I am not sure my proposal is eligible, is there someone I can discuss the matter with prior to preparing documentation?
Yes, please contact the Place Making and Urban Design team on 07 3412 3412 or email placemakingandurbandesign@logan.qld.gov.au
Can I still apply for the FIP if I am a tenant?
Yes, you can apply as a tenant of an eligible property if you have written consent from the landowner to do so.
My property is identified within a heritage overlay, can I still apply for the FIP?
Yes, properties with heritage significance are encouraged to apply. The proposed works must be complementary to the character of the heritage asset.
If my application was successful – how long do I have to complete the works and submit my acquittal form?
As a successful applicant you will receive a letter of agreement that includes the timeframe for the works to be completed. Typically, all relevant work must be completed within one year of signing the letter of agreement.
I am interested but now is not the right time to invest. How long will this program be running?
We launched the program for the first time in 2022, and should the program prove to be successful further rounds of funding may be released. We advise that interested parties register their interest so they can be contacted directly in future.
My property contains several tenancies within the same building, can I apply for each rentable space or only one for the building?
One application per building is preferred, however we will consider all applications based on their individual merits. Applicants are encouraged to contact us prior to preparing documentation to discuss the eligibility of their proposal.
I have recently completed façade improvement works; can I apply for funding to cover reimburse these costs?
No, the funding is available for proposed works only. No works will be funded retrospectively.
What is the maximum amount of funding that I can apply for?
We will fund $2 dollars for each $1 dollar of improvements up to a maximum of $10,000.00 (excl. GST) per each successful project.
Will I need a permit or approval to complete my proposed improvement works?
It is the responsibility of the applicant to determine if separate approvals are required. Applicants are encouraged to contact us to discuss their project and additional approvals required. The FIP funds cannot be used to pay for permits or approvals associated with the proposed façade improvement works.
Why do I need to provide two quotes for the improvement works?
Two quotes from licenced contractors are required to be submitted in support of the application. The quotes are required to ensure that both Council and the applicant are gaining value for money.
Can I spend the money on professional fees, staffing, wages, or marketing of the improvements?
No, the money allocated by us must be exclusively used to fund works on the façade improvement works.
Does Council waive any fees for approvals associated with the works?
No, fees for associated permits and approvals are the responsibility of the applicant and should be factored into their budgeting for the project.
What is a licenced contractor?
The Queensland Building and Construction Commission licenses tradespeople to stamp out illegitimate operators from the industry and to create a level playing field for all tradespeople. By law licence numbers should be shown on all advertising, stationery, and signage.
What is the acquittal process?
Once works are complete, successful applicants will be required to lodge an acquittal form (through Smarty Grants) providing evidence of their project, expenditure, and outcomes. Applicants that do not satisfactorily acquit their grant may not be eligible for future funding.
What is the process for releasing the grant funds?
Successful applicants will be required to sign a letter of agreement with us identifying the conditions of releasing funds. Once the acquittal form has been completed and approved by Council, funds will be released to the applicant.
How do we determine the amount of grant money offered?
We will decide each application for funding based on an assessment of the identified FIP criteria. Council retains full discretion to allocate funding based on the merits of the application within the budget of the FIP.
How do I submit my application?
Applications are to be lodged through the Smarty Grants portal.
Who makes the final decision?
The assessment panel for the FIP will assess the merits of each application against the identified FIP criteria. The panel will identify the successful applicants and provide their recommendation to the Economic Development and Strategy Branch Manager for consideration. The decision of Council for funding applications is final.
Can I dispute the final decision?
No, the final decision of Council is final. Unsuccessful applicants may discuss their application with the relevant Council officers. If your application is not successful, the decision does not necessarily mean the proposal did not hold merit or reflect public benefit. Unsuccessful applicants are encouraged to engage with us with respect to future funding rounds.