk about their experience helping people during floods, and the importance of understanding your risk and being prepared.

Flooding: Be Prepared, Be Aware video transcript

Flood insurance

Australian insurers use a common definition of flood based on the covering of normally dry land by water that has escaped from the normal confines of a lake, river, creek or other natural watercourse or a reservoir, canal or dam.  Water damage from stormwater, storm surge and tidal inundation is not typically included but may be covered under other policy elements, such as water hazards.  Insurers approach premium calculations for flood cover in different ways, but commonly they are proportional to a property’s value and risk of flooding across a range of ‘what if’ scenarios.  Many factors influence pricing, including the history of flooding and flood claims in the area, the level of risk estimated by flood modelling, the size of the house, number of storeys, building materials used and construction type, along with the expected cost of repair/recovery.  

There are increasing challenges with the affordability and availability of insurance in Australia. It is important that we use the best possible information and technologies available to improve our understanding of flood risk for the full range of possible floods. This helps insurers to calculate the cost of the risk more accurately.  Better information reduces uncertainty and assumptions that may increase premiums. 

Insurers are interested in current risk (for the next 12 months or policy period) and do not consider risk under projected future climate scenarios.  You can view mapping for current climate flood scenarios, based on the latest accepted flood studies in the City of Logan, in the Logan Flood Portal. We provide this information to help you understand your flood risk so that you can seek the appropriate level of insurance and make decisions which are right for you.  The resources listed below may be helpful.

Before a flood

During a flood

We have installed a number of Flood Watch Cameras around Logan. You can check the cameras to find out creek levels across the city. They will help you prepare and plan for flooding and find different routes when there are road closures. You can view the cameras 24-hours a day. During the night, the quality of the image may change due to lighting.

Visit our Disaster Dashboard for camera feeds and the latest information on weather warnings, road closures, power outages and evacuation centres.

You should also:

  • secure objects that could float away and cause damage
  • check social media, listen to your radio or watch television for the latest information and warnings.

If you have to leave your home during a major flood:

  • turn off the electricity, gas and water at the mains
  • take your emergency kit
  • take your pets with you
  • consider staying with friends or family in safer areas – wherever you go, let others know.

More information can be found on the Get Ready Queensland website. 

Remember, once you enter floodwaters, you are giving up control of your vehicle. If it's flooded, forget it!

Disclaimer: We make every effort to ensure the flood camera images are as accurate as possible. There is no validation of this information. It is your responsibility to make decisions about the currency, accuracy and completeness of the information and images. We accept no responsibility or liability for any loss or damage incurred as a result of this information or its use in any way.

After a flood

  • visit our Disaster Dashboard for updates on roads re-opening, power outages and weather warnings
  • be careful when returning to your home after a flood. Do not enter floodwaters
  • floodwater can be full of bacteria, so wear shoes at all times and do not allow children to play in or around flood waters
  • record details of flood damage by taking photos or video for insurance purposes
  • don't use gas or electrical appliances that have been flood-affected until checked by a service provider
  • do not eat food that has been in contact with floodwater
  • boil all tap water until the water supply is safe.