Eagle Drive Road Rehabilitation Works

Eagle Drive, view of the road and footpaths and houses along the road

Project overview

We are planning road rehabilitation works at Eagle Drive, Eagleby. These works are part of our Rehabilitation program to improve the local roads in our City.


Eagle Drive, Eagleby 4207


Start: Late-May 2024

Finish: Mid-September 2024

Work hours

6:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday

Some activities may occur outside of the work hours.

What is happening

Road Works, to be completed by Council include:

  • Reconstruction of the road pavement and associated road drainage works where needed
  • General tidying and verge works

Why is it happening

Rectification works will take place from house number 9 to 40 due to cracks and damage on the road surface.

Please note

Start and finish dates may change due to weather or construction conditions.

We will provide notice to you the week prior to works starting.


Latest updates Works are scheduled to commence 20 May 2024 pending weather and construction conditions  

What can I expect?

Temporary construction impacts include:

  • loss of street parking and restricted driveway access at times, affected residents will be notified
  • lane closures, traffic congestion and reduced speed limits
  • noise, dust, vibration and flashing lights from trucks and machinery
  • footpath detours and closures
  • potential disruptions to utility services, service provider(s) will notify you of any planned outages.

Be prepared

  • Do not park vehicles on the road near the closure area.
  • Plan your journey and expect delays.
  • If we are working outside your property and you need to get in or out, please let us know ahead of time by phone/talk with the traffic controllers.
  • Please advise us if there are occupants with health conditions that may require emergency response or healthcare services requiring access.

Other related projects

Contact us

If you would like more information or to provide feedback about the project, please:

  • call our project team on 07 3412 3412
  • email us at RCMCommunications@logan.qld.gov.au or
  • write to us, please address your letter to:
    • Road Construction and Maintenance – Eagle Drive, Eagleby
      Logan City Council
      PO Box 3226
      Logan City DC QLD, 4114.

Our project team will respond to community questions as soon as possible.